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Warhammer Skar's Kraken-Killer

Ancient sketch of Skar's Kraken-Killer, drawn from the Liber Chaotica, by Richter Kless, declared insane

Skar's Kraken-Killer is an ancient and mighty weapon which saw the killing of the monsters of the deeps.[1a]


The weapon was named after Skar Sealord, a Norscan reaver from the town of Iskvard. He was on board a longship returning home after a summer's riade when they were beset by a fearsome monster from the bottom of the Sea of Claws, driven to the coastal waters by an even more fearsome terror of the deeps. Skar was dragged from the boat and down into the depths. He struggled and fought against the tentacle crushing the life from him while around him the longship began to sink and the monster ate its fill of Norscan flesh.[1a]

His efforts were to no avail and, with his lungs burning, he was finally dragged towards the creature's maw. In his dying moments, his flailing hand caught hold of something solid. He gripped it and at that moment he felt his lungs expand again with fresh air. In his hand was a sword that had its blade embedded in the brow of the sea monster. Invigorated by the swords power, Skar drove the blade further into the monstrosity's skull and then pulled it out and kicked away, killing the beats and plunging its body into the black depths of the ocean. Skar ended up on the stone beaches of Iskvard along with the wreckage of his ship, bearing the same blade of scales with a sharkskin hilt.[1a]

He was the only survivor, all the other crew having been eaten, crushed or drowned in the frigid waters. The towns people needed little convincing to see Skar's blessing by the Gods. Skar Sealord, as he became known, travelled north, always staying within a few miles of the coast. He fought when he was challenged by roving Champions but aside from that showed no real interest in sowing devastation in his wake, as due most Champions of Chaos. Finally, upon reaching the northernmost coast of the Shadowlands he seemed to come to a revelation. He released his retinue of warriors from their oaths of loyalty to him and strode confidently into the murky gloom of the dark sea...never to be seen again.[1a]


  • 1: Liber Chaotica: Khorne (Background Book)
    • 1a: pg. 40