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"I am a Dwarf! My honour is my life and without it I am nothing. I shall become a Slayer. I shall seek redemption in the eyes of my ancestors. I shall become as death to my enemies, until I face he that takes my life and my shame."

Gotrek Gurnisson, swearing the Slayer Oath.[2a]
Dwarf Slayer

A fearsome Dwarf Dragon Slayer standing upon the bones of his slain foe.

Slayers, known as Drengi in Khazalid[6a], are the ultimate Dwarf warriors, the perfect personifications of death and destruction, and bringers of doom to the enemies of their people.

Slayers are Dwarfs who believe that their honour has been irreparably stained and so have sworn a solemn oath that they will not stop fighting until their chosen foe is defeated or they themselves are slain. Slayers gladly seek out death in combat, believing that such a doom is the only way they can ever truly reclaim their honour.[1a]

Quick Answers

What is the Slayer Oath that Gotrek Gurnisson swore? toggle section
Gotrek Gurnisson, a famous Slayer, took the Slayer Oath as a means of atonement for a grave crime. The oath commits him to seek redemption from his ancestors by becoming a Slayer, a warrior who is death to his enemies, until he meets his own death, thereby erasing his shame.
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What is the significance of the warpaint mohawk for a Slayer? toggle section
Adopting a warpaint mohawk is a significant part of a Slayer's oath in the Warhammer universe. They dye their hair bright red or orange and style it into a stiff crest using animal fat or lime. They also have tattoos dedicated to the Ancestor God Grimnir, hoping to gain his favor in battle. Slayers wield an axe and forsake armor, embodying their commitment to their path. They are known to be reclusive and do not discuss the shame that led them to become Slayers.
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Who are some of the most famous Slayers in the lore? toggle section
The Brotherhood of Grimnir, part of the Slayer Throng, represents the most dedicated Slayers. Gotrek Gurnisson, a renowned Daemon Slayer, is known for his adventures with human companion Felix Jaeger and his possession of one of Grimnir's axes. Josef Bugman is another notable Slayer. Among the deadliest in the Slayer Cult are the Giant Slayers, veterans who sometimes lead Slayer warbands into battle.
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What are other terms used to refer to a Slayer in the Slayers universe? toggle section
In the Slayers universe, a Slayer can also be referred to as a Dragonslayer or a Daemonslayer. These terms represent Slayers who have perfected their martial skills and are on a quest to battle formidable foes. Younger members from the Slayer cult often accompany them on their journeys.
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What is the role of honour in the life of a Slayer? toggle section
Honour is integral to a Slayer's existence. They are obliged to act courageously in combat, as any cowardice brings disgrace. Slayers are expected to follow orders, defend steadfastly, assist comrades, maintain battlefield control, and eliminate Dwarf enemies. A dishonoured Dwarf must join the Slayer cult, seeking ancestral redemption and embodying death to adversaries.
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Dwarf Slayers vs Forest Goblins Total War Warhammer Illustration

A group of Dwarf Slayers fighting Forest Goblins as depicted in Total War: Warhammer.

Slayers are the strangest and most deadly of all Dwarf warriors. They are outlandish doom-seekers, individuals who have wholly dedicated every fibre of their being to the most difficult and destructive life of battle that they can possibly find. Dwarfs are a proud people, and none of them cope well with failure or personal tragedy no matter how small.[1a]

The loss of a single family member or a hoard of treasures is a fate so intolerable for a Dwarf that they can become inconsolably distressed. Such an event can seriously unhinge their naturally obsessive minds. Eventually these burdens become far too heavy to bear and a Dwarf will eventually snap, forswearing the fellowship and comforts of family, clan, and hold, and opting instead for a life of self-imposed exile. These Dwarfs break all ties with everything they once held dear and leave behind all possessions save for their own axes.[1a]

To become a Slayer is to become an engine of mass destruction, a warrior that seeks nothing more in life than an honourable and glorious death that shall expunge the shame that has pushed him upon this path, and to be remembered in the sagas of his people for all time. To become a Slayer, the Dwarf must first make a pilgrimage towards the holy Shrine of Grimnir located within the treacherous peaks of Karak Kadrin, also known as "Slayers Keep." There, the Dwarf must ritually shave his head save for a solitary crest -- a fearsome plume died bright orange and stiffened with pig grease. The larger the crest, the deadlier the Dwarf, for the longer he has lived and fought as the crest grows.[1a]

After the ritual, the Dwarf then cuts a name upon a pillar, where the names of many other Slayers have been carved over the millennia. With his pilgrimage complete, the Dwarf sets out into the treacherous wilderness to deliberately seek out great battles against fearsome foes and overwhelming odds.[1a]

Total War Slayer Concept Art 1

Concept art of a Dwarf Slayer created for Total War: Warhammer II.

Most Slayers die in their first or second fight, but those that survive these initial encounters are considered the unlucky ones. Whether by their sheer martial skills, toughness, or determination, these Dwarfs, though ironically unsuccessful in their higher quest, inadvertently become self-molded into magnificent warriors. This process of natural selection weeds out all but the most exceptional of their kind, meaning that any Slayer met is most likely psychopathically dangerous.

As a Slayer continues to carve his way through an increasingly impressive tally of beasts, he often takes the name of the greatest one he has slain as a title. Such titles include becoming a "Troll Slayer" or a "Giant Slayer." The greatest of these already formidable warriors are the infamous "Dragon Slayers" or "Daemon Slayers," warriors who have managed to prevail in battle against one of the most ferocious creatures in the Known World, slaying it and surviving to tell the tale.[1a]

Probably the greatest Slayer to have ever lived is Gotrek Gurnisson, bearer of the legendary Axe of Grimnir and the Slayer who has killed the greatest number of enemies known in Dwarf history.[1a]

Wh main dwf slayers

A Dwarf Slayer as depicted in Total War: Warhammer.

The life of a Slayer is a solitary existence of battle after battle. Because of their shame and their death oath, many Slayers suffer bouts of depression. This often leads to periods of glutting themselves on alcohol or food. Particularly deadly Slayers sometimes have no choice but to work odd jobs to finance their travels in search of increasingly dangerous monsters.[4a]

In times of war, Slayers often arrive from the wilderness to join a Dwarf throng in battle, lending their considerable combat skills in an effort to further the Dwarf cause. Many desperate wars have been won by the ferocity and sheer determination of these Slayers. Even when bloodied and battered after a battle's end, they will pause only long enough to slake their thirst before beginning their deathquest anew.

A Slayer will often find an unusually kindred spirit in, of all warriors, the Questing Knights of Bretonnia. They both follow a quest, seek out the deadliest of foes, and neither of them will ever retreat or surrender. Of course, a Questing Knight will often abstain from drinking vast quantities of ale, but they may nonetheless prove an ideal ally for a Slayer.[3]

Dragon Slayers and Daemon Slayers

"‘Hold back your fire and let us pass. We have taken the Slayer’s Oath and would pit our axes against those beasts. If we come back, have all your ale ready. If, instead, it is our time to take the Path of Grimnir, then may our doom be a mighty one. If we do not return, remember us to our clans and kings."

—Rekthor Redaxe, Giant Slayer, who led a band of Slayers against the Troll horde of Og the Mighty. None returned.

A Dwarf Dragon Slayer engages the foe as the airship Spirit of Grungni soars overhead, looking for new targets, as depicted in Total War: Warhammer III.

Dragon Slayers and Daemon Slayers are the most elite, potent and respected of all the Dwarfs who take the Slayer Oath. Some Slayers, despite their best efforts to find and fight the most formidable of foes, still fail at their task of dying honourably in battle. By dint of constant fighting, these rare Slayers become ever more scar-riddled and dangerous.[1a]

In order to survive for so long against such terrible odds requires either luck or martial skills that have been honed to a razor's edge, and perhaps both. Now known as "Dragon Slayers" or "Daemon Slayers," these angst-ridden fighters are honour-bound by their oaths to continue their death quest, but now they must seek out and battle ever more ferocious enemies.[1a]


A Dwarf Daemon Slayer assaulting his Chaos Dwarf foes as depicted in Total War: Warhammer III.[2]

A Dragon Slayer or Daemon Slayer is often joined on their journeys by a swarm of younger brethren from the Slayer cult. They flock towards such renowned killers, as they can be assured that, as their idol seeks his ultimate destiny, he will lead them straight towards foes against whom a worthy end might be made.[1a]

This attraction is not altogether appreciated by the irascible and laconic Dragon or Daemon Slayer, for while they realise word of their deeds or great death might now be brought back to the Dwarf holds, they are loners by nature and resent any distraction. They are committed to die gloriously fighting monsters, not to leading others or looking after newcomers. Also, although none would ever admit to it, these veteran Slayers do not want to dare chance one of their following of new mavericks getting in a lucky stroke and robbing them of the glorious final blow upon some epic beast whose death would be worthy of a song.[1a]

Slayer Types

  • Doomseekers - Unique Slayer formation equipped with chain-swinging axes.
  • Sea Slayer - Sea Slayers are a unique Dwarf Slayer formation equipped with pistols and sabres who are known to roam the seas of the Known World seeking their ends as rare Dwarf pirates.[5a]

Notable Slayers

Notable Slayer Regiments

  • Brotherhood of Grimnir - Those Slayers who earn a place in the Brotherhood of Grimnir are counted among the most elite of all their kind.
  • Dragonback Slayers - This unit of Slayers are seeking the ultimate beasts to combat in their search for death.
  • Lost Brotherhood - The Lost Brotherhood is comprised of Slayers from minor clans who took the Slayer Oath during the End Times.



  • 1:Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs (8th Edition)
    • 1a: pp. 44-46
  • 2:Gotrek and Felix: Slayer (Novel) by David Guymer
    • 2a: "Kazad Drengazi"
  • 3: Warhammer Quest - Bretonnian Knight (Specialist Game)
  • 4: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Core Rulebook (RPG)
    • 4a: pg. 113
  • 5: Warhammer Armies: Dogs of War (5th Edition)
    • 5a: pp. 34-35
  • 6: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition: Book of Grudges (RPG)
    • 6a: pp. 44-46