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"I anoint myself with the blood of Ulric that I shall not fear to bleed.
I pledge myself to Ulric's work that I shall not fear to suffer.
I give myself to Ulric that I shall not fear to die.

Ulrican incantation

The Knights of the White Wolf, formally the Order of the Knights of the White Wolf, or simply the White Wolves as they are more commonly known, are the most infamous of all the Knightly Orders of the Empire who serve the Ar-Ulric, high priest of the Cult of Ulric, and their deity, Ulric, the god of winter and wolves. Readily identified by their distinctive wolf pelts and their savage fighting-style the Knights of the White Wolf are the most ancient and largest of the Templar Orders in the entire Old World, their founding dating back to the time of Ar-Ulric Wulca, during the age of Sigmar some 2,500 years ago.[1a]

The Knights' wolf-skin cloaks, coupled with their long, often wild hair and beards, gives them a barbaric appearance similar to those of the first worshippers of Ulric, but in truth they are a highly disciplined and martial Order whose presence inspire both courage and savagery that rivals that of even the most blood-thirsty and savage of the Northmen Warriors.[1a]

The Knights of the White Wolf are based in the city of Middenheim, where their Order was founded following a great victory against the Forces of Chaos outside the city walls during the first few years of Sigmar's reign as the First Emperor of the Empire. The Knights are all followers of the god Ulric, who is worshipped throughout the Empire as the patron God of War, a position that supplements the position of Sigmar in the more northern provinces such as Nordland and Middenland. Many units, such as the Brotherhood of the Axe, the Teutogen Guard and the berserk Fellwolf Brotherhood comprise the elite core of this savage order.[1a]


"Old White Wolf will sniff you out, Old White Wolf with braided hair,
Old White Wolf will hunt you down, Old White Wolf will rip and tear!

—Middenheimer children's rhyme[2a]
Knight of the White Wolves

A Knight of the White Wolf

The Knights of the White Wolf are templars of the Ar-Ulric, the high priest of the Cult of Ulric and the greatest Ulrican in the order. According to ancient Teutogen tradition, the high priest now known as the Ar-Ulric is expected to raise and maintain his own force for the defence of the Temple of Ulric in Middenheim and the faith, and to honour the wolf god in battle with their valiant deeds whenever he can. Almost every temple of Ulric, from the smallest of shrines to the high temple in Middenheim, has at least one or two Knights of the White Wolf stationed in it. Independent chapter houses of the White Wolves do exist, but these are a rare occurrence.[1a]

Those larger chapter-houses have within their ranks around several units of White Wolves, the duties of which extend beyond merely guarding Ulrican interests. The Templars there would often venture out on military missions to take the fight to their enemies, including joining on seasonal Crusades against local Beastmen or Greenskin encampments within the Drakwald region.[1a]

Whilst on duty however, the White Wolves are tasked with guarding the temples and priests of Ulric throughout the Empire and beyond. Units of White Wolves may be dispatched on quests or missions, or they may be sent to battle, marching as part of the army of Middenland to war, or accompanying a larger Templar army on a crusade against a common foe. These Knights are very distinctive, both on and off the battlefield. When on duty or in battle, White Wolves would normally dress in heavy suits of plate mail, lacquered black or treated with dark oil. Every Knight wears a distinctive wolf pelt over his shoulders, a tradition that dates back to the first Ar-Ulric, and also as a badge of honour to indicate his acceptance as a full-fledged brother of the Order. They carry neither shield nor helm, and ride to battle bareheaded to show off their long hair and beautifully plait beards. Their distinctive weapon is a fearsome double-handed hammer which they swing round their heads from horseback, knocking enemy horsemen from their saddles and pounding the skulls of foes on foot.[1a]

Knights Wolf

A Grandmaster of the Knights of the White Wolf

It is common to see White Wolves fight from the back of red-barded warhorses, usually wielding large cavalry hammers instead of lances when they charge. When not mounted, they often replace their hammers with an even larger warhammer that they swing about themselves in deadly arcs. As they charge into battle, these Knights would naturally bellow savage oaths to their God, Ulric. This guttural howling has sent many foes scattered to the winds long before the charge has even made impact. It is thanks to their prowess in battle that the Northern Provinces have managed to flourish under their watchful guard, ensuring that the lands of Ulric will never be under the control of the Dark Gods.[1a]

Notable White Wolves[]

  • Vorn Thugenheim - Adopted son of Graf Boris Todbringer, member of the Teutogen Guard and Standard Bearer of Middenheim.
  • Moritz Valgeir - The son of Emil Valgeir and a renowned Brother-Captain of the Order.
  • Keiner Reizfeld - Keiner Reizfeld is the youngest captain within the Knights of the White Wolf at just 24 years of age, a distinction that has earned him both the admiration and jealousy of his subordinates and rivals. Keiner is the captain of Red Company, one of the prestigious companies of knights based at the High Temple of Ulric in Middenheim. Keiner is viewed as little more than a barbarian by his fellow captains, and is prone to losing himself to bloodlust in the heat of battle has made some worry about his true allegiance. However, they cannot dispute that he commands total loyalty amongst his men, driving them ever onwards to greater and greater deeds, and it is said that had it not been for Keiner's bravery, the list of White Wolves lost during the Siege of Middenheim would have been even longer.


  • 1: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Tome of Salvation (RPG)
    • 1a: pp. 66-70, 202
  • 2: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition: Tome of Blessings (RPG)
    • 2a: pp. 5-6, 17-18
  • 3: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Power Behind the Throne (RPG)
    • 3a: pg. 45
  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition: Signs of Faith (RPG), pp. 4-8, 14-15
  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Ashes of Middenheim (RPG), pp. 5, 16
  • Life of Sigmar (Background Book)
  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Core Rulebook, pg. 213 (RPG)

