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Attention, Empire Citizens!
This article or this section of the article contains information regarding the Storm of Chaos campaign and its aftermath, which is now considered a non-canon, alternate timeline.

Johann Esmer, also known as Esmer III, was elected the Grand Theogonist of the Cult of Sigmar during the events of the Storm of Chaos after the death of Volkmar the Grim at the hands of Archaon the Everchosen.


After the end of the Turmoil of 2512 IC during which the Grand Theogonist Yori XV and Aglim, the Arch Lector of the East died, Volkmar the Grim, was elected the new Great Theogonist and Johann Esmer was elected the new Arch Lector of the East.

When Volkmar fell in battle against Archaon during the Storm of Chaos, a new Grand Theogonist was chosen to take his place. Johann Esmer, however, was nothing like his predecessor and angered some members of the Sigmarite church with his secular interests. The famed Warrior Priest of Sigmar Luthor Huss was particularly enraged by Esmer's policies and was eventually denounced by the Grand Theogonist for speaking out against him.[1]


  • 1: Storm of Chaos - The Loremaster's Journal (Background Book)
  • 2: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Empire in Flames Companion (RPG)