Warhammer Wiki
Warhammer Wiki
Dwarf Mining Banner

A Dwarf Mining Guild banner

The Miners Guild is the organisation that oversees the work and commerce of all Dwarf miners of the Karaz Ankor. The Dwarf Mining Guild is one of the greatest and most venerated of the craftguilds in the Dwarf realms. Founded, according to tradition, by the Ancestor God Grungni himself, this craftguild extracts metal ores and rough gemstones from the earth.[1a]

The extensive tunnel complexes beneath the Dwarf holds are their domain, and a great source of pride. Dwarf miners can be found in any Dwarf settlement close to active mines, and in many Human mining settlements as well. Some Dwarf settlements are exclusively inhabited by mining clans.[1a]

The importance of mining to their culture and economy is such that every Dwarf, irrespective of clan or craftguild, must spend two years in the mines learning the essential skills of their heritage.[1a]


  • 1: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition: Dwarfs - Stone and Steel (RPG)
    • 1a: pg. 18