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A Norscan Marauder Ice Wolves Chariot

A Marauder Ice Wolves Chariot is a type of Chaos Chariot employed by the Chaos Marauders of Norsca. With axe-flinging Chaos Marauders in tow, drooling and crazed Norscan Ice Wolves pull these chariots with overwhelming speed.[1a]

The Marauder Ice Wolves Chariot is an interesting take on the standard war chariots commonly used by the Northmen and other Warriors of Chaos forces. The same spike-laden Chaos Chariot chassis gives it a similarly devastating impact on the charge, but instead of being pulled by Chaos-mutated destriers, it is pulled by brutish Ice Wolves.[1a]

This gives the chariot several advantages -- firstly, the swift, muscle-built beasts enable the chariot to move faster over short distances. Also, unlike horses, Ice Wolves are natural killers in their own right -- bloodthirsty animals concerned only with biting and tearing at enemy flesh. This makes the Ice Wolves Chariot a truly scary prospect up close; snapping, slobbering jaws await any who engage the charioteers in melee.[1a]

