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Oldworlderer militiaman

Estalian guardsmen

Estalian guardsmen in full plate armor

Militias are part-time local defence forces, formed largely from the rural peasantry. Members agree to spend a certain amount of time each year—usually seven days—practicing together on common land. Even this small amount of training can be the difference between life and death on the blood-soaked battlefields of the Old World.[1a]

Militia Captains are either civil leaders or retired military types. Some militias must provide their own equipment, while the local nobility equips others. This means that while some militia units appear for duty in smart uniforms with well-maintained equipment, others have little more than their patchwork clothes and hunting bows.[1a]

Garrisons and militia in Tilean settlements tend to be rather larger than their Empire equivalents, due to a tradition of each settlement being expected to look after itself and because it is wise to keep the land’s many mercenaries gainfully employed.[2a]

Notable Militia[]

