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"Vecteek claim-want too much power. Takes name-title of Grey Lord! He think he is better than the Council. Thinks Rictus-rats should rule all Under-Empire!"

—Krricht, demonstrating Clan Mors' typical enmity towards Clan Rictus

Banner of Clan Mors

Krritcht Dwarf-Slicer was a Skaven Warlord of Clan Mors. He was active during the era of the Black Death in 1111 IC, when his clan had yet to reach the power and prestige of the current age.[1a][2a]

Krritcht was just another warlord, sent to treat with Poxmaster Puskab Foulfur of Clan Pestilens about his newly-created contagion, the Black Death. But Krritcht had also treated with Vrask Bilebroth, keeping his options open as to who would be the better ally to move against Clan Rictus.[1a]

Krritcht was unable to convince Foulfur to betray Vecteek, the most feared Skaven Warlord in Skavenblight at that time. So, Krritcht instead attempted to make good on a prior deal he had made prior with Bilebroth to kill Foulfur. Krritch enlisted the help of Clan Skrittlespike in this endeavour and sent two of his own Stormvermin to see the poxmaster slain.[1a]

However, both groups of assassins failed, and Foulfur lived on.[1a]

Following Vrrmik's death, Krritcht became the new governing warlord of Clan Mors, and defeated all the other challengers in order to obtain the title. However, it is unclear if he also inherited Vrrmik's seat on the Council of Thirteen.[2a]


  • 1: Dead Winter (Novel) by C. L. Werner
  • 2: Warhammer Armies: Skaven (7th Edition)
    • 2a: pg. 31