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Twin-Tailed Comet

Klara is an anointed priest of Sigmar. Klara is an exceptionally severe and dedicated servant of her God. Her opposition to Chaos is absolute, and she is just as harsh on herself as on anyone else. She will tolerate no disrespect from the characters, particularly against her God. She constantly punishes herself for what she sees as her one major lapse: her affair with Maximilian Saer a few years ago. She sees this lapse as entirely her own fault and does not hold a grudge against Maximilian. The way she sees it, Maximilian didn’t do anything wrong; he wasn’t the one with a religious responsibility.[1a][1b]

She is a strong supporter of those who oppose Chaos and has worked with Gottri many times. As a result, she is prone to trust his judgement and knows from her own case that people can hide terrible secrets. So she currently shares his suspicions of Konrad Messner.[1b]

People can convince her that Gottri is wrong about Konrad if they present reasons to doubt the witch hunter’s story. Making her aware that Theodora trusts Konrad helps, as she trusts Theodora. Making her realise that Gottri has no evidence is also important. Finally, if she can be made to see that her suspicion is largely based on her guilt over her affair, she is much more likely to be convinced.[1b]

If Klara realises that Gottri is insane, and learning that he believes that all the Light Wizards are part of a Chaos cult will do this, she will move to have him confined and treated. As long as Elizabeth Baern is not opposing her, she will have no problem.[1b]


  • 1: Warhammer Fantasy RPG 2nd ED -- Spires of Altdorf
    • 1a: pg. 61
    • 1b: pg. 62