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Mannslieb End Times

Mannslieb, as depicted in Warhammer: The End Times - Vermintide.

Mannslieb, which translates as "Beloved of Manann" in Old Reikspiel, and is known as Yueyin in Grand Cathay,[6] is the mortal world's natural, white moon, as opposed to Morrslieb, the green moon, which is a gigantic fragment of warpstone that was ejected from the Realm of Chaos after the destruction of the Old Ones' Polar Gates millennia ago during the Great Catastrophe. Mannslieb keeps a regular 25-day cycle from one full phase to another.[1a]

In ancient times, early Human tribesmen observed the regular orbit of Mannslieb and the eternal cycle of spring, summer, autumn and winter.[2a]

Mannslieb Among Dwarfs[]

Mannslieb is known as Gormlhune in the Dwarf tongue of Khazalid, roughly translating into Reikspiel as "High-Moon", or "Old-Moon". Many Dwarfs lust after it, tantalised by the prospect of unsullied ore buried beneath its surface.[4]

Mannslieb Among Lizardmen[]

To the Lizardmen of Lustria, Mannslieb is referred to as "The Silvered One."[3a] Skinks believe the moon to be the literal eye of Tlazcotl, which that Old One placed in the sky to watch over the Known World.[7a]

Mannslieb Among Mankind[]

Tileans know Mannslieb as Occiodiveren.[2b] This may be an elaborate pun, as it could refer to Occhio-di-Verena ("Eye of Verena") in the Tilean tongue.

Mannslieb was known as Neru in ancient Nehekhara, in reference to the Nehekharan moon goddess of the same name, who was the beloved wife of Ptra, the sun god. The Nehekharans believed Morrslieb to be the embodiment of the jealous goddess Sakhmet, who unpredictably disrupted the sky at night when Neru's light reigned.

In Grand Cathay, the white moon is known as Yueyin and is closely associated with Quai Yin, the Moon Empress, the matriarch of the Cathayan Dragons who rule that empire and consort to the Dragon Emperor. Its fullness is regarded as a sign of the displeasure of the Moon Empress.[5][6] Some stories say Quai Yin was born on Yueyin and is the last of a race that once dwelt upon its cold, white continents -- and that she took on the form of a Dragon so she could descend to the world. There she met the Celestial Dragon Emperor, who she taught the secrets of shapeshifting, passing such power on to their children.[4][6]

