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The "New World" region of the Known World, home to the continents of Naggaroth and Lustria.

The "New World" is a term used to describe the western continents of the Known World that remain largely uncharted by the Empire and the other Human civilisations of the Old World. It includes the steaming jungles of Lustria in the south and the frigid, desolate lands of Naggaroth in the north.[1a]

This region is termed the "New World" because it represents the ultimate, final frontiers of Humanity as well as an homage to the original home realms of Men within the larger, eastern continental mass that is the "Old World." [1a]

It is from here that adventurers beyond counting congregate in large expeditionary fleets, plying the large oceans of the world in hopes of finding great adventure and riches. [1a]

While not technically part of the New World, the island-continent of Ulthuan, homeland of the High Elves, is also often lumped into the region by Human cartographers, for who the Elven homeland is as much unexplored and mysterious terra incognita as the more savage continents to its west.[1a]

In particular, the term "New World" is often used to specifically refer to the southern continent of Lustria, for within its damp jungles lies the ancient cities of the Lizardmen, where hordes of gold, beads and treasures can be found in great abundance, luring thousands of fool-hardy treasure-hunters, plunderers and conquerors from half the world away.[1a]


  • 1: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Core Rulebook (1st Edition)
    • 1a: pp. 261-262