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Warhammer Wiki

Talima Lankdorf got her start playing the lute and singing in coaching houses, making a name for herself with her clever melodies and stirring songs. Eventually, a passing noble fell in love with her and brought her to Altdorf. After a few weeks the noble’s fancy faded, leaving Talima to make her way on her own in the enormous city. Running out of money and having nowhere to go, she hopped on board the Emperor Wilhelm, paying half of her fare by performing each night, though she knows she doesn’t have the coin to pay the rest of her part.[1a]

Long brown hair frames a pretty freckled face with sparkling green eyes. Talima wears bright clothes bordering on garish and has an easy, almost seductive, grace. When playing, she seems to lose herself in the performance.[1a]

Talima banks on winning a suitor on the voyage to help her pay for her fare, so she’s on the lookout for a wealthy passenger to befriend—likely an adventurer, but if not, she’ll take up with a noble. If she fails to find someone to help her out, she slips over the side of the ship the night before it reaches Nuln, getting away without anyone noticing.[1a]


  • 1: Warhammer Fantasy RPG 2nd ED -- Forges of Nuln
    • 1a: pg. 48