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"What's Tilea like? Beautiful. Rugged. Poor. Wealthy nobles, ancient city states. Corrupt. There are many prejudices, many superstitions. There are many wars. Our men become mercenaries and bandits and seafarers..."

Katja Murillo to Felix Jaeger, quoting an old book.[55][83b][Note 1]

Tilea is a large, fertile peninsula located in the southern Old World, along the tranquil coast of the warm and bountiful Tilean Sea.[1m] The wealthy city-states of Tilea, sometimes collectively referred to as the Tilean City-States,[40d] dot Tilea's landscape and share similar cultural ideals, embracing trade, exploration, progress, and civil war with almost equal passion. Tilea is a land of great wealth and advancement, known far and wide as the cradle from which the ideals of democracy, civil liberty, and justice were birthed.[1n] It is here that the first true republics of the Old World were formed by the region's people, such as the Republic of Remas, while other areas are ruled by a powerful caste of wealthy merchants, known collectively as the Merchant Princes.[1k]

Tilea is the most powerful of the southern realms, a collection of rival city-states ruled over by their mercantile elite who have occasionally tended to follow the lead of Remas, the most powerful of their number when the nation was a republic. While it is a land that scorns typical ideas of royalty and nobility, it is a hotbed of political wrangling, where careless outsiders may find themselves caught up in the schemes of the merchant princes.[7a][24a]

Yet for all its wealth and advancement, Tilea is, like much of the Old World, a fractious, war-torn region, where the fertile countryside becomes the battleground from which legions of mercenaries clash in titanic struggles that serve no purpose other than to advance the petty and greedy ambition of the rich and the few. As such, it should be no surprise that the greatest concentration of these gold-hungry cutthroats can be found in the lands of Tilea. Perhaps it is fitting that these mercenaries are known collectively as the Dogs of War.[1h]


For a full chronology of Tilean history, see Tilean Timeline


An interactive Map of Tilea.

Decaying Ruins of a Golden Age (ca. -4110 to -1780 IC)

"It is well known that the founding of our glorious Empire was the starting point of Human civilisation in the Old World. However, the self-important and pointlessly stubborn scholars of the Tilean city-states persist with fictitious claims that it was their ancestors that were the true civilisers. Unfortunately, the obvious falsehood of their lies is all but impossible to prove, particularly as the dishonest Tileans have scrolls and records they claim date from this early time."

Hieronymous, Scholar of Nuln.[3a]
Caledor II

Phoenix King Caledor II of Ulthuan charging the Dawi during the War of the Beard.

The High Elf reports that around -4110 IC, during the reign of the Phoenix King Bel Shanaar the Explorer, the Elves of Ulthuan were drawn to the shores of the Old World. Consequently, they also explored the Tilean Sea, where they established several colonies to create trading networks with the Dwarfs of the Old World.[91a][1n]

According to Dwarf accounts written after the threat to the mortal world from Chaos was ended by the Elves' establishment of the Great Vortex at the end of the wars of the Great Catastrophe, during ca. -3500 IC, the first primitive, nomadic tribes of Men migrated to the Old World from the Southlands. They were few in number, used tools and weapons made from wood and stone, and settled initially in the southern lands that would later become Tilea and Estalia, two hundred years before the first tribes of nomadic men crossed the Worlds Edge Mountains from the east. The Dwarfs largely ignored them, especially since the two races lived so far apart.[26b]

In those ancient times the Dwarfs of the Old World still dealt and traded with the Elves of Ulthuan and so a Dwarf-built road carried great wealth and finery from Tilea in the west, through the Border Princes and the Badlands to the mighty Dwarf holds of the southern Worlds Edge Mountains. From there, it passed beneath the towering might of Karak Drazh, past the Eight Peaks and rose into the unwelcoming heights of the Death Pass, the only clear route through the snow-capped mountainsto the bleak and desolate expanses of the Dark Lands beyond.[86a]

When the War of the Beard broke out, these very colonies were either obliterated by the might of the Dwarf throngs or were abandoned by its inhabitants under the orders of their new Phoenix King.[1n]

The ruins of most of these are now buried beneath later Tilean cities, but there are some that still lie abandoned as heaps of masonry and fallen columns overgrown with wild flowers and ivy. Here, tomb robbers dig holes to look for ancient Elf gems and relics. There are no known Elven Ruins situated close to the Blighted Marshes, even during the time it was still a large and plentiful plain of corn and wheat.[1n]

Perhaps this is because the Elves chose to avoid the city of Tylos, for some felt some ill omen would eventually haunt the city in the coming years. Instead, the Elves traded with the humans that live there, and perhaps it is from the mercantile Elves that the Tileans inherited their own traditions of trade. The superior culture and highly developed civilisations of the Elves must have made quite an impression on the inhabitants of Tylos, who had little knowledge of metalwork or even writing before the Elves arrived.[1n]

Curse of Thirteen (-1780 IC)

See also The Doom of Kavzar


It is said that people could see the city of Tylos standing within the marshes, silent, foreboding and still inhabited.

Elven scholars tell of this mysterious city that disappeared beneath the Blighted Marshes in the remote past. The city of Tylos, known also as Til or Tilae, would eventually become a legend amongst the people of the land. Tylos or Tyleus is also the name of a legendary figure in Tilean folklore, and he is traditionally identified as the father of the Tilean people. If these legends are true it could mean that the modern people of Tilea are descended from the primitive peoples who dwelt in and around the ancient city which disappeared beneath the Blighted Marsh some time just before the Time of Woes in -1780 IC.[1m]

Although today's Tileans are unlikely to be direct descendants of the citizen of Tylos, who presumably perished in the cataclysm that engulfed the city, they might well be descended from the Human tribes who tended the crops and grazed the flocks that fed and clothed the inhabitants of the nearby metropolis. One legend records a tithe of slaves levied on the tribes which had to be sent every year to Tyleus to labour on its great building projects.[1m]

There are no known Elven ruins situated close to the Blighted Marshes. Perhaps this is because the Elves chose to avoid the ancient city of Tylos, inhabited, as it no doubt was, by savage and primitive Men. The Elves traded with the Humans, and perhaps it is from the mercantile Elves that the Tileans inherited their own traditions of commerce and trade. The superior culture and highly developed civilisation of the Elves must have made quite an impression on the people of Tylos who had little knowledge of metalwork or even writing before the Elves arrived.[1m]

In time, the settlement grew as they took Dwarfs into their walls, who provided a great income due to the increased trade, until the fall of the city as narrated in the Tilean tale known as the "Curse of Thirteen."[1m]

Rise of the City-States

Warhammer Tileans

The rise of Tilea meant also the rise of new ideals such as democracy, liberty and civil justice.

Even before the High Elves abandoned the Old World, Tilean tribes were already settling along the fertile coastal plains. Despite sharing the same origins and traditions, the settlements that grew on top of Elven ruins were never united into a single realm. There were two good reasons for this. Firstly, unlike the Empire and Bretonnia, Tilea was fortunate in not being overrun by Orcs and Goblins in the aftermath of the War of the Beard, and the subsequent abandonment of the Elven cities. This was due to the barrier provided by the high mountains on all sides. The Tileans did not have to struggle for survival with these savage races and fight for possession of the land.[1n][40c]

It is true that the Skaven came to infest the smouldering ruins in the Blighted Marshes, but these invaders preferred to hide, seldom appearing in the surrounding lands. Civilized life, culture, and especially trade was able to flourish while the northern people studied only war in a bitter and prolonged struggle against the Greenskins.[1n][40c]

Ancient Empires

The Extent of Alcadizaar the Conqueror's Realm

Location of the Tomb of Amenemhetum and the extension of his domains during the reign of King Alcadizaar the Conqueror, ca. -1200 IC

In ca. -1200 IC The region that would become known as Tilea was conquered by King Amenemhetum the Great and became part of the Nehekharan empire during the rule of Alcadizaar the Conqueror, crowned King of Khemri, binding the entire land of Nehekhara under his charismatic rule.[62a]

Even then Tilean society was a complex agglomerate of kingdoms and republics, structures and palazzos were in classical Tilean style, with white marbled columns and ingenious aqueducts that transported water to the cities, making possible the flourishing of amenities like the bathhouses, widespread in places such as Sartosa and Araby.[63a][63b]

These structures have now been long lost and just some ruins remain, luckily spared by centuries of incursions and conquests made by countless different peoples and civilizations.[1s] Even the glorious Nehekharan Empire would not last for, as is the Human way, ambition and greed undid their great works. And when plague covered their land, this ancient power became a land of the dead. Very little of their works survive to this day, since the savage tribes that wandered the lands had little use for their enslavers or their works.[75a]

In fact little remains of those times, to indicate the Nehekharans even existed in Tilean territory, much less ruled, and for how much, but there are several chronicles of further attacks from Khemri, even under the rule of Settra the Imperishable.[62a][1t]

Then like born anew, seven centuries later, new states emerged,[75a] cities like Luccini and Remas rose from the ashes of those Tilean tribes, some legends speak of an empire, called the Reman Empire, a kingdom ruled by blessed Myrmidia, back in the times where she felt that her children needed her the most. Under her leadership, Tilea and Estalia united under a single banner and spread their domains on all those lands that were under Nehekaran control, and expanded even further to the north of the Old World.[38d]

Myrmidia's Empire

"‘And Tylos came to be recognised chief of the wandering Kavzar and sought to found a city for his folk. And he made covenant with Myrmidia to erect its walls, and so it was deftly done. Yet Tylos was unsatisfied, for the cities of the Elvenkind were greater, and so he bid his tribe to raise a white tower to the heavens. But Myrmidia scorned his pride and abandoned the city, and it fell to rapacious vermin, and therein foetid ground now lies, neglected and abused. And Elf and Dwarf fought, and the Elves departed, sailing their shining ships to the West, and the Dwarfs’ Everlasting Realm was brought low through the wickedness of Goblins, and Mankind filled the void and they did prosper and spread their seed. And Myrmidia took pity on the scattered tribe of Tylos, and walked among them as a mortal woman, and took up her Spear of Righteousness and Shield of Honour and slew the enemies of Men in their thousands. War was won with fire-forged metal, and the tribes of Tilea and Estalia raised her as their Queen. Yet fresh was the crown on her brow when a dart daubed in poison laid her low, and with her dying breath she bade them build a Great Ship, and she drifted seawards to the West, following the undying sun. And so she was raised once more to the halls of the divine, to rule the southern lands from a Heavenly Throne…’"

—Extract from the Bellona Myrmidia (Reman edition), sacred book of the followers of the Goddess of War, translated by Professor Heinrich Grüberhaus of the University of Altdorf[2a]

Myrmidia is reported by some sacred texts to once have walked the earth clad in mortal flesh. She is a goddess from the Classical age of ancient Tilea, depicted as the daughter of Verena and Morr, and is said to have been given to mortal parents as a child. At this point she was, like her sister Shallya, a pacifist. Sacred texts claim that when Myrmidia, as a mortal woman, was born, her parents died early and she had to live with her aunt and uncle. Both treated her poorly and forced her to work from dawn till dusk. Eventually, they sold her off to a local lord, under whom she suffered many indignities before killing him with a ceremonial spear.[3e]

Remans stubbornly insist that the goddess' place of birth was their city, and for proof point to the sacred Omphalos on display above the high altar of the colossal Reman temple to Myrmidia -- a huge, egg-shaped stone, cleft in two, crystalline within its centre. It was from this stone that legend purports the infant Myrmidia crawled, to be found and adopted by a pair of humble goat herders. Myrmidia would allegedly grow into a warrior maiden and rally the people of the southern Old World against all enemies. Tileans claim she was born in Remas and conquered Estalia, while the Estalians claim she was born in Magritta and conquered Tilea. Driven by her experiences, Myrmidia abandoned her pacifist ways and declared herself a champion in the cause of ridding the world of injustice. Many great heroes joined her cause and forged a great southern empire, called the Reman Empire, that stretched across Tilea, Estalia, and much of what is now the Border Princes and southern Bretonnia.[38g]

According to the Bellona Myrmidia, during this time Myrmidia was entranced by an Estalian nobleman named Ottokar, and that through her affection and favour he came to rule Magritta. While she was on campaign, he revealed himself a cruel tyrant and, fearing retribution upon her return, arranged for her assassination. Myrmidia was laid low by a poisoned dart, but Ottokar suffered for his wickedness. It was said that he was cursed by Shallya, Verena, and Morr to be stripped of his health and his wits, and never to receive the mercy of death.[3f]

Wars against the Greenskins

In 475 IC a vast horde of Greenskins invaded Tilea from the east.[1n] The Tilean merchants were not used to fighting foreign invaders - most of their battles were against each other! The sudden appearance of brutal greenskinned savages burning crops, torching farms, and making off with merchant caravans was quite a shock. It is known several of the most powerful merchants got together and hired the biggest army ever seen in Tilea up until that time. The mercenary army marched out to meet the Orc tribes. The Tilean general pitched his tents on one side of a mighty river from where he could observe the Orcs' crude encampment. Obviously he was pretty appalled at the mess and ruin that the Orcs had caused on the other side of the river. The thought of such crude and uncultured creatures running loose in Tilea was too awful to contemplate.[1n]

However, the Tileans did notice a very strange thing as they observed the greenskins' camp. The various Orc contingents would occasionally stop whatever task they were about and begin to fight each other. Indeed, the whole Orc army was plainly riven with dissent, and only the personal attention of the big Orc warlord was keeping it together. This gave the cunning Tilean general an idea.[1n]

The Tileans decided that rather than fight the Orcs they would simply hire half the Orc army to fight the other half. That way, no matter which side won, the Tileans couldn't possibly lose. What's more, the spoils won by the victorious half would pay for the cost of hiring them.[1n]

How exactly this was accomplished is not recorded, but that the plan worked is beyond doubt. The Orcs were promptly defeated. The Orcs who had been hired for the battle were promptly re-employed and sent off to the frontier under the command of a Tilean general, to beat up the Orc tribes that were still there.[1n]

Since that day the Tileans have cheerfully employed mercenaries of many races. Encouraged by the willingness of Tileans to pay for good soldiers regardless of race, mercenary bands have flocked to Tilea to find work. As a result, Tilea has become a melting pot where soldiers from many lands can be found.[1n]

Tileans are independent minded, strongly-willed, and some would say, impossible to govern by force. A Tilean's sense of pride, liberty and social loyalty is always first and foremost to his family, his immediate locale, and only then to his city. This meant that any attempts at empire building within Tilea were bitterly opposed. Whatever the case, these settlements would eventually grow extremely wealthy and powerful, and would in time become kingdoms in their own right.[1n]

Legend of the Paychest

Another decisive battle was fought by Justintine of Varenna. The Orcs hear that there was a great treasure in the city of Varenna, and that the walls of the city had tumbled down in an earthquake, the greedy Orcs gathered together into an army to attack the city. Justintine knew that Varenna could not be held and resolved that the treasure should not fall into the hands of the Orcs. Justintine led the entire population, accompanied by a wagon bearing a great treasure chest, out of Varenna to found a new city elsewhere.[1c]

Unfortunately, the greed of the Orcs and Goblins was so great that they followed Justintine's army wherever it went. Justintine marched his army fast, crossing many rivers and successfully evading the Orcs for many months. Meanwhile the Orc horde grew larger and larger and would not give up the pursuit. Soon all the scattered Orc and Goblin warbands within a hundred leagues had joined those following the treasure chest, and they had proclaimed a certain Warlord Ugwarg as their leader.[1c]

Thus throughout the land there came a respite from Orc and Goblin attacks as all of them gathered in pursuit of Justintine. At long last Justintine and his army, found themselves near the sea. They were tired of forced marching and decided to turn and fight to the death, even though the odds were against them. While the Orcs approached, Justintine sent out word that he would share out the great treasure among any who would come to his aid, rather than let the Orcs have it.[1c]

As soon as this news spread throughout the Old World, adventurous and impoverished warriors began arriving at Justintine's camp. Some came by sea, others marched by night and day over land.[1c]

When the Orc horde drew up for battle, Ugwarg was amazed at the size of the army opposite him and his dark heart grew faint. Seeing the masts of a few ships upon the shore, his chiefs urged their warlord to lead the attack, desiring to capture the treasure before the enemy made away with it across the sea. They did not know that their enemy had no intention of retreating! [1c]

The Orcs and Goblins surged onwards, driven by greed and the warlike instincts of their race. They were soon impaled upon the long spears of the troops arrayed like a solid wall on the shores of the sea. In the midst of the battle line was the treasure chest. Standing upon the chest was Hurcio, a giant of a man, armed with nothing but a club and wearing only the pelt of a lion. Although the Orcs and Goblins surged around him, not one reached the treasure chest and lived.[1c]

It is said that the slaughter of Orcs and Goblins on that day was so great that the land was free from marauders for ten years afterwards. So great were the number of fallen that when Justintine shared out the treasure among the survivors every soldier had so much gold that he could buy land and build himself a mansion. Indeed many Old Worlder nobles claim descent from the victors of the battle![1c]

All the heroes who fought that day took up the custom of taking their treasure chests into battle and were always victorious in their fights against the Orcs, sea raiders or each other! Thus did the custom become established. As to where exactly the great battle was fought, no one knows for sure. The Luccinians say it was fought near to their own city while the citizens of Remas claim that it was fought not far south of that city. The battle does not have a proper name and is known simply as the 'Victory of Justintine' in all the tales. Nor can the city be found which Justintine is said to have established on the seashore for the survivors of his people. As to the ruins of Varenna, they do exist. They lie not far from Trantio and they are very old indeed.[1b]

The Green Tide Defeat

During the Tilean Dark Age in c. 475 a Greenskin horde slowly gathers to sweep into Tilea from the Border Princes. The desperate Tileans, with no standing armies to speak of, swiftly gather as many mercenaries as they can from across the Old World, including many Ogre bands. After several victories such as the Battle of Blood Ford and the fabled Battle of Pugno, the mercenaries routed the Greenskin horde, changing Tilea’s makeup, and its future military doctrine, forever.[35a][38b] Is not known when but after this battle the great mercenary general, Ferrante 'the fierce' built a fortress on top of the ruins of an old dwarf fortress to guard the eastern approaches of Luccini from the sea. The land surrounding the fortress is still being won from the Greenskins today and had suffered his worst attack in 2400 IC.[1s]

Tournament of Ravola (1425 IC)

Anxious to make the arrogant Bretonnian dukes and barons respect the borders of his principality after their repeated incursions into Tilean territory, the Prince of Miragliano offered a truce to discuss the matter. The Bretonnians agreed to attend a peace conference, hoping to gain something without war by intimidating the prince with the sheer might of Bretonnian chivalry. The meeting place was the small town of Ravola, the first settlement on the Tilean side of the mountains and one which was coveted by the Bretonnians because of its fine vineyards, even though all the people were fiercely loyal to the Prince of Miragliano. The Bretonnian deputation consisted of many proud and splendid knights, accompanied by their retinues and many heralds versed in the feudal laws of their country. The prince, accompanied by an equally fine array of Tilean mercenaries, welcomed them.[1n]

There followed several days of banqueting and dancing before the serious talks began. Such was the overbearing pride and arrogance of the Bretonnians that one of them, the Baron du Bors, declared that the Bretonnians were better knights than the Tileans and so the Tileans should just hand over Ravola and be done with it! Hearing this, the knight who commanded the mercenary company called the Venators, Etto the Fierce, was enraged and challenged the Bretonnian to a joust.He was quickly followed by the rest of the Venators who rose up and issued their own challenges. The Bretonnians accepted the challenge with their typical bravado, and the Bretonnian duke, certain that his knights would unhorse all the Tileans, offered to relinquish his claim to Ravola if the Tileans won the tourney. The prince, always ready to gamble, and knowing that fortune often smiled on the brave, agreed. And so it was arranged for there to be a tourney in Ravola in which seven Venators would joust against seven Bretonnian knights.[1n]

The heralds explained the rules of the joust to the Tileans, who were not greatly versed in this Bretonnian custom. They made a point of forbidding the use of enchanted weapons of any kind. The next day the Bretonnians and Tileans stood opposite each other on the field of Ravola. Since there were hardly any Bretonnian ladies present, the pavilion was full of the fine ladies of Ravola and Miragliano who had come to watch the spectacle. Of course the Bretonnians were so arrogant and conceited that they insisted on asking for the ladies' favours. Then, a strange thing happened. Whenever a Bretonnian knight asked for a favour, he was granted it, and what was given was not just a veil or a scarf! This put the Bretonnians in a very good mood indeed and they made ready to joust with even more than their usual confidence. Soon, the jousting began. First, one Bretonnian knight was unhorsed, to the dismay of his companions, then another and another until all the Bretonnian knights had been knocked off their warhorses by the Tilean Venators.[1n]

The contest was fought with blunted lances so all of the Bretonnians survived to endure their undying shame and embarrassment. One of the Bretonnian heralds took a look at the broken Tilean lances. Turning to the Venators, he angrily shouted out that the Tilean lances were longer than the Bretonnian ones, to which a Tilean lady replied from the pavilion, "Yes we know!" At then the entire field of Tilean spectators fell about laughing.The heralds could not argue that long lances were enchanted weapons, and there was nothing for the Bretonnians to do except pack their baggage and beat a hasty retreat from the scene of their humiliation. Since that time there have been no further claims by the Bretonnians to any lands in Tilea.[1n]

Age of Exploration (1492 to 1999 IC)

Discovery of the New World

The continent of Lustria was famously "discovered" by Marco Colombo in 1492, setting of centuries of colonization efforts by the nations of the Old World. It's origins are in Following the Dark Elf raid on Remas in 1487 IC there was much speculation as to where these raiders were from. The High Elves denounced the Dark Elves, but were not forthcoming with any answers. However, the merchants of Remas were eager for revenge and ready to finance expeditions of exploration into the west. Maps brought out of Araby after the crusades revealed little of what lay beyond the western ocean, only of the seas and coasts of the Southlands. Then in 1491 IC Marco Colombo, a merchant of Remas, acquired a map from a Norse seafarer. This had the coast of Lustria marked on it revealing that there was a western continent beyond Ulthuan. It also had the approximate location of the Norse settlements established centuries before by Losteriksson. There were other interesting details on the map, such as tally marks indicating how many days sailing the voyage would last and runes to mark the prevailing winds and various hazards that had been encountered. Marco eventually persuaded Orlando, an exiled Prince of Trantio in the service of Remas, to spare him three of the most up-to-date ships and a mercenary crew. Unfortunately the crew happened to be some troublesome mercenaries which Orlando wished to be rid of. In 1492 Marco set out on the long voyage to Lustria, heading for the Norse township of Skeggi. Colombo gained the trust of the local Slann by bringing Skaven prisoners as sacrifices and by returning lost Lizardmen treasures.[1v]

In the meantime, Orlando, Marco's patron, was no longer in the service of Remas, but had been recently hired by the Republic of Trantio. Unfortunately the republic had not honoured their agreement to him due to old vendettas against his family, and his mercenary army was encamped outside the city, unpaid and starving. Worse still, Orlando had been mortally wounded by an assassin's dagger. He was delighted when Marco arrived laden down with treasure. The army was paid, fed and re-armed and more mercenaries were hired. Thanks to a Lustrian potion brought back by Marco, Orlando lived long enough to see his army rout the forces hired by his rivals to get rid of him. Marco then assumed command on the recommendation of Orlando and captured the city of Trantio itself. The ruling clique was overthrown much to the satisfaction of the citizens. Marco married Orlando's daughter and sole heir. She had been imprisoned by the other families in a tall tower noted for its exceptionally perilous angle of inclination. After getting even with Orlando's old enemies, Marco was in position to restore the Principality of Trantio, with himself as Prince. Marco used the rest of his wealth to establish the influence of the Colombo family in Remas and the Orlando family in Trantio. Together they would monopolise the trade with Lustria. He financed an expedition of five ships which actually reached Skeggi on the third attempt. Thus was opened up a reliable, though intermittent trade route to Lustria from Tilea, with the help of hireling Norse seafarers, who were skilled at evading the ships of the Elves.[1v]

Old Trade Routes

Map Routes Tilea

Explorations and trade routes of the Tileans.[1]

The most famous Sea Captains come from Tilea, their only rivals are those of Marienburg and the High Elves from the island of Ulthuan.[40a] Even from the earliest times the Tileans were sailing to and from across the Tilean Sea in primitive skin boats. After contact with the Elves they developed swift, oared galleys, and soon became proficient sailors. Prior to the Araby Crusades, the Tilean Sea was plagued by Corsairs and pirates, but afterwards the Tileans gained the upper hand and swept these troublemakers from their waters. From this time Tilean seafarers were able to venture further afield.[1q]

Following the defeat of Sultan Jaffar by Old World crusaders, Tilean merchants gained access to the ports of Araby which in tum opened gateways to the west and south. Later still, Tilean ships were seen in the all the ports of the Old World, carrying exotic merchandise from Araby and the lands beyond.[1q]

Encounters with Elves

The High Elves had never completely abandoned the oceans around the Old World even though they had deserted their ancient colonies. When the Tilean tribes developed into states with their own cities, the Elves were ready to resume contact. At the same time Tilean trade with the Dwarfs to the east was flourishing. Most of this trade was conducted overland.[1q]

The main concern of the Tilean merchants has always been expanding their business, or, to put it bluntly, making money. Most of the successful merchants not only attempted to secure the old trade routes, but were interested in opening up new ones. The oldest trade routes where the sea route to Ulthuan, the land route across the mountains to the Dwarf Kingdom, the extension of this route across the mountains and into the Empire, and the route across the Tilean sea to Tobaro. It was Elf seafarers who re-opened the ancient trade route to their former colonies in the Old World many centuries after they had abandoned them. Here they encountered the Tileans established among the ruins, re-using the tumbled Elven masonry to build their own cities. The Elves found the Tileans to be easy people to trade with, eager to exchange all kinds of things for exotic luxuries from Ulthuan. As for the Elves, they were interested in acquiring ancient artefacts and sculptures which the Tileans were finding among the old Elf ruins. It was no doubt these early contacts which stimulated the Tilean taste for both art and profit.[1q]

The Old Dwarf Road

There were also Dwarf traders coming into Tilea along the mountain roads from the east. They were eager to find out what was left after the Elves had finally gone. Dwarf adventurers had doubtless plundered the Elf ruins even before the Tileans resettled them. Eventually the Dwarfs came again and found the cities inhabited once more, this time by men. There were plenty of things which the Tileans were willing to buy from the Dwarf traders in exchange for gems and exotic metals obtained from the Elves: iron, copper, gold, silver and expertise in metalworking and building. It seems likely that the wily Tileans persuaded the Dwarfs to show them how to build really strong walls for their cities. In fact, it is a joke in Tilea that when Tileans combine Elven architecture with Dwarf masonry you get a leaning tower. The Dwarfs were eager to get hold of High Elf goods which the Elves themselves would certainly not give them, even for all the gold in the Worlds Edge Mountains. Similarly, the Elves wanted metals and gems but the Dwarfs would not trade with them on account of the great grudge they held. The Tileans traded happily with both and grew rich.[1q]

Northern Trade

Items traded from Elves and Dwarfs could be exchanged in Bretonnia and in the Empire for all kinds of things, ranging from gold to furs from the far north and also, of course, warhorses! Since Bretonnians were loath to sell any of their fine breed, and since it was banned by the king in any case, Tileans have always obtained most of their horses from the Empire, and the plains in the south near Luccini, famous for their fine equines.[1q][23]

Trade with the Empire expanded, whereas trade with Bretonnia was never as lucrative. This was partly because the hidden realm of Athel Loren lay in the way, and traders did not like to venture into the forest. To go around the edge, through the Irrana Mountains, was equally dangerous. Furthermore, there was a festering state of hostility between Miragliano and the Bretonnian dukes and barons on the other side of the mountains. Sea trade was better, but ran the risk of encountering Corsairs from Araby, Norsemen, Dark Elves and pirates.[1q]

Great Crusade Against Araby (1448 to 1475 IC)

The vast desert land of Araby lies across the sea from Tilea and Estalia. There are several inhabited cities, some on the coast and some far inland, and many uninhabited ruins dating back to the legendary Wars of Death. This was when the hordes of Undead came out of the east and devastated the ancient civilisations of Araby. It took many centuries for civilisation to flourish again. During that time the culture of Araby had been kept alive by the nomadic tribes who wandered in the most remote and inhospitable deserts, impossible to destroy and too tough to die. Over generations these tribes gradually resettled many old cities and established new dynasties to rule them. By 1240 IC, the cities on the coast of Araby were flourishing and prosperous. Corsairs of Araby, sailing in their war dhows, were plundering the coasts of Tilea and Estalia. To counter this threat the Tileans hired more Norse warriors in their longships. This provoked the Corsairs to gather a huge fleet and attack the Norse stronghold on Sartosa, which was captured with great slaughter. The Norse fought to the death, but the corsairs, being numerous and cunning, prevailed. From that moment onwards the raids of the Corsairs on the coasts of Tilea became much worse. The Tileans found them to be much more difficult to catch than the Norse, and much less willing to desist from raiding in order to serve as mercenaries. This was because the Corsair leaders were bound by tribal oaths to their Emirs and Sheikhs and could not be tempted to change allegiance for mere gold. Things became even worse with the rise of the Sultanate of Araby. In 1435 IC or thereabouts, an obscure Arabian sorcerer known as Jaffar united the nomadic tribes using his charismatic power and ability to summon desert genies. He then swept out of the desert and made himself Sultan of all Araby. Whether inspired by visions, delusions, genies, ambition, greed or the evil counsels of the Skaven, the Sultan decided to invade Estalia. Leading his enormous horde he landed in Estalia and captured Magritta. Soon after, Tobaro was besieged by his forces. This caused the Araby crusades as thousands of knights from Bretonnia and the Empire answered the belated appeal for help from the proud and beleaguered Estalians. Mercenaries from Tilea joined the crusade in large numbers, relieving Tobaro and helping to recapture Magritta.[1q]

After the Sultan was driven back into Araby and finally defeated at Al Haikk, the Tileans turned their attention to clearing the Tilean Sea of Corsairs. In 1501, Sartosa was finally recaptured from the corsairs by a mercenary army led by Luciano Catena. By this time several Araby contingents were serving Tilean Merchant Princes as mercenaries. The fall of the Sultan had freed them from any bonds of loyalty to him and he was now condemned for his wicked dealings with evil genies. The march of the crusading forces into Araby and the temporary respite gained from the menace of the Corsairs opened up Araby to the merchants of the Old World. The Tilean merchants were quick to strike up lucrative deals with emirs of the coastal cities and sheikhs of the interior. With most of the wealth of Araby having been plundered by the crusading knights and most of their war dhows burnt or sunk, the merchants of Araby were more than willing to trade. It was not long before adventurous Tilean merchants were inspecting the wares in the souks and kasbahs of Araby. Here they traded with desert nomads and heard tales of the mysterious jungles of the Southlands. From local seafarers they heard about the High Elf stronghold in the far south and of how the High Elves tried to prevent anyone sailing into the west or east. Of course, maps were purchased at every opportunity, together with strange astronomical and navigational devices made by the sorcerers of Araby. Tilean merchants quickly mastered the knack of haggling and so most of these artefacts were picked up very cheap! The spice port of Copher now has a Tilean quarter, which is separated by a wall from the upper city. There are small enclaves of traders from other realms too, such as 'The Street of a Hundred Dwarfs' which is noted for its bazaars of metalworkers, weapon smiths and wig makers.[1q]

Tobaro's Bane (1563 to 1565 IC)

Warhammer Tobaro Deepwatch

Tobaro soldiers hunt for Skaven

Although unassailable from outside, Tobaro was not so secure from within and its extensive and uncharted network of tunnels proved to be its bane. Skaven forces attacked the city from below in a series of raids between IC 1563 and 1565, razing large parts of the city and enslaving much of the populace. The Prince of Tobaro, Meldo Marcelli, managed to escape with many of his soldiers and most of his ships. Arriving in Remas he spent all his wealth hiring a great army of mercenaries, including a strong contingent from Remas. Returning without delay, and reinforced by a contingent of Sea Elves, the force succeeded in entering the harbour unnoticed and sneaking into the city, catching the Skaven unawares and driving them back, driving them back into the catacombs. There followed further bitter fighting within the rock of the acropolis before all the Skaven were finally cleared.[1a]

Fighting between the Tobarans and the Ratmen continued on and off for many years with countless skirmishes in the lower levels. An end was finally achieved with the collapse of several strategic tunnels by Dwarf Engineers, allowing the city guard to better watch the entrances to the city. A permanent garrison of warriors, the Deepwatch, are employed to regularly patrol the tunnels and to root out any sign of Skaven. As a result, Tobaro is probably the only city in the Old World without a significant population of rats—bipedal or otherwise.[1a]

Imperial Conquests (1711 IC)

The Empire made several attempts to annex several northern regions of Tilea over the centuries.[16a][38a] In 1711 IC, Maximilian III von Hochkirsche of Nuln made an attempt to annex Miragliano. Nuln's dreams of conquering Miragliano were foiled when the mercenaries decisively defeated his army. Wave after wave of Imperial Knights charged, only to be impaled on Tilean phalanxes. His army broke, pursued by their cavalry and pikemen. This forced away any Wissenland claim to that principality.[38a]

The Red Pox (1786 to 1813 IC)

Almost seven hundred years after they had unleashed the Black Death upon the Old World in 1111 IC, the Skaven struck again in 1812 IC with equal force and fury, but this time against Bretonnia. Here the disease of choice became known as the "Red Pox," after the bloody welts that appeared on the victim's face and throat.The Red Pox was slower to kill than the Black Death, making it slightly easier to contain, but greatly extending the suffering of its victims. It first appeared in Bordeleaux, then some years later in Brionne, before spreading east along the River Brienne, and south into Tilea. Once again, the Skaven waited until the entire southern region of the Old World was ravaged by disease and depopulation, then they attacked the civilised realms of Men.[5c]

They sacked Castle Brionne and Miragliano, and lay siege to Quenelles. However, the lords of northern Bretonnia were not slow to retaliate, and with the aid of the Wood Elves of Athel Loren and Duke Merovech of Mousillon, soon drove the Skaven back underground yet again.[1a]As for the disease itself, the Red Pox is short-lived, lasting only seven days. Transmitted primarily by drinking infected water, the Red Pox is characterized by initial symptoms of a very raw throat and uncontrollable shaking. Within a day or so these symptoms are replaced with internal bleeding (often with blood issuing from the nose, mouth, and eyes), violent bloody coughing, and severe internal pain.[77a]

In 1812 IC, Southern Bretonnia and northern Tilea were ravaged by another outbreak of the Red Pox. Panic, anarchy and rioting spread through several Bretonnian cities as mobs rampage through the towns burning anything that might carry the pox, including sheep, dogs, cats, frogs and fish. In Brionne, a fire is set to burn residences of those infected with the disease. The resulting "Great Fire of Brionne" razes three-quarters of the city. The grand duke of Middenland lays siege to Middenheim, but is repelled thanks to the aid of the Imperial Dwarfs within the city. In Miragliano in Tilea the Red Pox wiped out three-quarters of the population of the city-state. An infestation of large rats was blamed, and since then the city has employed professional rat catchers among its mercenary troops. As well as exterminating rats, the rat catchers fight running battles against Skaven Gutter Runners. No one knows exactly where the Skaven come from, except that there are many of them in and around the fringes of the Blighted Marshes. A high price is placed on their heads, dead or alive. Since the Red Pox, large parts of the old, squalid city have been rebuilt by the princes of Miragliano.[1g]

Battle of the Blight (2192 IC)

Just as Miraglianese ships ply the seas from Kislev to Araby, so the merchants of Miragliano explored northward for undiscovered resources and fresh markets. However, marauding Skaven from Skavenblight made the area virtually Impassable until the decisive Battle of the Blight in 2192 IC. Duke Alfonzo of Miragliano bought mercenary aid from all corners of the world, and mounted a huge expedition into the swamps. Thousands were slain, but the Skaven were driven back to the Blighted Marshes and slaughtered without mercy.[71]

The Skaven were not destroyed. but little was to be heard of them for several decades thereafter. Meanwhile, exploration of the upper Crlstallo River and the fringes of the Vaults, continued apace. A few skirmishes with small Goblinoid bands were reported, but the Greenskins were quickly put down and the area began to be settled.[71]

In 2235 IC the explorer, Guido Pasolini, mounted an expedition to the source of the Cristallo River, only to discover that the ancient legend of the River of Echoes was true.[71]

Contact between the Empire and Tilean city-states is largely confined to trade via the middlemen of Marienburg, though some Tilean Merchant Houses, especially from Miragliano and Remas, have taken advantage of the recent discovery of the River of Echoes from northern Tilea to Wissenland to set up trading offices in Nuln, Pfeildorf, and other southern towns.[71]

Battle of Monte Castello (2400 IC)

Monte Castello has been besieged many times and has never fallen. The most notable siege lasted over a year in 2400 IC. The garrison, reduced to only five hundred Tileans, suddenly found itself surrounded by over one hundred thousand Greenskins led by a certain Unguth the Vile, who was determined to capture it as a prelude to invading Tilea itself. The garrison of the Castello, beating off countless assaults and enduring endless weeks of bitter siege warfare, dwindled by a few men every day, while the Orc horde was constantly reinforced by numerous fresh contingents eager to join the mighty Orc army.[1s]

Cut off by land, the Castello was supplied by sea until this route was maliciously cut by the warships of an unknown enemy desiring to see the fortress fall once and for all. To this day, no one knows for sure who attacked the supply galleys. Tileans often accuse the Corsairs of Araby or the pirates, but the most ominous rumour holds that the ships were overrun by an infestation of rats as part of the evil schemes of the Skaven.[1s]

Starving and desparate, the garrison held out for more than a year, until the mercenary commander, the old and resolute Galeazzo, was mortally wounded whilst repelling another Orc assault. He was hurried from the ramparts into the commandantery. Residing in the Castello at this time was the general's formidable and spirited daughter, Monna Lissa. Despite her efforts to staunch the blood, Old Galeazzo succumbed to his wounds. Monna Lissa, fearing that the garrison would lose heart, donned her father's armour and pretending to be Galeazzo himself, led the garrison in repelling three more attacks in the following days. After the third attack, Monna Lissa lost her helmet and her long flowing tresses were seen by the troops. They demanded to know what had happened to their leader. When it was revealed that he was dead, the mercenaries were disheartened. They resolved to stake all on one last sally, abandoning the Castello in a desperate attempt to escape back to Tilea.[1s]

Monna Lissa implored them not to sally out to certain death and thereby let the Castello fall into enemy hands, but no persuasion, not even promises of enormous rewards in gold, could make them change their minds. Then Monna Lissa pointed out that if the Orcs took the Castello they would certainly deface Tintoverdi's masterpiece The Five Seasons by Tintoverdi which adorned the commandantery banqueting room. This was thought to be the finest fresco in all Tilea if not the world. She begged all those who were willing to stay and defend this treasure to the death to step forward, the rest could go if they wished.[1s]

One by one soldiers stepped forward, tears in their eyes, saying: "I will die before Orcs scrawl upon Tintoverdi!" and "No Orc shall ever gaze upon the image of Spring!" and similar such things. Eventually the entire company resolved to remain to the bitter end. The siege continued for a further three months and the Castello did not fall. Monna Lissa herself was mortally wounded by a Goblin arrow on the day the Castello was relieved by an enormous army marching from Luccini. The relieving force broke and scattered the Orc horde. They found only twenty-five pikeman still alive in the Castello. Around the walls the Greenskin corpses lay so thick that the moat had been filled up and was firm enough to bear the weight of Orc siege towers![1s]

Ever since the great siege of Monte Castello, Monna Lissa has become a symbol of good fortune and victory. So much so that it is a tradition for mercenary battle standards to depict the Tilean war goddess Myrmidia with the features of Monna Lissa, as portrayed by the famous portrait of her by Cellibotti.[1s]

Razing of Lumbrusco (2416 IC)

Ennio Mordini was one of the most renowned mercenary commanders of Tilea’s Era of Enlightenment. He claimed he was blessed by both Myrmidia and Morr, and it was said that to serve under his command was to court victory and cheat death. Known he's the revenant captain of the Nightmare Legion and ruler of Lumbrusco in the Principality of Pavona. Ennio worked for Duke Fabriano of Lumbrusco, a princedom by the the Apuccini Mountains. Behind Ennio’s back the Duke and his rival, the Duke of Organza, came to an agreement. Fabriano ordered Ennio to march on Organzatogether with his lieutenant Renzo Avanti and his army, sending the mercenaries to their death in a a well-prepared ambush conduct by another general named Sardo.[78]

Five years later, an army of mail-clad skeletons marched out of the mountains under the tattered banner of Mordini. They cut the armies of Lumbrusco to ribbons and razed the city to the ground. It is said that Mordini has now re-fortified the city and established a court of the dead there.[78]It took the traitorous Duke Fabriano seven days and seven nights to die, and Mordini's sword - Skabscrath - is said to scream and howl to this day in memory of the cruel deaths of the Duke and his family, in horror in every living being. The undead Legion of Mordini then turned against Organza and the other city-states of Tilea. It is said that Mordini got with his undead the city of Lumbrusco, and now hold court there, but no one has yet come close enough to confirm or deny this. At least that is what a Tilean legend says about the Nightmare Legion.[78]

Pirate Wars (2458 to 2478 IC)

Beginning in 2458 IC,[1a] the Cult of Manann in Marienburg declared a crusade against the piratical followers of the shark god Stromfels. Hundreds of devout followers sailed from ports around the Old World to engage with the enemy. An unsuccessful expedition even set sail to Sartosa to strike at the Pirate Princes themselves. The Pirate Wars did eliminate several notorious pirates, but there was no lasting decline in Old World piracy, as the adversary was not a unified navy that could be completely defeated -- new pirates always emerge to replace those who have fallen.[77a]

The origins of the Pirate Wars lie in the seas around Tilea and Estalia, where piracy is so prevalent that whole Tilean city-states are based around its profits. The Estalian Navy mounted a rare campaign against the pirate ships in its waters, and a great host of pirates decided to band together and sail north to escape the Estalians and find some safe harbour in Bretonnia or perhaps Marienburg. The Bretonnians would oppose so many pirates suddenly arriving in their waters, but the pirates reckoned, with some justification, that they could outrun the Bretonnian fleet. The resulting disaster, known as the Battle of the Tides, saw the entire pirate fleet smashed upon the shores of Mousillon.Giovanni the Red, a notorious Tilean pirate, went down with his ship in the Battle of the Tides. A noble from the Tilean city-state of Remas claims his family was owed a great deal in restitution from Giovanni, and the pirate's death has not cancelled the debt. The noble wants Giovanni's most precious possession, his diamond-studded false eye, brought back from Pirate's Grave.[77a]

Campaigns of Borgio (2485 to 2503 IC)

Warhammer Borgio the Besieger

Borgio the Besieger, former Prince of Miragliano.

Borgio the Besieger was one of the greatest Mercenary Generals to ever live. During his reign he waged war against every major Tilean state, and solidified his city as the strongest in Tilea. Born in 2452 IC, he quickly grew to legendary status in the Old World. By 2485 IC, he had gained control of Miragliano. Early in his career, he defeated a massive horde of orcs, by dividing them into three. It is debated if this refers to the entire horde or the individual orcs or both. Another apocryphal tale says that he was once taken prisoner by the Pirate Princess of Sartosa and escaped by diving into the sea from the dungeon tower, which was conveniently leaning over a high cliff and swam the Pirates' Current across to Tilea. Then he returned with a mercenary fleet, captured the princess and would not let her go until the pirates had paid him an enormous tribute gathered from their far-flung stashes of plunder. In the same year as he took power, an army under the Reman General Mandalari the Magnificent besieged the city of Miragliano. Thanks to a stratagem plotted by Prince Borgio, the Miraglianese army manages to disrupt the attack, routed by the timely counter-assault the Reman host is forced to flee.[1g]

A student of Myrmidian tactics, Borgio implemented many strategic techniques, from employing cunning ruses in battle to inspiring his troops by leading by example and even mucking in with the construction of moats and earthworks. In 2489 IC, he defeated Remas at the Battle of Villa Vennia, where he famously goaded the Reman army over a freezing river and into an ambush. In 2495 IC, he defeated Verezzo in the Battle of Via Veddia where he is said to have hidden half his forces behind a small hill. In 2497 IC, he defeated Trantio in the Battle of Vittoria Viccia after luring them into an encirclement.[38f]

During this battle Borgio was aided by the intricate schemes of the princess of the city-state of Pavona, Lucrezzia Belladonna, she poisoned her husband Donato after his decision to make an alliance between Pavona and Trantio against Miragliano. With his death she managed to marry the mercenary captain Ranuccio who drove the troops of Pavona against those of their former allies from Trantio. After this unexpected turn of the events Borgio decided to richly reward the city of Pavona.[1g]

Borgio was finally killed in 2503 IC. Assassinated by a poisoned fork while in the bath, this was not his first apparent death but the only he did not live through. Street fighting quickly broke out in Miragliano and engulfed the city. The many legendary regiments that had served in his army quickly fractured and went on their own ways. Braganza’s Besiegers, Vespero’s Vendetta, and Bronzino’s Galloper Guns are just a few of these regiments of renown.[1g]

War of Beasts (ca. 2500 IC)

After a great Storm of Magic caused monsters of all kinds to rise and terrorize the lands between the Tilean Sea and the Abasko Mountains, bringing famine and ruin, the petty Estalian kingdoms of Larhgoz and Geulata prepared to retake Vedenza, a Tilean city-state in the principality of Tobaro. The Estalians marshaled a large force consisting of free-lances, retainers of the kingdom, bandits, and mixed Tercio regiments of glaive and crossbow-armed warriors. King Vidar VII of Lahrgoz, a wizard, took advantage of the agitated Winds of Magic to bind Skin Wolves to his army, thanks to an alliance with the Mortiara, a sect of Morrites shunned by the official cult, led by Strega of the Bone Hills[4b].

The Estalian armies were met by the Republican Guard of Vedenza and their artillery train, supported by Tobaran Peviser and Sartosan cutthroats. From the mountains came Tazadis of Araby, Court Alchemist of the Council of Tears, who rule Vedenza. Tazadis had bound a Manticore to his will. From the sea came Orsini Sardus, a Mage and agent of the council, on his flagship the Pride of Zora, with a magically-bound Merwyrm named Silak. The Estalians were defeated and forced to flee, abandoning their pretensions on the city-state of Vedenza[4b].

Like a well oiled clock, a horde of Skaven marched forward to Vedenza, ravaging the north of the cities' lands. The ratmen had whispered insidious lies into the ears of the Estalians to stir them up against Vedenza. them the route-to-advance of The merciless Skaven killed and enslaved everyone in their path, even the fleeing Estalian catspaws. During the siege of the city, Tazadis of Araby was slain by the Skaven assassins but the main army could not breach the city's walls, even if it was just a matter of time. This forced Vedenza's intelligence to adopt a new plan. Seeking to slay the Skaven general by leading him into a trap, part of the Tilean army led by Lupo Hecate and Orsini Sardus traveled to the Isle of Grief to use an ancient monolith as a bait for the Skaven. Eight days after the defeat of Larhgoz, a force departed the city on a dozen shallow-drafted galleys, guarded by the vast bulk of Silak. All but one ship arrived at the Isle. Immediately, they were attacked by half-alive Skaven warships but these were swept aside and the Vedenzian force headed for a vast sea cavern, the Howling Abyss. A temple had been built there, even before the time of the Elves with a strange monolith at its heart.[4b]

Now the Warpfire Dragon known only as She arrived to assist the assault, hungry for the Warpstone that the Skaven would hold and the attack began. As the battle raged it became clear that it was no mere Grey Seer that led the Skaven but a Verminlord and the Dragon and the Deamon clashed as all around them men and skaven died in droves. Although gravely wounded, the Dragon managed to use the last Binding scroll to summon a dozen Shugon - the Trolls of the deep sea who tore the Verminlord apart. The few surviving humans retreated to their ship, but the Dragon coiled around the great warpstone monolith, wounded but triumphant, bathing in its radiance. The skaven retreated from the mainland, the frightened Estalians sought peace and returned territories. Now Vedenza began to be noted as a rising power even by the other older city-states of Tilea while Orsini continues to render faithful service under the republic.[4b]

Remas-Luccini Wars (Unknown to ca. 2300 IC)

Reman mercenary against troops from Luccini

Reman troops ambushing Luccini's forces.

Tilea has always been shaken by intestine conflicts and mercantile wars. One of the many was the Fifth Remas-Luccini War.This conflict ceased almost two hundred years ago, thanks to the neutral intervention of the famed Count di Argentisso of Scozzese, only man trusted by both sides, he succeeded in brokering a peace settlement, bringing to an end almost three centuries of unremitting hostility between the two great trading rivals.[27]

Sadly, stories tend to repeat and merely twenty years ago Remas and Luccini were again at each other throats. The forces of the Princes of Luccini marched to siege the city of Remas, but they were betrayed by their paymaster, Enrico Cassari. He made a parley with the enemy and in exchange for the paychest he was supposed to guard, he sent them the route-to-advance of the Luccinian forces, sentencing them to death, Remas' forces awaited them in ambush from an advantage point, leaving no way out for the forces of the invaders. Just recently the Prince's spies discovered the betrayal, as Cassari was believed slaughtered with the rest of the Luccinian army. So the Prince has sent a warrant of extradition to the council of the republic that rules the city of Remas, where the traitor was hiding, but without any results. Determined to take revenge, the Prince placed the astronomical bounty of a thousand Ducats on Cassari's head. The reward was later collected by the assassin, Liliana Falcone, once his elimination was completed.[77]

Battle of Sartosa (2522 IC)

In 2522 IC, the Dreadfleet under Noctilus besieged the city of Sartosa on the 13th Day of Nachhexen. Supported by his fleet he besieged the Rusting Harbour, pushing himself to the Enlightenment of Indigio Roth. Blacklegges the Giant, barely awake and still drunk on rum, managed to obliterate many of Noctilus' ships with a loading crane. The Undead were forced to retreat under the blows of the citizen defensive artillery and the pirates present in the port such as Aranessa Saltspite. Since the raid, Sartosa has become a blackened slum. The cobbled streets are dark and stinking, jagged spars of burnt wood jutting up from the vermin-infested remains of collapsed buildings.[57]

End Times (2519 to 2528 IC)

"Thirteen times thirteen passes of the Chaos moon I will give you. Thirteen times thirteen moons I will wait. Go to your legions and your workshops! Bring me victory. Bring me dominance over this mortal realm! You must be as one, work as one, as single-minded as a swarm pouring from a cracked sewer-pipe – all rats scurry-flood in same direction. Only then will you inherit the ruins of this world, only then will you rule. Thirteen times thirteen moons! Fail, and all will suffer the fate of the seer."

—Edict of the Horned Rat[20a]
The Vaults Map Nagash pp

The mountain range of The Vaults during the End Times.

During 2522 IC, as the world was engulfed in a time of conflict, such an opportunity for great plunder and glory to be won was considered a far too tempting a prize to ignore for the vermin hordes of the great Under-Empire. Prior to their inevitable and destructive invasion of the surface world, the Order of the Grey Seers, under the leadership of Seerlord Kritislik, proposed to the Lords of Decay a masterful plan. It was theorised by the earliest generations of Warlock Engineers that the Chaos Moon Morrslieb is actually made entirely of pure Warpstone, proposing to the Council that he shall gather a coven of the most powerful Grey Seers and draw the Chaos moon closer to the world, allowing a greater influx of magical energies to the Under-Empires many spell-casters, and give the Skaven populace unnatural vitality. Approving the plan, the Grey Seers began their work, and within time the Moon slowly began to grow within the night sky, growing to such an extent that it has allowed the mortal world's many spell-casters to conjure feats of magical possibilities that have never been seen since the Great Catastrophe.[21a]

Deeming the time right, the mysterious Overlords of the Council of Thirteen instantly began the first phase of their Master Plan upon the human kingdoms of Tilea and Estalia, never knowing that from the Realm of Ruin, the Verminlords of the Shadow Council of Thirteen are toying with the threads of their fate, overseeing their motives and purpose and moving them one-step closer towards their ultimate victory.[20a]

The people of Tilea and Estalia have ever been a rich people of a fractured nation, two kingdoms so similar to the ratmen's own society that it beggars the question of their origins. Yet no matter how many times they see these vile vermin, no matter how many attacks and raids were sent upon their cities, they still undestimate the extention of the danger that the ratmen were for their cities, and this lightness have brought about the seeds of their doom. In a single evening, the assassins of Clan Eshin and their most elite of agents, the Black 13, were responsible for Tilea's Night of One Thousand Terrors -- a shock wave of assassination and ruthless sabotage that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of important generals, governors, nobles and leading officials. Leaderless, the lands of Tilea and her various fractious republics became torn with confusion and civil strife, making their petty kingdoms ripe for the slaughter.[21a]

Beneath every sleeping city, beneath every town and mighty fortress, the Skaven hordes surged out of their tunnels in their tens of thousands and brought about a wave of sudden violence and destruction that eventually overwhelmed the rule of Mankind's kingdoms. Under-tunneled and overrun, every major city was now a blasted ruin over which a ragged clan banner openly flew. Long lines of human survivors were chained and herded underground; new labourers that would fuel the next stage of the Master Plan. [21a][20a]

Although Clan Skryre had sold their wares to a few of the banned clans, the generaI lack of advanced weaponry had made the invasion of Tilea much more costly for the Skaven. Without warpfire thrower, or gas grenade to exterminate pockets of resistance, many defenders had to be slain by tooth or spear.[28c]

The Skaven lost a great many of their warriors, to such extent that none could ever count the ocean of half-eaten bodies that littered the filthy streets of each and every city, but such were their numbers and cruelty that none shed a single tear for their lost kin, for they have many more and the fruits of their victory have brought about a new cycle of violence that would threaten their race once more in open civil war.[21a][20a]

Tilea was overrunned, every major city was a blasted ruin over which a ragged clan banner openly flew. Long lines of human survivors were chained and herded underground; new labourers that would fuel the next stage of the Master Plan.[28b] With the death of the Bretonnians refuges escaped in its lands the Skaven moved their attention to the other nations of the souther kingdoms, Estalia and the Border Princes.[28]

The only city-state not wiped out by the Skaven, suffered maybe a darker destiny. Trantio fell in the early days of the End Times. The city was engulfed for three days and three nights into a swirl of perfumed murk. No two stones lay together when the storm lifted; the daemon-wrought destruction was so complete not a single building survived and every trapped within now served, in manners both horrific and diverse, before Slaanesh's silken throne.[28]


"Spent some time in Tilea, when I was younger. Now there's a place where corruption's an art form. -- The meanest burgomeister in the Reikland could learn volumes from any Tilean nobleman. And the women! Poisoners all!"

Sienna Fuegonasus to Markus de Mandelot, both members of the Ubersreik Five[67]

At times in its long history, Tilea has been a republic centred around the prosperous capital city of Remas – though at such times, its merchant lords have always tended to look to their own selfish interests, even whilst paying lip service to the idea of a united nation and a centralised government. Much to the horror of its northern neighbours, Tilea scorns the idea of nobility and long ago did away with all the bother that can be caused by having kings and queens. Instead, it has cultivated mercantile dynasties, a family’s power and position being built upon the extent of its trade and greed rather than any notion of a hereditary right to rule.[24a]

In modern times the free city-states of Tilea are not a unified nation, and as such, the issues of government is administered by a small class of local wealthy individuals. In most cases, a single merchant family is pre-eminent in each of the Tilean cities at any one time. In Republics, the power is shared more or less equally between several families, to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. Often, where one household is more powerful and respected, the head of the family becomes the ruling Prince of the city. Such rulers are known collectively within Tilea as Merchant Princes.[1k]

There is no hereditary right to rule and so every Merchant Prince must watch out for rivals making a bid for power as assassination is viewed as a legitimate tool of governance.[49a] It is quite usual for the ruler to be toppled from power by a rival contender from another merchantile family, close relatives, or even the common citizenry. Such power struggles usually take the form of violent street fights between warriors hired by either side. Sometimes, am ambitious pretender to the princely throne will go as far as hiring an entire army to oust his rivals.[1l]

As such, it is a Tilean custom for anyone whose ancestors ever wielded political power, to have both the right and duty to claim the title of merchant prince for himself. Anyone who rises to power, whether by intrigue, assassination or force of arms, is certain to makes enemies along the way. In Tilea, the tradition of getting even with your enemies is almost religious amongst the families. This has given rise to the notorious custom of vendetta. Such vendetta's is all that it takes for anyone to topple the rule and usurp his position, no matter how old the grudge may be.[1l]

It must be noted that despite the violence and intrigue that populate Tilean politics: art, sciences, innovation and music are all strongly supported by the princes of the city-states.[53a]

Thus said it can be told that in truth two forces dominate the Tilean city-states — merchant houses and mercenary companies. The merchant houses rose to prominence first, acting as middlemen between the Elves and the Dwarfs. Large caravans of expensive trade goods required protection, and the hired guards of the early years evolved into powerful mercenary companies over the centuries. These became key to both the defense of Tilea as a whole and the wars between the various city-states. Sellswords are so common in Tilea that is often referred to as “the land of the mercenary.[40c]

Despite belonging to the category best known in foreign lands, the merchant princes are not the only ones who hold political power in Tilea, Tilean towns are often managed also by a vast array of dukes, doges, and duci.[82a]

Role of Assassins

Rival Tilea Fiefdom

Heraldry of rival Tilean fiefdoms as depicted in Total War: Warhammer.

"In Tilea, somebody always wants somebody else dead."

Assassin's Code #2[19a]

Intrigue and assassination are as much a part of the Tilean way of life as fine food and music. Any man who dares to cross a powerful Tilean Prince or an influential merchant or money lender is likely to find himself on the wrong end of a dagger or, more likely. feeding the fishes at the bottom of the local harbor. As a consequence, an entire professional class of assassins, poisoners, and hired thugs have grown up all too willing to exact vengeance on behalf of their clients. In a land where money buys power and military might, it is hardly surprising that it also buys justice or, to give it its proper title, revenge.[1s]

These hired killers have a formidable reputation and no one. not even the most powerful Tilean merchants would want to get on the wrong side of them. A warning is usually enough to banish any thought of betrayal or double-dealing. A bloodied dagger found embedded in a door or in some innocent servant. is just one recognized sign of disapproval. Finding an unwelcome note beside the pillow in the morning can also be a sobering experience.[1s]

Whilst native Tileans are well versed in these rituals of intrigue, this is not always true when it comes to other races. After he managed to offend most of the locals one way or another he awoke one night to find a horse's severed head upon his pillow, and instead of being threatened he merely remarked that it was the best horse's head he had ever eaten. Several subsequent attempts on his life resulted in a dramatic reduction in the number of professional killers in Luccini. At one point there were so few murderers. assassins and poisoners remaining in his city that Lorenzo Lupo was concerned law and order would break down altogether.[1s]

Fortunately, the Prince of Luccini managed to drive the Ogres away towards the Border Princes, allowing the honest assassins to return to their useful duties.[1g]

Principalities and Republics

Tilea Rebels TWW2

Heraldry of Tilean Rebels as depicted in Total War: Warhammer.

Though the small towns and feudal holdings of Tilea are important, when outsiders think of Tilea they think of the great city-states and their people: dour Luccini, home of the Cult of Morr; Remas, Tilea's one, true republic; Miragliano the Serene, owner of Tilea's largest fleet and ever-vigilant over the Blighted Marshes; unconquered Tobaro, built into the cliffs of the Abaskos; and Sartosa, free-wheeling and deadly island home of the pirate captains.[38c]

The Tilean city-states are only a loose confederation primarily concerned with trade, but think nothing of attacking each other's fleets.[23a]

Although there is great rivalry between the individual states, there is also a measure of mutual respect, a recognition of a common heritage that ensures that most of their warlike energies are directed at common enemies. The inland states are smaller, sometimes subservient in some way to the coastal states.[23b]

  • The Ancient Principality of Luccini - A principality. Traditionally ruling princes claim descent from one of the city’s twin founders, Lucan and Luccina. Many civil wars have been fought between these two dynasties.[1o][38c]
  • The Decadent Pirate Principality of Sartosa - Pirate law applies, forbidding theft and executing murderers, thieves, swindlers, and traitors. Each year the Pirate Captains currently in port hold an election to acknowledge one of their own as a supreme authority.[1o][38c]
  • The Rebellious Republic of Remas - A republic. Each of Remas’ most powerful merchant families is represented on the Council of Fifty, an assembly that debates issues and drafts legislation. Three members of the council are randomly selected each year to preside over it as a triumvirate.[1o][38c]
  • The Serene Republic of Verezzo - A republic. The various merchant families are divided into factions distinguished by various voting colours (the Reds, the Greens, the Blues, and the Yellows). The current head of the Yellow faction is a merchant prince named Groccolo, though after the gold he had raised to pay a large force of mercenaries disappeared and the army mutinied. Despite his misfortunes the Yellows cling to power, but Bastino Batta of the Reds is growing increasingly popular amongst the merchant princes.[1o][38c]
  • The Tormented Principality of Tobaro - Tobaro is a principality despite attempts at social revolution. Tobaro has no single ruling family, but rather a collection of semi-royal merchant houses from which the prince is chosen. Tobaro also controls a vassal city-state known as Vedenza "the True" by those who love her.[1o][39a][38a][38c]
  • The Turbulent Principality of Trantio - A principality. Since Marco Colombo defeated the corrupted republic that had overthrown Prince Orlando, the princes of the city have been expected to be master merchants as much as they have been expected to be regal.[1o][38c]


Northern Tilea

Northern Tilea as depicted on Total War: Warhammer map.

"These academics of dubious veracity assert that, much like the fertile Reik Basin to the north, the drier lands to the south were also populated by tribes of Humans. However, unlike the northern tribes, who were invaders from foreign soil, the Tileans incredulously argue that their ancestors had long inhabited their lands, and cite unlikely myths of great Tilean cities supposedly founded during the occupation of the Old World by the Elves as proof of this—a claim I believe has no historical basis."

—Hieronymous, Scholar of Nuln.[3a]

The lands of Tilea is a fertile landscape that hugs the coast of the warm and tranquil Tilean Sea. This region is separated from the surrounding continents by high mountain ranges. To the north run the Iranna Mountains, whose peaks stand like a saw tooth against the northern sky. Beyond them are the even higher and more dangerous peaks of the Vaults. To the east runs the rugged Apuccinis Mountains, which divides the fertile plains of Tilea from the harsh wilderness of the Border Princes. In former times, fierce tribes of Greenskins would swarm out of the Badlands, cross the lands of the Border Princes and raid the riches of Tilea.[1m]

Yet times have passed since those days, and though the Mountains still contain Orcs, they are but scattered and divided. To the West, the Abasko Mountains separates Tilea from the arid plateau of Estalia. The only great Tilea city-state on this side of the Tilean Sea is Tobaro, which benefits from the natural defenses of the mountain and the rugged coastline with its many rocky islands.[1m]

Southern Tilea

Southern Tilea as depicted on Total War Warhammer map.

Tilea is a far warmer and sunnier climate than the lands of the Empire or Bretonnia. Indeed, due to the high temperature many lands in the southernmost regions can be quite arid in high summer. Other then regions inland, those lands near the coastal plains are naturally green and fertile and as a result, easily cultivated. This is indeed a very rich and abundant land for both farmers and nobles to live in. The sea's are also full of fish that Tileans claim it is proof of Manann’s love for Myrmidia. and the foothills of the mountain are covered in open woodlands which is excellent hunting country for the nobility. The Tileans are known well for their eating and drinking, and there is a very tremendous rivalry between the Bretonnians and Tileans as to which of them knows most about good food.[1n][38c]

The Apuccini Mountains are a range of rugged and bare elevation with sparse vegetation along its slopes, but it is still not as cold or snowbound as the higher mountain further north. The Abasko Mountains are much the same, but the Irrana Mountains, being part of the Vaults, are much colder and more treacherous then the rest of the mountain ranges. The Blighted Marshes are exactly as their name suggests: a vast expanse of bleak and dangerous stagnations located at the northern region of Tilea. With little to no resource or benefits to have in the marshes, barely any Tileans hardly ever venture into them and those who do, would recount creatures, that resemble rats, but stands upright. Indeed, the marshes are the lands of the Skaven, and its capital city of Skavenblight is located near the ruins of a once proud city that rested in the depths of the marshes.[1n]

The Tilean sea is naturally warm and calm during most of the year. It is sometimes tempestuous at occasion, but only treacherous around the rock islands of the coast of Tobaro, and in the Pirate's Current. Apart from this, the sea is calm and easy sailing for small ships and sleek galleys. This has greatly benefited trade around the sea between the Tilean cities, but it has also made the coast vulnerable to pirates, Corsairs of Araby and raiders from as far away as Norsca and even Naggaroth.[1n]

Notable Locations


Worldroots Map

A map of the Worldroots network that stretches across the Known World

Forests in the foothills of the Apuccinis are dangerous enough, harbouring many predatory beasts, not all of natural or earthily origin. There are Goblins too, and brigands are a constant threat, maintaining stony strongholds high in the mountain valleys.[23b]

  • Appentine Forest - Forest placed on the edge of the Trantine Hills, near the city of Trantio.
  • Tettoverde Wood - Wood in northern Tilea,[79a][82b] it's still reached by the Worldroots of the Oak of Ages, providing an underground connection to the heart of Athel Loren.[15a][37a]


  • Lago Monticchio - A lake in the Principality of Miragliano. Fried river eels marinated in wine and olive oil, with onions, are a delicacy of the region.[71a]

Maritime Locations

  • Abasko Coast - Estalian coast where is located the Tilean city-state of Vedenza.[39a]
  • Golfo di Fodore - A Gulf in the Tilean Sea embraced by the coasts of Tobaro and the Blighted Marshes.[15a]
  • Gulf of Pearls - The Gulf of Pearls, also known as Golfo di Miragliano, is a gulf in the Tilean Sea embraced by the coasts of Miragliano.[1o][1a5]
  • Howling Abyss - A massive half-flooded sea cavern in the Isle of Grief. Inside is kept a mysterious temple more ancient of the Elves, and in the center of the cavern lies a monolith of warpstone now under the guard of She, a warpfire dragon.[4a]
  • Nonucci - An Island under the influence of the Republic of Verezzo, used to exile uncomfortable people like the painter Grottio.[1]
  • Rat Cove - The Rat Cove is an area of open coves that stretch along the coast of Tilea. The name is due to the fact that the cove is inhabited by rats with black fur, some of which grow to be as large as pigs. These vermin descend from the cliffs at the back of the cove, emerging from a wet black tunnel that only the gods know where it leads.[27]
  • Vigils - The Vigils are a maritime area of Luccini, known for the Battle of Vigils, where the Dreadfleet commanded by Noctilus was put on the run from the Luccini navy, giving the Grand Alliance time to be able to lick its wounds.[27]


Chaos in the Old World (Specialist Game) map

A map with the exact confines of Estalia with the other Old World realms, a note next to the realm's name indicates whether it is densely populated or not.

  • Irrana Mountains - Mountain range that divides Tilea from Bretonnia and Estalia. The Irranas act as a natural barrier between the Tilean city-states and the kingdom of Bretonnia.[1o]
  • Red Vault - Buried deep beneath the drowned catacombs of the city of Vedenza, lies the Red Vaults, probably designed by the original inhabitants, from more than a century is now where items of great power and valor as been gathered from all around the world by the republic, among which three Scrolls of Binding.[4a]
  • The Vaults - Mountain range that divides North Tilea from the Borderlands, Bretonnia and the Empire.[1o]


  • Blighted Marshes - Also known as the "Zombie Swamps," the Blighted Marshes lie in northwestern Tilea, stretching from the Great Ocean to the Black Mountains. In its depths hide the Skaven and their capital, Skavenblight. Is a rightly feared place, where the Undead and darker things make their lairs. This does not stop the local lords from using the marshes' tributaries to keep their convict hulks far from the prying eyes of honest citizens.[1o]
  • Trantine Hills - Hills rich of fruit orchards and olive groves around Trantio. The hills are also well known for the many battles fought by Trantio against Pavona or other city-state and Bretonnia.[1o]


  • River Arena - Also known as River Iseo,[15a] River Arena flows from The Vaults and join the Cristallo River.[26a]
  • River Eboro - A river coming from the Irrana mountains and flowing into the Tilean Sea through the territories under the control of the Principality of Tobaro.[15a][1o]
  • River of Echoes - Discovered by enterprising Tilean merchants from Miragliano, the River of Echoes is a subterranean route, aribbon of dark water that passed beneath the Vaults and into the heartland. Many Tilean Merchant Houses, especially from Miragliano and Remas used it to establish a major mercantile route between Tilean and the new city created to the other side later known ad Nuln.[14a]
  • River Remo - A river that flows from the Apuccini Mountains into the River Riati to flow into the Tilean Sea.[15a]
  • River Riati - A river that flows from the Apuccini Mountains into the River Remo to flow into the Tilean Sea.[15a]
  • River Trino - A river that flows from the eastern Irrana Mountains into the Gulf of Pearls.[15a]
  • Wreckers' Run - A river that flows from the Apuccini into the Lagoon of Tears. It ideally divides the territories subject to Tilean influence from the even more anarchic ones from the Border Princes.[11a]


Roads in Tilea are patrolled by roadwardens, these men have a reputation as steely-eyed gunmen who take the concept of justice very seriously. A small band of roadwardens who patrol the highway between Remas and Scozzese keep their identities secret and are simply known as the “Men With No Names” by the locals; they are revered in story and song.[2b]

Although the Vaults are higher mountains than the Irranas and are much more perilous, especially in winter, there is a little used Dwarf road which skirts the highest peaks and cuts through the aptly named 'Winter's Teeth Pass'. This joins Tilea to the Dwarf Kingdom, and leads the way to the Empire, either via the Dwarf tunnels beneath the mountains or via Blackfire Pass. Mercenaries travel this road from the north to reach Tilea where they can be sure of finding ready employment. Merchant convoys use the same route, often travelling through the Dwarf Kingdom to save time. Dwarfs are not always keen to allow free passage to human tradesmen and charge a high toll. However, the alternative is to risk the Dwarf road as it skirts the Border Princes, and crosses into the Empire via Blackfire Pass. It was this well developed trade between the Empire and the cities of Tilea that made it easy for Elector Counts to hire mercenaries to fight in the civil wars that periodically ravaged the Empire before the time of Magnus the Pious.[1q]

Indeed, during the time of the Three Emperors there were numerous Tileans serving as mercenaries on opposing sides! Whoever became Emperor usually considered it prudent not only to continue to use Tilean mercenaries, but to hire all those of his defeated rivals as well, to deprive opponents of the services of such useful troops. Thus it has become a tradition for Emperors to hire Tileans. Crossbowmen are the most favoured, since the Empire originally only had archers recruited from among the foresters or even from Kislev. Even when handguns became available, a crossbow in the hands of a skilled Tilean marksman still had the edge in terms of range and accuracy.[1q]

  • Brenheim Pass - Pass that links the south of the Empire with north Tilea. Is often sealed by snow from fall to spring. Several monasteries line its way, so that travellers have shelter in need. There is also one inn near the summit of the pass, the Brandy Home. It is a fortified structure of stone, built centuries ago and held by the same Human family since. It is here that, between the spring melt and the autumn frosts, Dwarfs from the Vaults and the western Black Mountains come to trade with Imperials and Tileans, and to sample the inn’s famous brandy.[26]
  • Dark Maiden Pass - Also known as Stretto Pass,[15a] is a road which links Tilea with the Border Princes across the Apuccinis. It takes its name from the mythological figure of Dark Maiden.[11a]
  • Old Dwarf Pass - Also called Via Nano, it's a pass that goes through the mountains linking Trantio to Lakoras in the Border Princes.[26a]
  • Tramoto Pass - A pass between Estalia and the Tobaran territory of the peninsula.[15a]

Human Cities and Settlements

  • Aldente - A Tilean town known for the Battle of Aldente.[1o]
  • Alimento - A cavern town where traders from the Empire arrive by boat under the Alimento Tunnel, stopping for rest and resupply in the town.[6a]
  • Anducci - A Tilean town where Naggarothi Shades from the Black Ark Tower of Oblivion stole all the children of the town one night, the Dark Elf commander then ransomed them back to their parents - once the valuables had been gathered and taken the adults were slaughtered and the children taken back to Naggaroth as slaves.[38a]
  • Astiano - Inland town between the settlements of Stiani and Pavona, it is under the influence of Pavona.[15a]
  • Brandy Home - It is a fortified structure of stone, built centuries ago and held by the same Human family since. It is here that, between the spring melt and the autumn frosts, Dwarfs from the Vaults and the western Black Mountains come to trade with Imperials and Tileans, and to sample the inn's famous brandy.[26]
  • Beronna - Is a town sieged by the Skaven during The End Times.
  • Brandy Home - Built on the Brenheim Pass that links the south of the Empire with north Tilea, Brandy Home is an inn near the summit of the pass. It is a fortified structure of stone, built centuries ago and held by the same Human family since. It is here that, between the spring melt and the autumn frosts, Dwarfs from the Vaults and the western Black Mountains come to trade with Imperials and Tileans, and to sample the inn’s famous brandy.[26]
  • Cammaro - A Tilean city who suffered several assassination from Skaven assassins. The last victim was the Merchant Prince of the city who led to a successive siege from the sewer.[22b]
  • Capelli - Inland town on the border with the Sussurrio Wood.[15a]
  • Castolino - A town on the slopes of the Trantine hills.
  • Ciabbatta - Location mentioned in the "Extracts from the Art of Statecraft" of Gossippa Lotta.[1]
  • Ciarascura - Location mentioned in the "Extracts from the Art of Statecraft" of Gossippa Lotta.[1]
  • Decima - A town not far from Miragliano, plagued by the Red Pox during the last years of the XVI century IC.[9]
  • Ebino - Inland town under the influence of the Principality of Miragliano.[15a]
  • Escantos - Was a village in Southern Tilea it's been completely devoured by swarms of rats in 1601.[1]
  • Etobrutti - A city under the principality of Miragliano. After the defeat of Borso in the Battle of Etobrutti, the mercenary captain Donato assumed command, won a great victory and saved the city from the Verezzians. Donato married Lucrezzia Belladonna soon afterwards and became Prince of Pavona.[1]
  • Lucin - Lucin was the name of a realm located somewhere within the territories of the present day Border Princes and Tilea, mentioned mainly in a legend of the ancestors that inhabitated the south of the Old World that describes the war between King Iobanes and Amidemachus, the bellicose and greedy monarch of Calia.[75c]
  • Lumbrusco - The city-state of Lumbrusco was once located in the north of Tilea near the Zombie Swamps and the Apuccini Mountains. It was ruled by the Duke Fabriano of Lumbrusco. It is said that the Nightmare Legion re-fortified the ruins of Lumbrusco and that Ennio Mordini is now courting his undead there, but there is no living person who has seen it and can tell about it.
  • Marrossa - An ancient and forgotten town before the first city states came about, it was ruled by King Kharask II.[76a]
  • Molto - A settlement deep in the caves of the district of Trafuro in Tobaro.[39a]
  • Montarrio - Montarrio, also known as Montarrio Castello, achieved questionable fame because the fortress changed hands a total of twelve times during its twelve-week siege.[25]
  • Mintopua - A town with a port under the Principality of Luccini.[15a]
  • Mironia - It was a small town near the Zombie Swamps, it was destroyed by a large number of Skaven.
  • Monte Castello - Fortress which guards the border between the lands ruled by Luccini and the Border Princes.[1o] It is manned by mercenaries paid by all City-States to ensure their protection from threats to their east.
  • Olesi - A town under the Republic of Verezzo.[15a]
  • Parmis - Parmis was a vibrant Tilean city before an attack from the Skaven that left the city desert.
  • Parnis - A Tilean City state besieged by the Skaven.[56a]
  • Pavezzano - A town with a port under the principality of Luccini.[15a]
  • Piza - Location mentioned in the "Extracts from the Art of Statecraft" of Gossippa Lotta.[1]
  • Portomaggiore - Largely populated portual town under the influence of the Republic of Verezzo.[15a]
  • Raverno - Inland town between the cities of Luccini and Verezzo. It is under the influence of the Republic of Verezzo.[15a]
  • Riccotta - Location mentioned in the "Extracts from the Art of Statecraft" of Gossippa Lotta.[1]
  • Rifraffa - Small city port under the Republic of Remas. Was also the place of the Route of Rifraffa.[1o][15a]
  • Scozzese - A town and a small, independent Tilean city-state allied with Pavona.[15a]
  • Sileno - A Tilean town which suffered a Skaven attack later known as the Liberation of Sileno.
  • Spomanti - Inland town on the River Riati linked by it with the cities of Terenne and Verezzo to the south and Rifraffa to the north.[15a]
  • Stiani - Inland town under the influence of the Republic of Remas, its is located near the Pavonan town of Astiano.[15a]
  • Teal - An ancient and forgotten town before the first city states came about, it was ruled by King Kharask II.[76a]
  • Thantis Tor - A ruin of an ancient temple now under the sea near Luccini.
  • Terenne - Inland town close to one of the tributaries of the River Riati. It is under the influence of the Republic of Verezzo.[15a]
  • Torrico - The infamous Hobgoblin mercenary general, Ghazak Khan made his name as the "Butcher of Torrico Fields", having carried great pain to its lands, the population is still recovering from the recent Hobgoblin raids.[38a]
  • Tramaglino - A village close to Miragliano and on the border of the Blighted marshes.[10]
  • Tylos - City once located in the Blighted Marshes destroyed in ancient times. Both Tileans and Estalians claim descent from the people of the legendary city. Now only ruins remain in the marshes.[1]
  • Urbimo - A largely populated town under the Principality of Trantio.[15a]
  • Varieno - Inland town on the edge of the Trantine Hills, between the cities of Urbimo and Trantio. The town is under the influence of the Principality of Trantio.[15a]
  • Vedenza - A busting town and a small republic on the border with Estalia recently reconquered from Estalian overlordship. Despite attempts at social revolution, Vedenza is still under the rulership of Tobaro.
  • Venni - Location mentioned in the "Extracts from the Art of Statecraft" of Gossippa Lotta.[1]
  • Vennia - A poor Tilean village under the rule of the Republic of Remas.
  • Viadaza - A portual town under the Principality of Miragliano.[15a]
  • Zeluco - A village under the Principality of Miragliano, known mainly for the fearsome and labyrinthine dungeons under the Zeluco's Fortress.[38a]

Island of Sartosa

  • Cave of the Damned - A mysterious cavern in the South of Sartosa.[Note 2]
  • Dwarf Stronghold of Sartosa - Dwarf stronghold.[Note 2]
  • Fortress of Capitano Sissico - The Dwarf slayer, Long Drong captured the fortress from the Capitano Sisicco, the hold is located somewhere on Sartosa.[1]
  • Osso Hills - A group of hills.[15a]
  • Pirate's Current - Deadly current, which makes it impossible for any ship to land on the north side of the island.[15a]
  • River - A river that links the Volcanic Lake of Sartosa with the Tilean Sea.[Note 2]
  • Skull Sands - An ever-shifting sandbank located in the south, where careless ships easily run aground. Is the only "safe" passage to access the island.[23c]
  • Volcanic Lake - Lake linked by a river of Sartosa with the Tilean Sea.[Note 2]

West of the Apuccini Mountains

Warhammer Tamurkhan Border Princes

Political map during 2510 IC, showing the confine between Tilea and the Border Princes.[29b]

These are places present on the Tilean peninsula, but belonging to the Border Princes.

  • Calia - A former small realm located within the territories of the present day Border Princes and Tilea mentioned mainly in a legend of the ancestors that inhabitated the south of the Old World that describes the creation of the first Chimera by the will of the Ruinous Powers.[75c]
  • Mirasino - The Barony of Mirasino is a contested territory located between Lissa and the Principality of Scarosio. Its territories include the Dread Hall and Lament beyond the river Tana Dante, in Lost Khypnia territory.[29b]

Physical map during 24th century IC, showing the confine between Tilea and the Border Princes.[11a]

  • Lost Khypnia - An area between Scarosio, Mirasino and The Desolation of Draken Coast.[29b]
  • Scarosio - A principality between Tilea and the Border Princes, its armies fight around the world as mercenaries.[29b]
Border princes Map 2200 CA

Border Princes confine around 2200 IC.

  • Tinea - Tinea was an ancient city of the Reman Empire, famed for its healers.

Dwarf Cities and Settlements

Dwarf Map 8th

A map with some Dwarf settlements location.

  • Karag-Dar - Dwarven citadel located in the mountains of The Vaults. In times past, it was a great fortress of the Eternal Kingdom. But it fell, like so many of the great dwarven cities, by fire, earthquakes, and goblins thousands of years ago.
  • Zarakzil - An overrun Dwarf outpost in the Apuccini Mountains.[28a]

Greenskins Tribes

Tribes and Tribulations Greenskins Map

A map displaying the locations of many Greenskin tribes in the southern Old World as well as the largest forests of Tilea.[81a]

In Tilea, Orcs and Goblins are more of a presence than in Bretonnia or the Empire, though mostly kept under control. Even so, their numbers in the Appucini Mountains and the Vaults can prove a problem.[81b]

  • Black Fangs Tribe - A Goblin tribe who fights for supremacy in the fortress's tunnels of Karag-Dar in the Vaults.[9]
  • Black Mountain Boyz - The Black Mountain Boyz is an Orc tribe that has suffered heavy losses during its troublesome past. They actually migrate between the southern Empire, northern Tilea, and the Border Princes.[81c]
  • Gutrippaz Tribe - The Gutrippaz Tribe is an Orc tribe nestled in the Vaults between Tilea and the Border Princes.[81a]

Skaven Settlements

  • Skavenblight - Of all the Strongholds in the Under-Empire, none can match the size or strength of the capital. Located within the North-Western reaches of Tilea, within the heart of the Blighted Marsh, Skavenblight has always been a massive metropolis. It teems with untold numbers of Skaven; some say the numbers reach in the hundreds of thousands. The city is the location of the First Temple of the Horned Rat, the Shattered Tower, and the Council of Thirteen. However, the most prominent feature of the city is that it is mostly situated on the surface. Once a massive human metropolis, unrivalled in the entire world, it was beautiful and wealthy. With the coming of the Skaven, the city fell into a series of misfortunes until all its former inhabitants were gone and the city along with them. The city does have levels beneath the surface, where the powerful and rich Skaven live in comfortable nests under the old mansions of the humans. Those poor and weak skaven live in the wet crumbling tunnels beneath the swamps surrounding the old city.[5][1o][34]
  • Queekwell - Queekwell is a nest near Clan Skaar’s stronghold in Pavona. It is a small mining village, typical of any nest that claims allegiance to a nearby stronghold or warren. The sleepy, smalltown feeling of Queekwell is often interrupted by occasional earthquakes that seem to be centred in the mines themselves. Workers often meet their ends in cave-ins and the like, but Clan Skaar demands that the mining continues.[5b] The date of the tunnel's excavation was around 1000 IC to present days.[34a]
  • Under-Remas - Stronghold under the city-state of Remas. The date of the tunnel's excavation was around 1000 IC to present days.[34a]
  • Under-Tobaro - A minor stronghold that houses most of Clan Skurvy's fleets of barges and skiffs. The date of the tunnel's excavation was around -1500 to 0 IC.[34a]
  • Under-Miragliano - Of all the human cities Skaven have preyed upon, no city has suffered more than the city of Miragliano. The upper city is the closest to Skavenblight, and lies just a few miles from the outskirts of the Blighted Marsh. The date of the tunnel's excavation was around 0 to 1000 IC.[34a]
  • Fester Spike - One of the three major Skaven strongholds located within the Vaults, Fester Spike occupies the mountain's highest peak with tunnels stretching out for hundreds of miles underneath. The stronghold's economy relies on its mines, run by a number of clans holding different sections. It is common for the clans controlling the mines to fight each other in small skirmishes and, intermittently, open warfare. Fester Spike is notorious for its violent slave revolts and the ruthless measures used to put down such uprisings. In the past, Fester Spike had been at odds with Putrid Stump, wasting precious warp-token that could have been used elsewhere. Eventually, the Council of Thirteen was forced to step in to stop the inter-clan warfare and deal with the local Night Goblin tribe that had taken up residence in the war-torn region.[28a][61a]
  • Foul Peak - One of the three major Skaven strongholds located within the Vaults. The lair is home to a large population of Skaven slavers. Slaves, of all different races, are the main export and industry of the stronghold.[61a]
  • Putrid Stump - One of the three major Skaven strongholds located within the Vaults. This Skaven lair sit along an important route in the Under-Empire's main tunnelway. Underground rivers also pass through the area making the lair a major trade hub. The lair had been at odds with Fester Spike. Only the timely intervention of the Council ensured that the wars between the two strongholds finally ended.


Sometimes, a merchant prince might even take it upon his or herself to lead a grand expedition to some far-flung region of the world, hiring a mercenary army to help them carve out a new Tilean outpost – usually for the purpose of setting up a lucrative trade route. In this way, Tilean ports have sprung up in Lustria, the Southlands and as far away as the Dread Sea, all to serve the interests of one prince or another.[24a]

  • Cadavo - It was a New World colony established by the Tilean mercenary general, adventurer and pirate El Cadavo several times before its final destruction in 1944 IC.[1]
  • Mangrove Port - An outpost and a beacon for adventurers, criminals, pirates and treasure hunters in the Southlands. Once a Tilean colony, it had changed hands numerous times from its foundation and now it is nominally under the jurisdiction of the Empire.[88a]
  • Myrmidens - Myrmidens was originally founded by exiles from Luccini long time ago.[83c]
  • New Coast - The first Old Worlder settlement in the Southlands.
  • Nuevo Luccini - Nuevo Luccini is located on the sun-blessed Cactus Coast. It is now a den of robbers and pirates, but it's still a handy place to visit for those who are in needs of goods.
  • Nuln - The city of Nuln was established by a Tilean merchant from Miragliano upon an elvish ruin. Now the city is an indipendent city-state in the Empire.
  • Soqotra - If records are true, this Orc corsair town in the Badlands might once have been a thriving port -- a Tilean or Estalian trading outpost maybe, or perhaps a hidden raider cove of some enterprising Sartosan captain -- but now it is entirely in ruins. Its buildings are burnt-out skeletons of fire-blackened timber, demolished in its conquest or by the rolling brawls of its new masters. Parts of it had been rebuilt, but by lunatic builders who cared nothing for rhyme nor reason and possessed a deep and abiding hatred of symmetry.[83b][83c]


Old and classical pantheon

An illustration of the relationships between the pantheon of the southern Classical Gods who originated in the realms of Estalia and Tilea and those of the Old Gods whose pantheon was originally worshipped in the central and norther lands of the Old World that eventually formed the Empire. The two pantheons eventually merged into the Old World Pantheon of the present day. With a few additions such as Sigmar and Ranald, which are considered gods unaligned with both pantheons.

Tilea had a pedigree of sophisticated culture inherited from the old empire of Remas,[16c] where for centuries the Powers of Heart and Sky were worshipped by the simple people.[73a]

In Tilea, Myrmidia is the chief goddess, her high temple being at Remas. It is believed that she came among the men of the south in the form of a mortal woman and led their armies to victory against many invading hordes. Before she could be crowned queen, a mysterious assassin slew her mortal body, and she became a goddess once more.[16d]

There is a temple to Myrmidia in the citadel of every town and city of Tilea and in most cities of any substance there are multiple temples. Temples are also found in the southern parts of Bretonnia and the Empire, as well as in other places where southern mercenaries are commonly employed.[40b]

Myrmidian temples reflect the cult’s southern origins, borrowing architectural designs that in turn came from Elven styles, whose ancient ruins dot the Tilean landscape. Marble columns illuminate circular rooms with domed roofs and spired towers; most have weapon halls and training rooms as well as pulpits.[33a]

Myrmidia’s main sacred day is called the Day of the Spear, a big event in Tilea and Estalia but a minor one in the Empire. Falling on 8th Jahrdrung, it commemorates Myrmidia’s greatest victory, when she vanquished a great army of daemons. Her followers mark this day with solemn prayers and recitals from her holy books. The event culminates with displays of martial prowess by Myrmidia’s most devout followers.[16e]

A libation of fine Tilean wine to Myrmidia is also considered a good way to invoke the favour of the goddess.[16e] While bowing to the west is a use of Tilean cultists of Myrmidia when they feel hopeless.[3]

Shallya, Morr, and Verena are also popular gods in these regions, while the Old Gods are workshipped under different names, inherited by Elven scrolls founded in old ruins of the colonies left behind during the War of the Beard. Indeed, Morr’s seat of power is in the Tilean city of Luccini as well for the local divinities of Lucan and Luccina.[16d] Another deity that is still worshiped despite its antiquity is Solkan god of vengeance, given the importance that the people of Tilea place in the art of Vendetta.[9]

History of the Cults

The scholars of the Tilean city-states claims that it was their ancestors that were the true civilisers of the Old World, in contrast with some imperial scholars like the famous Hieronymous of Nuln. To prove, this thesis Tileans have scrolls and records they claim date from this early time.[3a]

These academics claim that the lands to the south were populated by tribes of Humans. However, unlike the northern tribes, who were invaders from foreign soil, these ancestors had long inhabited their lands, like in records of great Tilean cities founded during the occupation of the Old World by the Elves.[3a]

The legacy of this civilisation was, the written word, which their ancient texts suggest was gifted to them by Verena, the Goddess of Wisdom. This ancient written language is now called Classical, and its modern equivalent is still used across the Old World as the primary script of academic study, and as a common tongue between enlightened folk of all Old World nations.[3a]

Long before the great city-states of Tilea had been wrought, it is claimed there was an intellectual elite that could read and write in the south of the Old World, and as most of their early settlements were built in and around the ruins abandoned many centuries ago by the Elves, the Tileans ancestors have translated the complex runes of the Elves. From these translations the Tileans learned the founding principles of modern philosophy, medicine, theology, astronomy, and, most importantly, they uncovered many new Gods.[3a]

Tileans, were an adventurous and curious folk, and soon organised expeditions to explore the surrounding lands. When they encountered the northern tribes, they brought with them knowledge of their written language and Gods, and had a broad-reaching impact upon imperlial ancestors.[3a]

Concerning Classical Gods

The Gods introduced by the Tileans to the Imperial tribal forefathers are commonly called the “Classical Gods,” after the language the southerners introduced to their ancestors.[3a]

Where the Gods already worshipped in the Empire mirrored the harsh and brutal life in the northern Old World, the Classical Gods represented more refined concepts, such as Mercy (Shallya) and Wisdom (Verena). Indeed, Shallya and Verena are the most commonly cited Classical Gods, as they now have a great deal of influence in the Empire. But, other less-well-known Gods should also be included, such as: Khaine, the Lord of Murder; Margileo, the Guardian of Honour (who may, disregarding his sex, actually be Myrmidia); and Scripsisti, the Patron of Scribes. Further, some scholars claim Ranald is also a Classical God, although some Ranaldan factions vociferously argue against this, for they believe their God was once mortal, and had not yet been born.[3a]

As the Tilean traders spread word of their Gods, they, in turn, were influenced by the northerners ancestors, and returned to the south with new myths and legends, some of which were incorporated into their existing traditions. Thus, many of the earliest surviving Tilean texts have tales including the northern names for the Gods, rather than the original Tilean names. For, although Morr was a name that originated in the south (the northern names for the God of Death have been lost to time), the Tileans used different names for Manann, Taal and Rhya (Mathann, Karnos and Ishea), and had no equivalent for Ulric at all (although some brave theists have dared to draw comparisons between Ulric and Khaine). The extant texts of the time have many myths of one God meeting another, typically a Classical God meeting an Elder God, mirroring the contact between the Old World tribes.[3a]

Another important export from the south was the priest. Where the northern tribes relied upon temporal leaders—their chiefs and kings—to guard their spiritual welfare, Tileans believe the southern tribes had temporal and spiritual leaders. Whatever the truth, at a similar time to the arrival of the southerners and their Classical Gods, it is generally accepted that priests soon spread throughout the north.[3a]

Soon, most clans and tribes of the north sported an array of priests dedicated to the Gods that were important to their people. Almost all communities worshipped the five Elder Gods, and their priesthoods were joined by those of local nature spirits, and those of other now-long-forgotten Gods. Shallya's priestesses soon joined them, as the Goddess's influence quickly spread from the Tilean trading settlements that were established in the Reik Basin (with Nuln being the largest, which was then a fortified village built within Elf ruins by merchants from Miragliano).Verena's rare cultists had an immeasurable impact, for they brought the Blessed Art of Words, and for the first time, the myths, legends and fables of the Great Tribes were recorded. This Tilean settlement, within the new Empire's borders, was quickly seized, and the Empire's first holy sites to Verena and Shallya were established. The language of the Unberogen tribe was formalised and a written form was created using Classical characters influenced by Dwarf runes, forming the language we now refer to as Old Reikspiel. An official calendar was created, with the first year dating from Sigmar's coronation.[3a]

Many of these early texts have been lost, and those few arrived to modern days are hard to translate, as the Classical language has developed much since that early era, but their influence is still felt, for many of the holy books that are revered today are copies of those Verenan-recorded originals.[3a]

As the Empire expanded to the north and Sigmar's cult grew in power, the southern tribes were all bound together by a warriorwoman now called Myrmidia. Displaying strategic genius, she conquered all of modern-day Tilea and Estalia, but on the day she was to be crowned queen of a territory even larger than the Empire to the north, she was assassinated.[3a]

The resulting destabilisation and civil war marked the foundation point of the Tilean city-states and the Estalian kingdoms. And, much like Sigmar before her, Myrmidia's people, filled with anguish at the loss of the much-loved queen, deified her.[3a]

However, unlike the north, the southern folk claimed that Myrmidia had always been a God, and had chosen to walk as a mortal to better learn their ways. Not long after this, rumours spread through the Empire that Sigmar had actually been the son of Ulric, and had always been a God as well. The Sigmarites tried to quell this, as they preached their God was unique because of his ascension, but it proved to be a popular myth.[3a]

The Cult of Myrmidia grew rapidly in the south. But, it would be many centuries before it had any impact in the Empire, and was legalized just with an edict of Magnus the Pious, just like the cult of Ranald, some say to have a better grip on the dealings in the south.[3a]

The Pantheon

Gods of Law

Old Gods

  • Ishea - Goddess of agriculture and birth and the wife of Karnos. Known in the Old World as Rhya, Ishea is shown in the garb of an ancient Tilean woman of high birth. Priestesses have more mystique than their Empire counterparts and their rites are more secretive. In northern Tilea, Rhya is a determined protector of granaries against the attentions of rats.[3a][72a]
  • Karnos - God of the wilds and the husband of Ishea. Known as Taal in the Old World,[3a] even Taal is worshipped under the name of Karnos the god of beasts, particularly by hunters and trappers of Talabecland and Middenland.[16e] In the southern Old World, the god Taal receives little attention, likely due to the relatively mild and benevolent wilderness compared to the untamed north. Among Tileans is known as a minor deity within their pantheon. He is often portrayed as a more refined and genteel figure than the rugged depictions favored in the north. One of Masacelli of Trantio's most famous works is a stunning relief that idealizes Karnos as a northern barbarian with a civilized twist. In the sculpture, he is depicted clad in meticulously arranged furs, with a neatly groomed curly beard and small, elegant antlers projecting from his head. This artwork beautifully blends the raw essence of the wild with the sophistication of southern artistry.[95a]
  • Mathann - God of the sea and the son of Karnos and Ishea. (Known as Manann in the Old World).[3a] His cult plays a significant role in the public life of Miragliano and Remas. In Tilea, Mathann took on a classical character alongside Myrmidia and Verena, his representation echoing the shrines of Mathlann found along the coast. In Miragliano, the maritime prince built a grand chapel, decorated with mosaics and frescoes.[74a] The Chapel in Miragliano is second in prominence only to the Cathedral in Marienburg. It claims supreme authority in the southern Old World, although the cult in Tilea and Estalia is scarcely unified. In Remas, contrary to what happens in the Old World, where this god is known as Manann, they insist fish sacrificed to Mathann must be burned down to ash then scattered at sea as a good omen.[74b]
  • Morr - God of death and the husband of Verena, his main temple in the Old World, the Theatre of Ravens is in the city-state of Luccini.[3a]

Classical Gods

  • Clio - The minor goddess of history.[3d]
  • Khaine - Khain is the outlawed God of Murder, patron of the assassins, is the brother of Morr. Tilean have no equivalent for Ulric at all although some brave theists have dared to draw comparisons between him and Khaine.[3]
  • Myrmidia - Goddess of warfare, strategy, beauty and honour, the daughter of Morr and Verena.[3]
  • Nahmud the Dark Maiden - Not a goddes but a woman rescued by Myrmidia who, in thanks, warned the Goddess of an ambush that lay ahead, and the resulting battle, the Massacre of the Three Gorges, proved to be the turning point in Myrmidia’s campaign.[3]
  • Ranald - God of Trickery, Thieves and Fortune.[3] Merchants say they favor Mercopio, Ranald’s aspect as the God of good fortune, while their detractors say it shows them as the thieves they really are.[40c]
  • Shallya - Goddess of mercy and healing, the daughter of Morr and Verena.[3]
  • Scripsisti - God of scribes and calligraphers, she's worshipped by several minor sects of Verena as one of her aspects.[3]
  • Tyleus - Not a god but a legendary figure in Tilean folklore. He's traditionally identified as the father of the Tilean people.[1]
  • Verena - Goddess of justice and learning, the wife of Morr.[3]

Provincial Gods

Tilean Mosaic

A Tilean mosaic showing Stromfalo the god of storms.

  • Jack O' the Sea - Jack O' the Sea is a minor deity worshipped on the pirate island of Sartosa, and is considered the divine patron of all pirates. He is the protector of his city in his guise as an aspect of the god Ranald.[7]
  • Leopard of Luccini - It is said that this legendary leopard was the guardian of the divine twins Lucan and Luccina, who founded the city of Luccini.[1]
  • Lucan and Luccina - Lucan and Luccina were the founders of Luccini, now worshipped as gods of that city-state.[1]
  • Mercopio - Mercopio is the god of merchants and traders. Some scholars state he originates in Estalia and Tilea, making his way to the Old World alongside Myrmidia. He enjoys a strong following, especially in Tilea where mercenary armies make a god of coin a popular figure. He is known as Handrich in the Empire.[72c]
  • Sconduino - Sconduino is the god of rustling and blackmail, and is venerated in northern Tilea, near The Vaults.[3]
  • Stromfalo - Stromfalo, known in the Empire as Stromfels, is the predatory god of storms and the sworn enemy of the god of the sea Mathann and his followers. Stromfalo is venerated mainly by pirates and by individuals that take advantage of death in the sea. He is openly worshipped in the pirate haven of Sartosa.[3]

Society and Culture

See Also Tilean Calendar, Imperial Calendar, and Tilean Language & Classical Language.

"From these translations the Tileans then claim to have learned the founding principles of modern philosophy, medicine, theology, astronomy, and, most importantly, they believe they uncovered many new Gods. Whatever the truth, the Tileans, as well as being liars and tricksters, were an adventurous and curious folk, and soon organised expeditions to explore the surrounding lands. When they eventually encountered the northern tribes, they brought with them knowledge of their written language and Gods, and had a broad-reaching impact upon our ancestors. "

—Hieronymous, Scholar of Nuln.[3a]

The lively minds of the Tileans account for the many great artists, architects, scholars, medics, explorers, merchants, inventive geniuses, astronomers, diplomats and wizards for which Tilea is renowned. Perhaps this is due to the ancient influence of the Elves. Early contact with such an advanced civilisation could be one reason why the Tileans are so very different from the peoples of the Empire and Bretonnia.[1n]


Tilean Countryside 2

A Tilean farmer grazing his flock near an ancient ruin of the Classical Age

The stature, or more precisely the lack of it, of the inhabitants of the Tilean peninsula is the basis of many jokes amongst the other nations of the Old World.[3b][64a] To the average Imperial, Tileans are shifty, dishonest, unreliable, and inclined toward criminality, but this portrait is unjust. Tileans do value cleverness and cunning, for it often saves Tilean lives. Regularly outnumbered, Tileans look to Myrmidia’s teachings to win through manoeuvre, strategy, and deception, risking a battle only when all the factors favour them. But when the fight comes, they are as fierce as griffons. They have to be, surrounded as they are by enemies, Human and otherwise.[38c]

Perhaps it is the influence of the ancient Elven ruins underlying so many Tilean cities, but the people value cleverness in their daily lives, too. Quick thinking and the ability to argue well are seen as virtues that let the average Tilean rise as high as their abilities can take him, even to ship’s captain or merchant prince. Among urban Tileans, Ranald is a popular god, here known less as a god of thieves and more as the epitome of the dynamic individual who seizes any opportunity.[38c]

But Tilea has its perils, chief among them the wild pirates of Sartosa off the south coast. Whether raiding ships of all nations, or leading them to their doom on the rocks, Sartosans see everyone else as their prey. Sometimes hired by one party to raid a rival’s commerce, they are quick to change sides if the temptation presents itself. Little wonder it is that Sartosa is rumoured to be a major centre of the cult of Stromfels, the shark-god that Tileans known as Stromfalo.[38c]

Tileans are cultured people, experts in all the arts and master seafarers. Their explorers have discovered many lands. Anarchists by nature, in some cities, the citizens. tired of their own corrupt nobility overthrew the princes to rule themselves as a republic.[38c]

The rulers of Tilea were never feudal landowners in the same way as the mighty nobles of Bretonnia and the Empire. In contrast, the most important Tileans have always, by tradition, resided in the cities and not in castles in the countryside. Trade is the primary source of wealth rather than feudal domains and fields tilled by peasants.[1l]

A Merchant Prince's household includes his own family and numerous relatives all of whom look up to him as the head of this extended family. He employs countless craftsmen, artists, traders, sea captains, servants, grooms and many other people besides. Every merchant takes pride in employing the best people he can afford, and the Merchant Prince of a city must always employ the very best people for the sake of appearances.[1l]

Rural Tileans farm the extensive and fertile fields outside the city walls. Some of these farms are owned by a family that has lived in the area for years. Others are owned by merchants who run the farms and vineyards to produce commodities that they can sell through their trading networks.[1l]

Of course there are frequent border disputes between the cities of Tilea. Sometimes these are settled by skirmishes, sometimes by an agreement to lend a large sum of cash! Some cities control a very large area while others are small enough for a watchman in a watchtower to see the border beacons in every direction. The most powerful merchants usually build lavish villas out in the countryside for themselves. The coastal regions of Tilea have always been subjected to the ravages of sea raiders including the savage Norse, Corsairs from Araby, and various other pirates. Similarly, marauders coming out of the eastern mountains and swarms of vile Skaven coming out of the ground have frequently menaced the countryside. The quickest and most sensible thing for the country folk to do when this happens is to abandon their farms and seek the safety of the strong walls of their city, swelling the ranks of the defenders. Often they burn the crops in the fields rather than allow the enemy to eat them. Faced with a siege, the raiders usually return to their ships or skulk off empty-handed. In this way the Mean cities have endured through many dark centuries, keeping the light of civilisation and prudent finance alive and well within their walls.[1l]

The Tileans speak a distinct musical dialect of Old Worlder known as Tilean, which outsiders sometimes mistake for Estalian; nothing is guaranteed to annoy a Tilean more.[23b]

The Grand Summer Dance is a popular festivity in Tilea that even its grandees and nobles like to take part in.[12b]


Warhammer Age of Exploration

The Age of Exploration.

The people of Tilea are also known for being bold and adventurous explorers – though, once again, many would argue that this adventurous nature stems from a desire to discover hidden riches and find new peoples with whom to trade. Whatever the case, Tilean explorers have wandered far and wide across the face of the world and made many wondrous discoveries for the betterment of all the nations of Man. Tileans were the first Old Worlders to reach the eastern empire of Grand Cathay by land, and the first to cross the Great Ocean and venture into the jungles of the New World, always returning with tales of the wonders discovered.[24a]

As the Tilea city-states grew out of trade and commerce, so too did the idea of expanding such trade routes to encompass not just their immediate territories, but to the whole of the Old World and beyond. Eager to set up new trade routes, the Merchants of Tilea have always been willing to finance large expeditions of exploration. Not only can this lead to new discoveries and increased profit, but it also removes a great many mercenary bands from Tilea itself.[1j]

In times of peace, this is seen as a good thing because it means unemployed mercenaries, who would otherwise spend their time wandering the cities of Tilea looking for employment or trouble to stir, are instead diverted towards more profitable pursuits. Thus began a time of exploration not just for the Tileans, but the whole of the Old World.[1j]

The Tileans have always been willing to spend money to make money, and are able to finance and equip such extravagant expeditions that other people might find impossible to undertake. Consequently, TIlea has become a haven of navigators, cartographers, explorers and discoverers. Scarcely a month goes by without a major expedition setting off for Lustria, the Southlands or overland to Grand Cathay. Big expeditions require whole armies of hired warriors, most of whom are destined to perish horribly in the jungles, swamps and deserts of some foreign land, assuming as is that the expedition fleet did not get shipwrecked or drowned beforehand.[1j]

For the lucky few who meet success, the rewards are immense beyond imagination. The most successful generals return home as heroes, their ships stuffed to the gunnels with immense treasures, their journals filled with highly imaginative accounts of new lands, exotic goods, outlandish tribes and their own heroic deeds during the journey. Others don't return home at all, but set themselves up as rulers of new towns, cities or even new kingdoms, where they live the lap of luxury. Whatever the case, these expeditions have nonetheless opened a new age the likes of which would change the face of the Old Wold forever.[1j]


"Mademoiselle, what a lovely cleaver that is you have strapped to your waist. And those rags – designed by the great Paravaldi of Tilea, no?"

Florin d'Artaud flirting with Katerina[57a]
Tilean Crossbowmen with Tilean clothes

A Tilean Crossbowman wearing clothing typical of Tilean mercenary units.[92a]

Tilea style is similar to the Western fashion trends in the Empire. Many people, from wealthy citizens to peasants can afford clothing cut of decent cloth, as well as expensive dyes and patterns. Men typically shave, at most wearing large moustaches and sideburns. Women, on the other hand, are at the forefront of the Empire's fashion trends, setting the standard for the courts throughout the Old World. Their tastes are fickle, changing hems, necklines, colours, and accessories each year. Currently, though its changing even now, low-cut long dresses in bright colours along with colourful plumed hats are the current rage. As ever, the practice of slashing garments to reveal bright, sumptuous fabric beneath is still practices. Colour of clothing is not so much a statement of fashion as it is a statement of wealth. Certain dyes, such as purple, can only be extracted from a rare mollusc that exists in a small region west of Tilea, hence it is prohibitively expensive and the colour of royalty and nobility, a single ounce of this dye is worth enough gold to feed a peasant family for more than a year.[8d] Wide-brimmed Pavonian hats and tricorn of felt are common view among pirate captains.[12a]

Tileans, just as their famed duellist dress with loose and billowing shirts, tight trousers, and fashionable shoes. Their long cloaks are used in their fighting styles, using the material to distract their foes and catch their blades.[8d] While Tilean Crossbowmen typically wear a mix of leather jerkins and padded clothing, when they don't adopt the uniform of the hiring army.[92b]

The Sacred Art of Pit Fighting

Images (4)

A Tilean Gladiator.[36]

Few Ogre customs have made their way out of the Mountains of Mourn save one: pit fighting. When pre-Imperial Humans first made contact with Ogres, they already had violent sports but they involved such things as animal-fighting or bear baiting. History doesn’t record exactly what the Human tribesfolk thought when they first witnessed a pit fight between hired Ogre mercenaries. What is true though is that ritualised combat, without actually eating one’s opponent, swiftly sprang up wherever Ogre mercenaries roamed after the vision of Marn the Mangler in 542 IC. Scholars credit these fights with reducing needless bloodshed, as combat between rival champions is rarely to the death and often averts open warfare.[35a]

Tileans, especially, came to delight in viewing displays of martial skill and professional gladiators remain popular among them to this day, and still pay top coin for the rare honour of getting to watch a proper Ogre mercenary pit fight.[35a]

Pursuers are a special martial type of pit fighter often used for 'warm-up fights' before the main show. These men are usually lightly armed with spears, nets and javelins with which they harry their enemies in a hit and run style of warfare. This style of fighting dates back to ancient times in Tilea when Gladiators, as they were known in the Tilean tongue, would fight in massive stone arenas to huge crowds of citizens baying for blood.[36]

During 2006 IC in the great city of Remas, the brilliant Leonardo da Miragliano directs a reconstruction of one of those structure, the Grand Coliseum. Leonardo builds dozens of innovative devices into the massive structure inspired by conversations with the legendary Ogre gladiator, Brognal Bullsmiter.[35a]

Gladiatorial fights even feature Orcs, who prove to be formidable opponents for other human pit fighters.[57b]

Sometimes, slavers take people from the arena, especially those who can't put on a good show, and sell them in slave markets like those found in Araby.[57b]


Lovingly formed from marble, Tilean statues, busts, and military memorials can be found everywhere in the Old World. These statues are known for their exquisite craftsmanship and lifelike precision, much like the ancient busts occasionally displayed inside the town halls of the Empire, treasures plundered in the course of centuries-old military expeditions.[87a]

The Opera

The gladiator arenas are not the only entertainment, for citizens looking for more refined pleasures the opera houses are the ideal place. Miragliano and Luccini are the cities that most embody this aspect.[1][42b]

For some reason, the enthusiasm for Tilean grand opera that is long established in Nuln has never really reached Altdorf. While the Grand Opera House puts on standards like Otenno and The Magic Suit, the crowds are more likely to go for bawdy Bretonnian comic operas like La Belle Matilde, or Orron and Erris.[42a]

But touring companies often benefit from the open-minded attitude of other patreons. Companies of Tilean players from Luccini and Miragliano are especially encouraged to visit the theatre, The Temple of Drama and stage their dramas in a spirit of generous cultural cross-pollination.[42b]

The practice of prolonging the career of a boy soprano by surgical means is widely denied in Tilea.[84a]

Magical Practices

As elsewhere in the Old World, the peasantry of the human realms of Tilea, Estalia, and the Border Princes are wary of magic users. Because these lands lack a centralised government, and do not have organisations similar to the Colleges of Magic or the intensive use of witch hunters to control the use of spellcraft, the wizards of these regions are in a similar state that those in the Empire were in before Teclis’s arrival.[31a]

Anyway practising magic without a licence is considered a case for the Criminal Court; arrest will be made by the Militia, and the trial will be conducted by a local noble or official. Daemonology, necromancy, Dark and Chaotic magic are considered to be religious crimes. In these cases, the arrest is made by clerics, templars or sanctioned witch-hunters (usually of Verena, Myrmidia or Morr.) and the trial is held in a temple court. Witch-hunters are widely thought to be out of control, using threats of investigations and inquisitions to wield power over the temples that are supposed to be monitoring and moderating their actions.[43a][43b]

Many spellcasters are mere hedge-wizards, using their powers for the good or evil of the community they live in, but in mortal danger of corruption by Chaos. Wizards from rich backgrounds may be lucky enough to be sent to the Empire for magical tutelage by their parents, but because this is not mandatory many simply try to master their powers by themselves, perhaps acquiring grimoires proscribed in the Empire, and tempted by dark powers to succumb to daemonology or necromancy.[31a]

In contrast to the ignorant peasants, who often persecute spellcasters (even those tutored in the Colleges of Magic), the merchant-princes of Tilea and the petty kings of Estalia consider the presence of a wizard in their entourage as a mark of prestige, and a useful protection against assassins sent by overambitious rivals. Wizards who have studied at one of the Colleges of Magic are favoured over local thaumaturgists, as they have less of a tendency to spontaneously combust while trying to read a courtier’s mind or incinerate a would-be usurper.[31a]

These rulers pay well for this privilege, and members of the Gold Order leaded by the Miraglianese Verspasian Kant, are quickest to offer their services to them. However, the crafty Tilean Merchant-Princes prefer to employ wizards of the Celestial Order or adepts of the Lore of Shadow.[31a] In fact Imperial Astromancers are also a fashionable fixture of high noble courts.[32a]

But Tilea is also a coveted place for those magician who wish to become Master Wizards. These wizard will travel from Nuln to Miragliano, Remas and Luccini to learn from the finest minds amidst the classical grandeur of Tilea. This opens a wizard’s mind to new techniques and perspectives and helps to round out his experiences. These tours are very fashionable for the wealthiest wizards and hold them in good stead when they return to take up a more prominent role in the running of the College. Whereas a Battle Wizard will earn his ascension to Wizard Lord by great feats and stirring victories upon the battlefield, a Master Wizard will usually achieve such a status by advances in spellcraft or political machinations.[31b]

Some respected Imperial Magisters whose apprentices (old or current) have broken serious laws are fortunate enough to only be exiled by their Order from Altdorf or the Reikland, or at worst, the lands of the Empire. This is obviously far better than execution or Pacification, and it means the brothers of his Order will still regard him as one of their number, even if they cannot accept him as part of the College’s highly visible political body. Such exiles usually find their way to Marienburg, the city-states of Tilea or Estalia, or even Bretonnia (though it is quite risky). Because they are still on friendly terms with their Order, they are welcome to share in the resources and learning of their Order, a fact that irks many Witch Hunters but is beyond their ability to prevent. Loyal Magisters that have been banished due to the acts of former apprentices still serve their Order, and therefore the Empire, indirectly. They often send back reports on the nations they reside in, and their abilities generally assure that they can attain employment in positions near authority and so are often in perfect positions to spy on their new employers.[70a]

Trade and Commerce

The city-states of Tilea are the biggest mercantile rivals of the Empire, Tilean marketplaces are swoll with the influx of strange imports and stranger foreigners from an Imperial perspective. Legendary for their shrewd bargaining skills, Tilean merchants are second only to the Arabyan dealers, whose negotiations are legendary.[8e]

Tilea is renowned throughout the Known World for the quality of its products: gourmet foods, wine, leatherwork, citrus fruits, and spices are just some of the most appreciated.[71b]

Tilean goods can also dramatically change the lives of their trading partners in the Old World. For example, a bad harvest in Tilea could cause Reikland wheat to sell for three or four times the normal price.[71b]

Foreign Relations

Old World map 1st Edition

Tilea location on a Old World map.

To outsiders, Tilea is a chaotic land of ever-changing alliances and nefarious rulers, a kingdom riven by constant civil war and treachery. In truth, it is a kingdom only in the eyes of its neighbours, for the nation of Tilea consists of a loose alliance of rival city states and their environs, all bound together by complex trade deals, brokered by cunning merchants, and a need for mutual protection fostered by powerful and wealthy families locked in generations-long vendettas with rivals.[24a]

Araby and Nehekhara

Despite the repeated raids of Arabyan privateers over the centuries it is the merchants of Tilea who do the greatest volume of Old World trade with Araby. The Arabyans love to trade with the Tilean merchants, with whom they have an excellent relationship. In Copher, the City of Spices, there is now a Tilean neighborhood, which is separated from the rest of the city by a wall.[1p]

Although there are frequent wars between rival sheikhs which occur in the interior of Araby, the Tileans try to avoid getting embroiled in local politics. However, the Tileans have occasionally financed mercenary armies in wars against the Undead who come from the east. Sometimes the leaders of Araby will hire mercenaries to investigate the various necropolises or ruined cities. They ransack the tombs to prevent the dead being raised and burn any evil scrolls that may be found. Any gold or treasure which is discovered is shared between the mercenaries as booty. It is not only gold which lures these tomb robbing expeditions. Tilean merchants in places such as Remas and Verezzo have been known to pay a high price for exotic stone sphinxes and other statues made by the ancient inhabitants of Khemri, which they use to adorn their villas and plazas.[9a]

Even in the curio shops of great cities such as Luccini and Miragliano, these looted relics from the Land of the Dead sometimes found their way.[13a]

Sometimes the ancient dead are stirred by these depredations and arise to wreak vengeance on the tomb robbers. On one occasion, hundreds of skeleton soldiers suddenly broke out of pottery urns to protect the mummy of their ancient lord. The nomads fled in terror, abandoning the rest of the mercenary army to fight its way out of the necropolis to the sea. Even Tileans (called Tilites by the Nehekharan)[13a] cannot negotiate with the Tomb Kings.[1q]


"Puffed up snobs relying purely on the achievements of their fathers! What have they done? Nothing! And they call me a peasant!"

Ricardo of Trantio, merchant[17a]

The Tileans have remarkably few dealings with Bretonnia. Bretonnians never hire mercenaries (officially), and merchants have such low status in the country that Tileans prefer to trade with the Bretonnians who come to them. As a result, stereotypes and prejudice are rife. To the Tileans, Bretonnians are either stupid nobles who need to be told which end of their horse to face, or they’re peasants so blighted as to be barely Human. To the Bretonnians, Tileans are all either thieves posing as merchants or murderers selling their services to the highest bidder whilst claiming to be warriors.[17a]


"All power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

—A Tilean statesman[58]

The southernmost nations of the Old World, live in constant fear that hordes of Beastmen will some day rise up and overwhelm them. Any human foolish enough to wander unarmed and alone into the forest would soon attract the unwelcome attentions of the creatures who live there.[45a][9] Despite this being true, as, the ancient forests harbour hidden Beastmen camps, this fear is largely unwarranted, for Beastmen are less concerned with humanity than humanity is with them.[51a][75b] Yet the number of Beastmen in Tilea is constantly growing.[75b]

While far from the woods, the cult of Slaanesh is strongest in the great city-states, the Lord of Pleasures seduces people especially among some of the upper classes.[46a] In their perverse orgies, its cultists kill as often as they entertain, inviting outsiders to take part in their hideous rituals, wherein they tantalise them with promise of pleasures that ultimately culminates with the guest happily sacrificing his life for his new God.[75d]

The Purple Hand, a cult devoted to the Lord of Change, has small branches all across the Empire and extends into Tilea and Estalia, though not, at least for now, Bretonnia. Despite its size, the Purple Hand is disorganised and fragmented, because it is subdivided into small, isolated cells, making communication between them difficult, if not impossible. The Purple Hand relies on secret couriers to communicate the wishes of the Cult Magus to the Acolytes controlling each cell, but too often these messengers get lost or are killed en route. As a result, the cells tend to act independently, often at odds with one another.[75e]

Remas is one of the nine cities around the Old World where cracks in the Aethyr hang in the sky. The others are: Bögenhafen, Ubersreik, Altdorf, Middenheim, Talabheim, Nuln, Bechafen, Averheim. Maybe this has to do with the undoing of the tutor of the Purple Hand, Vatheck Fulci, of the Far Eye cult.[90a]


"Don't think that'll be a problem, Zharrinn. They're like fleas in a Tilean alehouse."

Bardin Goreksson, to the Estalian wizard Sienna Fuegonasus[67a]
Western Dwarf Realms

A map of the western Dwarf realms.[26a]

The Dwarfs have been trading with the Tileans since the times following the War of the Beard, particularly with the city-states of Trantio and later Pavona.[1s] They have settled not only in major cities but also in smaller settlements. However, the city where both peoples most frequently mix is Tobaro, where even humans worship the dwarven deity Il Grugnio, known in Khazalid as Grungni, god of mines and artisans.[7c]

Dwarfs flatly refuse to accept Tilean currency in their own lands since each city-state mints its own coin, making it obsolete. Instead, Tilean merchants use Imperial Currency.[8b]

Over the years, many dwarfs have also settled in the towns and cities of Tilea, such as Campogrotta and Toscania. Here, they do not build Holds; instead, fortified guild houses can be found, surrounded by a dwarf quarter where all the dwarfs reside. Frequently, these houses will have vast cellars and catacombs, so a small building above ground may house a considerable clan beneath the surface. Even among such outgoing dwarfs, old habits die hard.[52a]

The services of these dwarfs are highly prized as engineers, stone masons, and mining overseers, especially in cities like Trantio. Many of these dwarfs are considered renegades by the Dwarf Engineers Guild, having been expelled at a young age for outlandish experiments or for voicing opinions on matters that did not concern them. Others are merely descendants of refugees from the captured Holds in the Vaults, drawn to human lands by the promise of gold or unable to face the shame of asking another Hold for sanctuary. These dwarfs are even more embittered than their kin in the mountains, begrudging the day they were dispossessed and yearning for a chance to reclaim their ancestral lands.[1s][52a]

The Engineers Guild of Luccini, for as fractious as it can be, has recently launched an expedition to retrieve the legendary ruins of Thantis Tor on a Dwarf Nautilus especially designed by the guild's engineer Dunn and his colleagues.[19e]

Today the relations with Tilea and many other lands ruled by Humans are left to the Dwarf holds nearest them, mostly because High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer has enough to deal with as well as keep the western holds from feeling insulted by Karaz Ankor’s meddling.[94a]


"I will tell you of Dark Elves. Theirs is a deadly code. Theirs is a malicious beauty. Theirs are the chill lands of Naggaroth. They are captivating, intelligent, an ancient race. And they will murder you slowly with cruel joy in their cold hearts."

Alfredo Tolando, Tilean mercenary & renowned raconteur.[19c]

Relations between High Elves and Tileans have been strong since the time of Tylos and even after the noble race left the old world, the Tileans continued to assimilate the culture of the elves and perpetrated a fruitful trade with the kingdoms of Ulthuan, particularly by acting as trade intermediaries with the realms of the Dwarves.[1k]

The same cannot be said about the relations with their dark cousins, the Dark Elves, who have repeatedly plagued the Tilean coasts with their raids, to take wealth and slaves. A particularly unfortunate event occurred in Remas in the year 1487 IC, when the Great Reman Bridge district was put to fire and sword. In fact, that gesture was never forgotten by the people of the city, but it was so atrocious that it was condemned by all the city-states.[1s]


"You should try Tilea. One big swamp. All of it. The land, the people, the food. I've never bathed so much in my life. And still the stink of it lingered for weeks."

Sienna Fuegonasus, Estalian wizard to Bardin Goreksson[67]

It is said Estalians are very hardy folk, who will slay a man for mistaking them for a Tilean or even greeting them in Tilean by mistake.[18a] This might be seen as an exaggeration, but after centuries of friction between the two populations it might not be so far from reality. The kingdoms of Estalia have always been commercial rivals of the Tilean city-states, and trading with their neighbours is rare.[8e]

Even stronger is the diatribe that takes place between the cultists of the goddess Myrmidia, the temple of Magritta declares to be the epicenter of the cult while the same is stated by the high temple of Remas.[3c]


Marienburg maintains good relations with the Tilean city states, seeing them as trading and banking partners. Rather than trying to dominate the trade on the Southern Sea itself, Marienburg lets Tilean ships and Tilean agents handle its goods, in the employ of the merchant houses. The Great Families of Marienburg and the ruling houses of the city states regularly exchange letters of credit to support their commercial activities. True to its professed policy of neutrality, Marienburg shows no favoritism towards any of the Tilean realms, not even for its biggest partners, Miragliano and Remas. The Directorate has, in fact, used its influence to moderate disputes between the cities to try to prevent small clashes from becoming large wars. A recent row over 'trade poaching' (piracy) between Remas and Luccini, for example, was recently soothed over by the 'carriage diplomacy' of Henryk von Kissingen, an expatriate Imperial who has put his considerable intellect at Marienburg's service.[18a]

The Marienburgers are aware of these ambitions and normally play the Empire and Bretonnia against one another. The weakened state of the Empire has led them to strengthen their own forces, mainly by hiring Tilean mercenaries.[17a]


Longships full of hairy northern barbarians began appearing in the Tilean sea as long ago as the 800s IC. The coasts of Tilea were subsequently ravaged on numerous occasions as were the shores of Araby and Estalia. On several occasions raiding warbands were surrounded and cut off from their ships by the Tileans. Recognising that the Norse were good warriors, the Tileans would offer the Norse employment as mercenaries. Soon a flourishing trade developed, with furs, amber and many other things coming out of the far north in return for Tilean gold, wine and items of Elf and Dwarf work obtained by the Tileans. It was the Dwarf rune weapons which particularly delighted Norse chieftains, such that a single sword might be enough on its own to hire a Norse chief and his warband. Through contact with the Norse, which increased greatly following the establishment of a Norse stronghold on Sartosa, Tilean merchants heard about the Norse voyages of exploration, such as the renowned expeditions made by Erik the Lost and his son, Losteriksson, to Lustria and other distant lands.[1q]

Norse maps, written in runes on sealskin and walrus hide, were eagerly bought by Tilean merchants for gold. In this way the Tileans gathered a greater knowledge of the true geography of the known world than any other people except the Elves of Ulthuan. The Elves would never divulge these secrets to other races, wanting only to keep it all for themselves. Neither would the canny Dwarfs reveal much of what they knew, for fear that others would plunder treasures before they could do so themselves! The Norse, however, were not only willing to tell of their heroic voyages of exploration, but were downright boastful, elaborating the tales with a mixture of vital detail and dubious hearsay which increased in proportion to the ale poured into their tankards in the taverns of Tilea.[1q]


Golgfag Maneater 5th Edition Wayne England Black&White Illustration

Golgfag, the most infamous Ogre Maneater

Ogre mercenaries, also known as Maneaters, are a constant presence in Tilea, where they move back and forth between the forces of the city-states as quickly as old contracts expire and new ones drafted.[35a]



A map of the Under-empire.

"Sometimes we call youse the rodonaphobi, which mean the people scared of the mice. Youse Empire peoples are like a woman, no? All on a stool, crying help me, help me, is running up my skirt, when the mice is all small and so quiet. No, no, the Skaven is no mouse, and is very dangerous thing, but youse do not look at it proper, you leap on the chair and close your eyes and say it is not there, if I do not see it. Go, go, little mouse, so I do not see how big you are or know where you are hiding! I see no mouse! I see nothing! And so the mouse live all happy in the walls, and eat all the cheese."

Cristo Carrazanno, Tilean bawd[5a]

The Tileans have the terrible curse of inhabiting the closest land to the great Skaven spawning ground of Skavenblight, which lies in the Zombie Marshes. Although they have been spared the worst of the plagues, they have instead suffered the greatest share of the sorties of the ratmen. So many times have the Skaven marched against the people of Tilea that they have long-since forgotten the luxury of pretending that the ratmen do not exist, and instead have devoted themselves fiercely to protecting their cities and exterminating the Skaven found within them. The Rat-Catchers of Miragliano, one of the most famous mercenary regiments in all of Tilea, are employed by the prince of that city solely to destroy the Skaven menace.[5a]

Skaven Under-Empire lairs

Skaven lairs location.[61a]

The Miraglianeses fight the loathsome ratmen on a regular basis. The Empire’s conceit — that the Skaven are mere myth — is to them incomprehensible. So, too, do the folk of Tobaro fight them frequently, though not always on a conventional battlefield.[39a] People from Miragliano are raised from childhood with stories of these creatures, of how they kidnap bad children and take them to their lairs, never to return. Rat-catchers after their excursions into the sewers parade through the streets exposing the dead bodies of Skaven. They are a nightmare with every citizen has to grow up with to be never forgotten.[69a]

The Empire

"They are a curious people, these Empire folk. You cannot be talking with them, but they’ll be pushing ale into your hand, and offering you food. They have a curious sort of hospitality, and think nothing of getting outrageously drunk with their guests; indeed, they will expect you to do the same. Still, they are cunning, and ingenious. I would give my eye teeth for one of their Wizard Orders to set up in Tilea."

—Diplomat Adjunct Liguardi Millangilo, “Advice to my successor”[16d]

Far from the immediate concerns of war, the Tilean City-States continue their blithe habits of arguing, fighting, and trading with each other, when they are not arguing, fighting, and trading with the Estalians or the Arabyans. Although once, long ago during the reign of Emperor Gunthar II “the Faithful,” the Empire ruled much of northern Tilea, contact between the two realms is largely confined to trade via the middlemen of Marienburg, though some Tilean Merchant Houses, especially from Miragliano and Remas, have taken advantage of the recent discovery of the River of Echoes from northern Tilea to Wissenland to set up trading offices in Nuln, Pfeildorf, and other southern towns. They hope to use this as a reliable route to bypass Marienburg and cut costs, since the mountain passes are frequently blocked by snow.[16a]

Imperials consider Tilean princes to be simple pretentious merchants[1p] and in general they consider elusiveness and cunning common traits of the Tileans, so much so that they believe that they were the first to worship the divinity of Ranald, even if such rumors also circulate on the Estalians.[16b]

Despite this, the Empire has maintained tentative allegiances, or at least states of peaceful coexistence with the Tilean city-states for many years.[54a]

Over the centuries, the Empire's diplomats have constructed a complex network of treaties and obligations between the nations of the Old World. These treaties promise military support to almost every Human nation in the Old World against nearly every other nation. Additionally, these agreements allow the emperor to request aid from other nations. In practice, these written promises often carry little weight, but they provide a pretext for the nations of the Old World to forge and dissolve alliances as they see fit, supporting first one nation and then another. It has been known for entire nations to switch sides midway through a war, using their convoluted treaty agreements as an excuse to join the winning side. In extreme cases, this had even lead two Imperial forces to clash with each other, as occurred during the Battle of Remasalia, when a combined force of Tileans and allied Empire troops found themselves fighting an invading Bretonnian army that was accompanied by a considerable allied Empire army, more Tileans, and Wood Elves. Needless to say, both sides upheld tradition and fought valiantly against foes and fellow countrymen alike.[92a]


Vampire corruption Tilea

A map showing the spread of Vampiric bloodlines across Tilea.[93a]

Tilean city-states appear to have been free of large-scale Vampire activity, though some Strigoi nests are to be found in the country. Perhaps this is because of the warding influence of the cult of Morr, who are strong in Tilea and hold their great convocations in the Tilean city of Luccini. Perhaps, more sinisterly, the intricate politics of Tilea make it easy for Vampires to remain hidden and work their influence from the shadows; the city of Miragliano in particular is rumoured to be a haven for Vampires.[6a][93a]

Lahmian activities are also in motion in the principality of Trantio, one of these twisted creatures, Khemalla of Lahmia, abduct the most skilled artists to depict her for centuries.[64a][93a]

Tilean Genius

"Markos: "I said that this map is out of date". -- Mannfred: "It’s Tilean. What did you expect? Cartography is one of the few arts that they do not claim to have invented."

Mannfred von Carstein to Markos von Carstein.[60a]

Tileans are, and always have been, an inventive and adventurous people. While some would argue that they simply dabble in new technologies in order to discover new ways of further enriching themselves, it cannot be denied that many of the most fabulous inventions of the Old World were conceived and crafted in the workshops of world-renowned artisans in Remas, Pavona, Luccini or one of the land’s numerous other great cities.[24a]

All the unchecked free thought that goes on in Tilea has led to some rather remarkable, if mostly heretical, inventions. For instance it is possible for a person, have they the coin, to commission an inventor to make just about anything. Like the miraculous Atrazar’s Flying Conveyance, which actually allows the wearer to fly or Torona’s Terrific Trap Triggerer. A collection of springs, cogs and poles—an invention guaranteed to detect and spring all manner of traps.[7a]

Other notorious inventions are: the Bolt Throwers,[8d] the Stonethrowers in response to the integration of stone defences, The Flying Machine of Daddallo in use by the Birdmen of Catrazza and the Steam Tank of the master Leonardo da Miragliano.[1f][8a]

Leonardo perfectioned the schemes of the Leaning Towers. Indeed, Miragliano has set a fashion in architecture which has been copied in other cities, especially Luccini where the Princes are renowned for their great sense of humour. Now every city either boasts its own leaning tower or aspires to have one.[1s]

Leonardo sketch steam tank

Sketches of the Steam Tank made by Leonardo da Miragliano

As well as their open-minded nature, the Tileans are also traders by trait. The Tileans became involved in trade from the earliest point in their history, soon after the old Elven ruins were settled by human tribes and gradually rebuilt as Tilean cities.[1k]

Because of the location of Tilea, it could be reached by the High Elf ships by sea and Dwarf traders over land. The Tileans were therefore in the ideal position to act as the middlemen in exchange of goods between the two civilisations. Such was the animosity between the Elves and Dwarfs that the two races simply preferred not to deal with each other directly if they could avoid it. In time, Merchants became more and more powerful, thriving in all of the city-states of Tilea. Naturally, they took an active part in the government of their own home cities, either as sole rulers or by sitting on the ruling council. This cultural change would eventually lead to the creation of the first Merchant Princes.[1k]

By the 16th IC century the most advanced old world civilization were the Tilean one. Firstly, the Tileans were skilled with blackpowder, a substance only known to the Empire through the Dwarfs, but that Elder Race guarded its secrets jealously; secondly, they had ship-building skills far in advance of any equivalent in the north of the Old World. This situation only began to smooth out over the centuries after the development of Marienburg fleet and the new trading routes.[2a]

But the Tileans don't rely solely on black powder on the battlefield. Though it has been many years since the Tileans developed the bellybow and their initial designs have since been improved many times over the original, it is a point of pride among the Tilean people that the bolt thrower is still a viable component of many armies. These weapons are still widely used in the city-states, mounted on towers to rain hell on their enemies. During wars Tilean women proudly grow their hair long to donate their tresses to the construction of a new bolt thrower.[8d]


Anatomy Book

An ancient tome that studies Human anatomy.

Necromantic studies were the keepers of medical knowledge for over 500 years until another great tragedy sparked a new look at medicine. In 1786, the Red Pox appeared throughout Tilea, claiming men and animals alike. This more mundane disease, striking in a more enlightened age, prompted the rising population of academics to ponder disease more as a natural phenomenon than as the taint of Chaos. They began to look to animals to learn more about the human form; although any sort of human dissection was still taboo, animal carcasses were perfectly acceptable. The human body began to be appreciated anew as a great nexus of flesh, bone, organs and vessels, each of which could be examined and treated separately.[7b]

Soon after came the Tilean renaissance, and the works of Leonardo of Miragliano brought a new appreciation for engineering. From this arose a new paradigm of thought, one in conflict with Gaelen’s theories and the practices that stemmed from them. Where Gaelen saw the body as sacred and inviolate, to be nurtured as a whole, never cut apart, the ‘Mechanicals’ saw the body as nothing more than a giant machine made of many cogs; to throw open such a machine was as natural as examining the workings of a clock or millwheel, and to cut and amputate as natural as tightening a screw. Of course, many doctors could see elements of truth in both sides, and today there are very few that will never perform amputations, or refuse to see the value in holistic theories. There remain some, however, for whom the question is one of morality and even faith, and every student inherits one or the other stance from his tutor or college. As a result, the Gaelenic/ Mechanical split continues to characterise modern medicine.[7b]

In the recent centuries, the Mechanical outlook has become the default in Tilea and Estalia, not least thanks to the great artist Andreas Vesalius, whose book De Corporis Fabrica provides the most accurate paintings of the human body yet produced. Dissections, too, have become accepted the southern states. The Empire, however, still resists this practice, seeing it as a violation of the will of Morr.[7b]

Other prominent study texts are Il Corpo Umano by the long-dead physician-philosopher Umberto Casale or the Medicina.[59]


"Wars are waged by warriors, but won with gold."

—An old Tilean proverb.[29a]
Tilean Talent

A Tilean Talent

Many historians point to the Tilean traders in the ancient world as the inventors of currency. As evidence, there are the talents, small rectangular pieces of gold. Records from this period suggest they were worth the equivalent of a single cow. Instead of using other metals to mark lesser denominations, they would break or cut the coins creating half-talents, quarter-talents, and bits. For an uncommon coin, Tilean Talents regularly surface in old vaults, tombs, wrecks on the bottom of the sea, and in ancient ruins. Many explorers do not realize the worth of these coins and simply melt them down for their weight in gold.[8c]

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay - Currency (Tilean City-States)

An example of Tilean coin

No two city-states in Tilea have the same coins. A variety of images and symbols mark them, depending on the region and government responsible for their minting; generally the local currency is the Tilean Gold Ducat,[1f] or sometime the Tilean Doubloon, although Tilea also abide by the Crown, Shilling, and Penny nomenclature used by the Empire.[8b][12] The common Gold Crown features the profile of various famous merchant princes on the front and a merchant's scale on the back, similar to what's used in the Estalian duro. Shillings may feature sailing ships or the bolt thrower, a famous Tilean invention. Pennies also vary wildly. Some depict important fortresses, shrines, government buildings, or even marketplaces. Because each city-state mints its own currency, quality varies. As a result, Tilean coinage is generally worthless in other lands. Dwarfs flat out refuse to accept Tilean currency in their own lands, so merchants from these lands use Imperial coin.[8b]

Also bronze pennies displaying a crescent moon regularly appear in the Tilean city-states, Estalia, and the Border Princes.[8b]

Cipher Discs

A major limitation to early cryptography was that codes had to be simple enough for recipients to decode without the help of advanced academic knowledge. Famed Tilean scholar, Cosimo Baldacci, offered an innovative solution in 1204 IC, with his invention of the cipher disc. The cipher disc is a device used for encoding and decoding messages through the use of concentric wheels imprinted with alphabetic and numeric characters. The Tilean City States make extensive use of cipher discs to maintain the security of their diplomatic missives; however their use is still limited in other regions.[44a]

Tilean Fortifications

Tilean Fortress

A leaning tower attached to a fortress.[41a]

The warring city states of Tilea pastiches many classical cultures and these are often represented in white marble and red tile in the docks and ship yards, combined with typically massive towers and fortifications.[68a]

Tilean Buildings Man O'War

A Tilean temple dedicated to a Classical God.[68a]

Garrisons and Militia in Tilean settlements tend to be rather larger than their Empire equivalents, due to a tradition of each settlement being expected to look after itself and because it is wise to keep the land’s many mercenaries gainfully employed.[38a]

Tilean Buildings Man O'War 2

Tilean buildings[68a]

Tilean forts usually consist of a tall, and frequently inclined, tower and a great hall with colonnaded galleries and terracotta roof tiles. These are joined together by a courtyard and walls of white stone. It is common to decorate these with paintings. Since Leonardo da Miragliano perfected the technique of building a leaning tower, the fashion has spread throughout Tilea and many princes demolished their old towers to rebuild them in this latest style.[41a]

Tilean Buildings Man O'War 3

Tilean buildings[68a]

Tilean Navy

See also Tilean Navy

"The Tileans claim they have sailed the world. They talk of trading with lands so distant that we folk of Sigmar’s Empire could not even contemplate their existence."

— Record founded in Verena's Temple in Marienburg.[2a]
Estalia heraldry as depicted in Man O'War Corsair

Tilean heraldry as depicted in Man O' War: Corsair. Note: The Tilean and Estalian heraldry were switched in the final version of the game.

Tilean merchants would not have got very far had there not been seaworthy ships in Tilea. For a long time the Tileans used galleys propelled by sails and oars, which were ideal for the calm Tilean Sea. The Tilean cities, especially Remas, had large fleets of war galleys which endeavoured to fight off the marauding Corsairs of Araby and Norse raiders. The experience of continuous naval warfare combined with the inventive genius of the Tileans meant that their war galleys became bigger and better over the centuries. The Tileans eventually possessed galleys capable of venturing beyond the Tilean Sea and into northern waters.[1p]

Around the time when Tilean mercenaries were being hired in great numbers to fight in the civil wars within the Empire, Marienburg hired a flotilla of war galleys from Remas. Soon afterwards this city was building its own, even heavier war galleys for use in the Sea of Claws. Centuries later when the Tileans began to mount cannon on their galleys, they opted for much lighter guns than those preferred in the Empire, but then the Tilean crews include many expert crossbowmen and so do not have to rely on firepower to the same extent.[1p]

Tilean merchant ships, unlike the war galleys, are purely sailing ships and better for riding stormy seas. Such ships are similar to those used by Bretonnia and the Empire, except that they are lighter and more like the ships of the Corsairs in the way that the masts and sails are arranged. This means that they are quite fast and not dependant on a tailing wind, making them very good for long voyages in uncharted oceans. This enables the Tileans to venture far from their home ports in pursuit of trade.[1p]

Tilean cogs can be recognized, aside from the heraldry, by the flat-bottomed hulls that led them to settle into a low harbour and the high sides that make it harder for pirates to board them. Useful when your trade routes pass so close to Sartosa.[83a]

Forces of Tilea

See also: Tilean Army Composition

"Tilea is a fractious, war-torn region, where legions of mercenaries and gold-hungry cutthroats fight for petty nobles and capricious city-states."

Alisende, Handmaiden of the Lady[83b]
Tilean Countryside

Formations of pikemen march through the Tilean countryside.

The city-states of Tilea are numerous and varied, but even when united their military power is not comparable to the nations of the north such as the Empire or Bretonnia.[50a] The wealthy Tilean city-states are famous for the number and variety of mercenaries in their armies. Humans are the great majority among these soldiers of fortune, but other races like Dwarfs and Elves are hired by the mercenary generals, and apparently, even the Greenskins are on rare occasions found among them.[82a]

Whilst the many merchant princes of Tilea employ large retinues of guards to protect their interests, none of the many city-states maintain professional standing armies with the sole exeption of Remas, relying in times of military need upon mercenary forces instead. These are recruited from the many mercenary regiments the Tilean nation is famed for, and are extremely well paid by merchant princes keen to secure their loyalty. These mercenaries are commonly known as the "Dogs of War" and, perhaps unsurprisingly, given their professional nature and desire to survive long enough to enjoy their pay, their armies can be most effective, both in the inter-city battles between the free cities and in seeing off invaders of Tilean lands.[1b][24a]

A mercenary army is a very diverse force that consists of many different companies of cut-throats and sell-swords of a wide diversity of backgrounds. Of these many companies, the most notorious of them that have earned their reputation through remarkable success, sheer brutality or adventurous spirit are known collectively as Regiments of Renown. Each individual Regiment is led by a famous mercenary from whom the company is usually named after. Each of these armies are often assembled and paid for by an ambitious mercenary general. Each General is a warrior of great ambition and enormous greed, ready to go forth on a life of adventure and booty.[1b]

Being an army consisting entirely of Mercenaries, the prospect of pay is as important to the integrity of a Dogs of War army then perhaps any other factor on the battlefield. As such, the paymaster is considered the second most important individual within the army, just before the general himself, for he is responsible for holding the various companies together with the prospect of chests full of gold. Below these two individuals consist a myriad of different captains, wizards and officers, each individual having their own goals and responsibilities in the field of battle.[1b]

Unfortunately for their masters, Dogs of War armies can be notoriously fickle, especially if the coin runs low or they receive a better offer. It is not unknown for an entire army to change its allegiance, or even quit the field on the eve of battle – though most mercenary generals value their reputation enough that they have the decency to give their current employer a chance to make any outstanding payments or to counter an enemy’s offer. Others might simply take their payment and disappear, safe in the knowledge that their would-be employer will not be around post-battle to complain of having been conned.[24a]

Even more untrustworthy than the Dogs of War, though equally rooted in the Tilean way of life, are the pirates of Sartosa. For hundreds of years the large island off the southern coast of the Tilean peninsula has been a den of thieves and cut-throats of all stripes. These criminals have been a plague upon shipping from the Black Gulf to the Great Ocean and far beyond. Far from trying to stamp them out, many merchant princes consider the pirates their de facto navy, and will often pay for their services against their rivals, and the enemies of Tilea itself.[24a]

Ogres are a constant presence in Tilea, where they move back and forth between the forces of the city-states as quickly as old contracts expire and new ones drafted.[35a]

Tilean mercenaries also have a reputation for professionalism that other sell-swords do not. Other foreign mercenaries, such as Kossars from Kislev, the almost feral berserkers from Norsca, or the enormous Ogres who ply their trade in The Empire are often viewed with distrust if not open hostility.[30a]

Nevertheless Tilean folk are devoted to their gods, and their armies are often accompanied by members of the various religious cult such as the Augurs of Morr and the Blessed Order of True Insight who help generals and their men with their divinations, and nearly every major noble has a prelate of Myrmidia accompanying his army.[3b][44b]

Mercenary generals from the south fight by "Myrmidia’s Rites of War", one of these consist on sending employees with white robes during a fight to control the bodies to count the casulties and in search of survivors to carry to Field Surgeons. It was noted that generals from other countries don't always know these kind of rules and accept them just for show before a battle.[3b]


Braganza besieger

A member of the Tilean mercenary unit known as Braganza's Besiegers, each members wears full plate armour stylised in the exotic Miraglianese style.

Tilean mercenaries wear piecemeal armour, mixing components when they can plunder them from the battlefields. Only the lords, mercenary captains, and some regiments of renown can afford the heavier armours, and even then, they have a haphazard appearance.[8f] Professional warriors in the Old World prefer mail. A good suit of mail is what separates a Tilean dog of war from a soldier of the Empire. And while more expensive, most fighters consider the cost a worthy expense.[8g]

The most celebrated exception to this trend is the Miraglianese armour, a style of plate armours produced in Miragliano and known for its peculiar design popular even in the Empire, where local smiths prefer to embellish on these designs rather than put in the labour required to forge their own.[38e]

Tilean mercenaries have begun to adopt the practice of wearing inscribed armour; their armour feature curses on their enemies and names of old battlefields or terrible foes they have personally slain.[8g] Coins are a regional symbol commonly displayed by Tilean troops.[8h]

Eastern Tilea has a peculiar style of breastplate, strongly reminiscent of the Reman Empire.[45a]

The Rise of Mercenaries

From early times, the merchants of Tilea hired soldiers to defend their ships from pirates on the high seas and to escort their merchandise on overland trade routes. Of course, warehouses and property also had to be guarded, and so it became usual for merchants to maintain troops more or less all the time. The various mercantile families also used their mercenaries to further their political ambitions at home, either to make themselves absolute rulers of their cities, or to oppose such tyrants and proclaim a republic! In Tilea money is power - and power, military might and status all amount to pretty much the same thing.[1h]

Invasions and Strife

Oglah Khan's Wolfboyz in Tilea

Oglah Khan's Wolfboyz scouts the plains of Tilea between Luccini and Verezzo.[82]

The Tileans were lucky that their lands remained largely free of Orcs, Goblins and other monstrous creatures during the early years. However, this could not last for ever, and in 475 a vast horde of greenskins invaded Tilea from the east. The Tilean merchants were not used to fighting foreign invaders - most of their battles were against each other! The sudden appearance of brutal greenskinned savages burning crops, torching farms, and making off with merchant caravans was quite a shock. So several of the most powerful merchants got together and hired the biggest army ever seen in Tilea up until that time. The mercenary army marched out to meet the Orc tribes. The Tilean general pitched his tents on one side of a mighty river from where he could observe the Orcs' crude encampment. Obviously he was pretty appalled at the mess and ruin that the Orcs had caused on the other side of the river. The thought of such crude and uncultured creatures running loose in Tilea was too awful to contemplate. However, the Tileans did notice a very strange thing as they observed the greenskins' camp. The various Orc contingents would occasionally stop whatever task they were about and begin to fight each other. Indeed, the whole Orc army was plainly riven with dissent, and only the personal attention of the big Orc warlord was keeping it together.[1i]

This gave the cunning Tilean general an idea. The Tileans decided that rather than fight the Orcs they would simply hire half the Orc army to fight the other half. That way, no matter which side won, the Tileans couldn't possibly lose. What's more, the spoils won by the victorious half would pay for the cost of hiring them! How exactly this was accomplished is not recorded, but that the plan worked is beyond doubt. The Orcs were promptly defeated. The Orcs who had been hired for the battle were promptly re-employed and sent off to the frontier under the command of a Tilean general, to beat up the Orc tribes that were still there. Since that day the Tileans have cheerfully employed mercenaries of many races. Encouraged by the willingness of Tileans to pay for good soldiers regardless of race, mercenary bands have flocked to Tilea to find work. As a result, Tilea has become a melting pot where soldiers from many lands can be found.[1i]


Man O'War southern realms map

A map of the southern realms.[68b]

Eager to open up new trade routes the merchants of Tilea have always been willing to finance expeditions of exploration. Not only can this lead to new discoveries and increased profit, but it also removes a great many mercenary bands from Tilea itself. In times of peace this is seen as a good thing because it means that unemployed mercenaries, who would otherwise spend their time wandering the cities of Tilea looking for trouble, are diverted towards more profitable pursuits. The Tileans have always been willing to spend money to make money, and are able to finance and equip expeditions that other peoples would find impossible. Consequently, Ttlea has become a haven for navigators, cartographers, explorers, and discoverers. Scarcely a month goes by without one expedition or other setting off for Lustria, the Southlands, or overland to Cathay. Big expeditions require whole armies of hired warriors, most of whom are destined to perish horribly in the jungles and deserts of some foreign land - assuming they don't get shipwrecked or drowned beforehand. For the lucky few who meet with success, the rewards are great. The most successful generals return home as heroes, their ships stuffed to the gunnels with treasure, their journals filled with highly imaginative accounts of new lands, exotic tribes, and their own heroic deeds. Others don't return home at all, but set themselves up as rulers of the cities and lands that they discover, where they live in the lap of luxury.[1i]

Mercenary Bands

The demand for soldiery led to the establishment of numerous mercenary bands - soldiers who sold their services to whichever merchant, trader or banker happened to require them. Merchants would sometimes hire troops on a more or less permanent basis, but most would be hired only when needed. Besides, the fees charged by the very best fighters were far too high for ordinary merchants to pay. The most successful mercenary captains became rich and influential in their own right, and their services were soon in demand throughout Ttlea. Rivalry between the different merchants inevitably led to raids and even outright wars. When this happened it was the mercenaries that settled things, and the side which could muster the most money would usually win pretty quickly! Merchants would sometimes squander entire fortunes hiring mercenaries to fight their wars, whilst money lenders were all too eager to provide more cash secured against future earnings. In this way the armies of Tilea developed as mercenary armies. Many good fighters grew rich on the profits, whilst warriors from all over the Old World would gravitate to Tilea where their talents would be appropriately rewarded.[1h]

Here is a list of some of the most famous:

  • Birdmen of Catrazza - The Birdmen of Catrazza is a mercenary company hailing from the city-state of Verezzo, trained as elite aerial marksmen.[1]
  • Braganza's Besiegers - Braganza's Besiegers is a mercenary company hailing from the city-state of Miragliano, trained as heavily-armoured core of elite siege crossbowmen.[1]
  • Leopold's Leopard Company - Leopold's Leopard Company is a mercenary company hailing from the city-state of Lucinni, trained as an elite core of armoured pikemen.[1]
  • Marksmen of Miragliano - The Marksmen of Miragliano is a mercenary company hailing from the city-state of Miragliano, trained as mobile skirmishers and marksmen.[1]
  • Pirazzo's Lost Legion - Pirazzo's Lost Legion is a mercenary company hailing from the city-state of Tobaro, trained in the use of both crossbow and pike formation.[1]
  • Ricco's Republican Guard - Ricco's Republican Guard is a mercenary company hailing from the city-state of Remas, trained as a core of heavily-armoured pikemen.[1]
  • The Alcatani Fellowship - The Alcatani Fellowship is a mercenary company hailing from the rural countryside of Tilea, trained as armoured pikemen.
  • Vespero's Vendetta - Vespero' Vendetta is a mercenary company hailing from the city-state of Lucicin, trained as expert duellist, saboteurs and bodyguards.[1]
  • Voland's Venators - Voland's Venators is a mercenary company hailing of unknown origins, trained as a core of Mercenary Knights for hire.[1]

Notable Characters

See also: Category:Tilean Characters for a complete list.

  • Borgio the Besieger - Borgio was the Merchant Prince of Miragliano, and one of the greatest Mercenary General of this age.[1]
  • Leonardo da Miragliano - Considered one of the most ingenious minds of Mankind, he was credited for the creation of many wondrous inventions, his most famous being the Steam Tank, produced in the Empire for the Prince of Altdorf, Stephan Franz of Altdorf.[1]
  • Lucrezzia Belladonna - Lucrezzia is considered the most beautiful woman in all of Tilea, and also a powerful and cunning sorceress.[1]
  • Lorenzo Lupo - Lorenzo is the heir apparent to the city of Luccini and is a descendant of both of the city's founders.[1]
  • Marco Colombo - Marco is an infamous Tilean explorer who was amongst the few to have successfully voyage to the New World and survive to tell the tale. His entries of the venture has since garnered much respect and popularity across the Old World.[1]


  • Note 1: Redhand's Daughter short story by William King is quoted by Graham McNeill in the novel Lords of the Lance as the phrase “beautiful, rugged and poor” is referenced by Sir Bastien a former knight errant who tells to have read it in a book, before 2276 IC.


The Tilean colour scheme depicted on citadel miniatures is mainly composed of red and white striped colours with green details,[1a] another scheme is the blue and white one with red details used by Marco Colombo's army in Conquest of the New World, a Warhammer Fantasy Battle expansion,[66a] also used in Total War: Warhammer to represent Tilea as a faction.[65a]

In 2003 a Mordheim campaign called Tilean Days was published, featuring a new scenario for the main game where mercenary warbands would seek fortune in the fractured city-states of Tilea and the Tilean Sea.[80a]

Josh Reynolds, author of part of the End Times pentalogy, responded to interested fans about the fate of Tilean city-states and most famous mercenary companies. Having never been published, this information is however to be considered non-canon and can be consulted in the article The Fall of Tilea.

In the alternative universe of Blood Bowl, Tileans are considered a hot blooded race, famous for their flamboyant style on the field. The Tilean League was divided into 4 conferences: North, South, East and West, each consisting of four teams: the Dwarves of Karak Izor Prospectors, the Skaven of the Foul Peak Fleabags, The Humans of the Luccini Swashbucklers, and the High Elves of the Miragliano Leopards.

Tilea's location, background, and culture correspond with that of medieval and Renaissance Italy.

The four major Tilean city-states -- Miragliano, Remas, Luccini and Tobaro -- are fictional allusions to the four maritime republics of Renaissance Italy, and contain cultural elements drawn from several different Italian communes.

Ancient Tilea's history and culture correspond with that of the Roman Empire, while Rome's major influence from Greek culture has been replaced for Tilea by the early assistance of the Elven Asur instead.

Interactive Map

An interactive map based on the unofficial Tilean map made by MadAlfred and used by canonical sources like Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Tribes and Tribulations,[82b] and Man O' War: Corsair.[15a]


  • 1: Warhammer Armies: Dogs of War (5th Edition)
    • 1a: pp. 0-3
    • 1b: pp. 16-18
    • 1c: pp. 18-21
    • 1d: pp. 24-25
    • 1e: pp. 27-29
    • 1f: pp. 30-58
    • 1g: pp. 59-69
    • 1h: pg. 70
    • 1i: pg. 71
    • 1j: pg. 72
    • 1k: pg. 73
    • 1l: pg. 74
    • 1m: pg. 75
    • 1n: pg. 76
    • 1o: pg. 86 (Tilea Map)
    • 1p: pg. 90
    • 1q: pp. 87-89
    • 1s: pp. 77-84 (City States)
    • 1t: pg. 85 (Tilean Timeline)
    • 1u: pp. 4-15 (Miniature Showcase)
    • 1v: pp. 92-94
  • 2: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Shades of Empire - Organisations of the Old World (RPG)
    • 2a: pg. 75
    • 2b: pg. 116
  • 3: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Tome of Salvation (RPG)
    • 3a: pp. 10-13
    • 3b: pp. 42-45
    • 3c: pg. 105
    • 3d: pg. 75
    • 3e: pg. 160
    • 3f: pg. 40
    • 3g: pg. 156
  • 4: Monstrous Arcanum (8th Edition)
  • 5: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Children of the Horned Rat (RPG)
    • 5a: pp. 10-11
    • 5b: pg. 55
    • 5c: pg. 23
  • 6: Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts (5th Edition)
    • 6a: pp. 12-13
  • 7: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: The WFRP Companion (RPG)
    • 7a: pp. 5-6
    • 7b: pp. 53-54
    • 7c: pg. 80
  • 8: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Old World Armoury (RPG)
    • 8b: pg. 8
    • 8c: pg. 113
    • 8d: pp. 50-55
    • 8e: pg. 13
    • 8f: pg. 17
    • 8g: pp. 21-22
    • 8h: pg. 25
  • 9: Brunner the Bounty Hunter (Novel) by C.L. Werner
    • 9a: "Beneath the Vaults"
    • 9b: "Where Walks the Mardagg"
  • 10: Genevieve Undead (Anthology) by Jack Yedvil
  • 11: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Renegade Crowns - Adventures among the Border Princes (RPG)
  • 12: Fell Cargo (Novel) (Novel) by Dan Abnett
  • 13: Warhammer Armies: Tomb Kings (6th Edition)
  • 14: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Forges of Nuln (RPG)
  • 15: Man O' War: Corsair (PC Game)
    • 15a: Campaign map
    • 15b: Early Access Road Map
  • 16: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Sigmar's Heirs - A Guide to the Empire (RPG)
  • 17: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Knights of the Grail - A Guide to Bretonnia (RPG)
  • 18: Marienburg, Sold Down The River Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition
  • 19: Inferno! (Magazine)
    • 19a: Inferno! 40, pp. 55-65
    • 19b: Inferno! 25, pp. 41-45
    • 19c: Inferno! 8, pg. 56
    • 19d: Inferno! 21, pp 58-65
    • 19e: Inferno! 25, pp. 54-64
  • 20: The End Times Vol. II: Glottkin (8th Edition)
  • 21: The Rise of the Horned Rat (Novel) by Guy Haley
  • 22: Warhammer Monthly
    • 22a: 13, "Dreams of Lustria," by Dan Abnett and David Pugh
    • 22b: #??, Skaven
  • 23: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition: A Grim World of Perilous Adventure - Rulebook (RPG)
  • 24: Warhammer: The Old World Rulebook (Specialist Game)
  • 25: Warhammer Fortresses (Specialty Game)
  • 26: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition: Dwarfs - Stone and Steel (RPG)
  • 27: Dreadfleet (Novel) by Phil Kelly
  • 28: The End Times Vol. I: Nagash
  • 29 Tamurkhan: The Throne of Chaos (8th Edition)
    • 29a: pp. 76-81
    • 29b: pg. 51 (Map)
  • 30: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition: The Player's Guide (RPG)
  • 31: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition: The Winds of Magic - Advanced Magic & Wizardry (RPG)
  • 32: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition: Tome of Mysteries - A Guide to Wizards & Magic (RPG)
  • 33: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition: Tome of Blessings - A Guide to Priests & Religion (RPG)
  • 34: Warhammer Armies: Skaven (4th Edition)
    • 34a: pp. 34-35 (Skaven Under-Empire Map)
  • 35: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Archives of the Empire - Vol. II (RPG)
  • 36: Mordheim: Hired Swords - Pit Fighters (Specialty Game)
  • 37: Warhammer Armies: Wood Elves (8th Edition)
  • 38: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Up in Arms (RPG)
    • 38a: pp. 50-54
    • 38b: pp. 41-42
    • 38c: pg. 45
    • 38d: pp. 57-60 (Tilean Timeline)
    • 38e: pg. 38
    • 38f: pg. 68
    • 38g: pg. 63
  • 39: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: The Imperial Zoo (RPG)
  • 40: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Core Rules (RPG)
  • 41: Warhammer Siege (5th Ed)
  • 42: Warhammer Fantasy RPG 4th Edition: Altdorf: Crown of the Empire (RPG)
  • 43: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition: Realms Of Sorcery (RPG)
  • 44: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Career Compendium (RPG)
  • 45: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition: Realm Of Chaos - The Lost & The Damned (RPG)
  • 46: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition: Realm Of Chaos - Slaves To Darkness (RPG)
  • 47: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition: The Enemy Within (RPG)
  • 48: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition: The Player's Guide (RPG)
  • 49: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition: Lure of Power (RPG)
  • 50: Warhammer Fantasy Battles (7th Edition)
  • 51: Warhammer Armies: Beasts of Chaos (6th Edition)
  • 52: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs (6th Edition)
  • 53: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: Rulebook (6th Edition)
  • 54: Warhammer Fantasy Battle: Rulebook - The Generals Compendium (6th Edition)
  • 55: Redhand's Daughter (Short Story) by William King
  • 56: Citadel Journal (Magazine)
    • 56a: Citadel Journal Issue 29 pg. 48
  • 57: Savage City (Novel) by Robert Earl
  • 58: Magestorm (Novel) by Jonathan Green
  • 59: Necromancer (Novel) by Jonathan Green
  • 60: The End Times: The Return of Nagash (Novel) by Josh Reynolds
  • 61: Warhammer Armies: Skaven (7th Edition)
  • 62: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Lure of the Liche Lord (RPG)
  • 63: Neferata (Novel) by Josh Reynolds
  • 64: Inferno 21 (Magazine)
    • 64a: pp. 58-65 "Portrait of my Undying Lady" by Gordon Rennie
  • 65: Total War: Warhammer (PC Game)
    • 65a: Campaign map
  • 66: Conquest of the New World (6th Edition)
  • 67: Warhammer: Vermintide II (PC Game)
    • 67a: In-game voicelines
  • 68: The Art of Man O War Corsair (Art Book)
  • 69: Temple of the Serpent (Novel) by C. L. Werner
  • 70: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Realms Of Sorcery (RPG)
  • 71:Warhammer Fantasy RPG 1st Edition: Death's Dark Shadow (RPG)
  • 72: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Archives of the Empire - Vol. III (RPG)
  • 73: Advanced Heroquest: Rules for Heroic Roleplay (RPG)
  • 74: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Sea of Claws (RPG)
  • 75: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Tomes of Corruption (RPG)
  • 76: Warhammer Quest: Catacombs of Terror (RPG)
  • 77: "Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Barony of the Damned
  • 77: Zavant (Novel) by Gordon Rennies
  • 78: The Nightmare Legion box (3rd Edition).
  • 79: Warhammer Armies: Orcs and Goblins (8th Edition)
  • 80: Town Cryer 28
  • 81: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Tribes and Tribulations (RPG)
  • 82: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Tribes and Tribulations (RPG)
  • 83: Lords of the Lance (Novel) by Graham McNeill
  • 84: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Power Behind the Throne (RPG)
  • 85: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition: Doomstones - Death Rock (RPG)
  • 86: Warhammer: The Old World - Arcane Journal: Orc and Goblin Tribes (Specialist Game)
  • 87: The Wine of Dreams (Novel) by Brian Craig
  • 88: Gotrek and Felix: The Serpent Queen (Novel) by Josh Reynolds
  • 89: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Lustria (RPG)
  • 90: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Enemy Within Campaign Volume 5 Empire in Ruins (RPG)
  • 91: Warhammer Armies: High Elves (7th Edition)
  • 92: White Dwarf 146
  • 93: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Night's Dark Masters
    • 93a: pp. 6-7 (Map)
  • 94: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Dwarf's Player Guide (RPG)
  • 95: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Deft Steps Light Fingers (RPG)