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Warhammer Wiki

Short for "Being the most Noble Veracitor – Gazetteer of the Truth and Guardian of Principle Imperial Values," this is the Daily Relation's bitterest rival. Originating in Altdorf, this is published weekly and is of considerably higher quality and cost than the Daily Relation (costing a full crown, compared to the Relation's two shillings). It also has a considerably different focus. This is the newssheet for the elite. Focusing on the affairs of court and generous projects undertaken by the Empire's magnanimous noble masters, this newssheet rarely misses an opportunity to fawn over the upper classes. But if one is looking for the state of the Imperial Court in Altdorf, one could scarcely get a better primer than reading a month or two of the Veracitor.[1a]

The Veracitor is led by press-master Sir Ludovic von Klassen (he disdains the term 'editor' as being too plebeian). This knight and retired captain in the Imperial army is a staunch traditionalist. He deeply believes that rags such as the Daily Relation stir up the populace against their true lords and undermine the venerable institutions of his beloved fatherland. He resolved not to stand by and watch this happen, but to fight it at the press and in the streets.[1a]


  • 1: Warhammer Fantasy RPG 2nd ED -- Career Compendium
    • 1a: pg. 152