The Order of the Knights Griffon are a knightly order founded by Magnus the Pious just following the Great War Against Chaos.[1a][4a] They are tasked with protecting Temples of Sigmar,[3a][4a] in particular the Holy Temple of Sigmar in Altdorf.[1a] They recruit only from the local nobility of Nuln.[2a][4a]
The Order of the Knights Griffon was first founded by Magnus the Pious shortly after the Great War Against Chaos. It was originally created from a hundred of the most courageous members of the Knights Panther who battled to liberate Praag. However, unlike the Knights Panther, the order was tasked with guarding the temple of Sigmar in Nuln, then the Imperial capital.[1a][5a] As such, they have become regarded as templars.[1a]
At the accession of Wilhelm III, the knights moved from the temple in Nuln to the High Temple of Sigmar in Altdorf. This move brought them into close proximity to the Reiksguard and the Order of the Fiery Heart, with whom the Knights Griffon have developed rivalries.[1a][5a]
Although the Knights Griffon were originally tasked with guarding "the high temple of Sigmar in the Empire's capital", a directive which caused their move from Nuln to Altdorf,[1a] their purpose has since expanded to protecting Sigmarite temples all across the Empire.[3a][4a] However, they still maintain a significant presence in Altdorf's temple,[1a] as the order is based out of barracks adjoining the temple.[1a][5a] They guard it with a regiment of Demigryph Knights.[4a]
A typical Knight Griffon will spend his days guarding the High Temple of Sigmar, or some shrine, relic, or member of the cult. Knights sometimes escort priests from Altdorf on their journeys. A Lector of Sigmar will have an entire unit of knights as his bodyguard.[5a]
The Knights Griffon are efficient and steadfast, but they are also exceptionally haughty. Their critics believe this is a weakness, but the knights number it among their strengths.[5a]
Equipment and Heraldry[]

Heraldry of the Knights Griffon
The Knights Griffon wear either lacquered armour of green and gold, or bright or blue steel. Many members also wear black as a sign of their association with Nuln.[1a][3a][5a] Their horses' barding is of the same, or a deep burgundy[1a] representing the blood debt the order owes to Magnus, their founder.[4a] They fight wielding swords, hammers, and lances.[5a]
Many Knights Griffon wear the skins of wild beasts (a legacy of their origins as members of the Knights Panther)[1a][3a][4a] High-ranking knights often wear griffon pelts. It was once traditional for the order's grandmaster to personally slay a griffon and wear its pelt, but this tradition died out when griffons became highly prized for the Imperial Zoo.[5a]
The heraldry of the Knights Griffon depicts a golden griffon rampant brandishing a sword on a black field.[1a][3a]
Notable Knights Griffon[]
- Graf Randolph of Grunberg: Randolph of Grunberg joined the Knights Griffon as a young noble. Upon the death of his father, he handed his estate over the order, and now runs a training school in his family's castle in Grunberg.[5a]
- Preceptor Joachim Brecht: Joachim is a preceptor of the Inner Circle.[6a]
- 1: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition: Omens of War (RPG)
- 1a: pg. 29
- 2: Warhammer Armies: The Empire (7th Edition)
- 2a: p.40
- 3: Warhammer: Uniforms & Heraldry of The Empire
- 3a: p.63
- 4: White Dwarf 389 (UK)
- 4a: pg. 57
- 5: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Tome of Salvation (RPG)
- 5a: pg. 207
- 6: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition: The Enemy Within (RPG)
- 6a: pg. 150