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Mousillon's finest hour came when Landuin, who had been battling alongside Gilles in freeing Bretonnia from the Greenskins, returned home to find Mousillon overrun with the living dead. Landuin rode into the midst of the Undead horde and was lost there for a full day, out of the sight of Gilles and his Companions who feared Landuin had been killed. Landuin returned after nightfall, carrying the head of the foul necromancer who commanded the Undead--Landuin had sought him out and slain him and so avenged the death of his kin at Undead hands and put right the desecration of his home. At daybreak, the Companions rode out, and the Undead horde, leaderless, was torn apart by their thunderous charge.[1a]

The site of the battle, some way east of the Port and just north of the Grismerie, is an area of unusually good soil for Mousillon, and it would make for excellent farming land if any peasant dared to plough it. The Victory is a reminder that Mousillon was once a land of verdant beauty, where the touch of the Lady could be seen in every rolling hill and stand of trees. However, the Victory is rarely visited because it is a place of death as well as beauty. So many walking dead were torn apart by the Companions' charge that thousands of bones still lie just beneath the surface or poking through the soil, preserved though the intervening centuries by some remnant of necromantic magic. Indeed, some dare to whisper that it is only the echo of that dark sorcery that gives the Victory life and not some blessing of the Lady.[1a]

At the centre of the Victory is a ruined stone keep, now little more than the crumbling stump of a tower, rumoured to be the place where Landuin fought the necromancer. It should be a place of pilgrimage and holiness, but few go to see it. The Victory as a whole is a place of great beauty, but also a sinister, indefinable wrongness that means few tarry there for long.[1a]


  • 1: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition -- Barony of the Damned (RPG)
    • 1a: pg. 21