Warhammer Wiki
Warhammer Wiki

"Turns out our Bögenhafen problem's down to a Chaos runesword - the Blightreaper. The good news is that Father Kraussman has it under lock and key in a hidden Sanctum Malificarum, but that'll not last. Bring it back here. I doubt we can destroy the bloody thing, but I'm prepared to give it a good old Hochland try, as me mother used to say."

Franz Lohner.
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The Blightreaper.

The Blightreaper is an ancient Chaos Runesword, infested with the power of Nurgle.


The Blightreaper is a chaos runesword forged by the renegade runesmith Grungni Ironheart. The blade is infamous for its dark powers. For centuries it has changed hands between different Chieftains and Champions of Nurgle. From Norsca to the the Mountains of Mourn to the Old World, the Blightreaper spread death and decay. The blade drowned kingdoms in pestilence and turned the blood of heroes into festering slime.[1]



Warhammer Vermintide 2 - Shadows Over Bögenhafen DLC Trailer

The Blightreaper.


  • 1 Warhammer: Vermintide II