A jarl is a great Norscan warrior who is loyal to a Norscan tribe's king and often serves as the leader of one of the tribe's constituent clans. In exchange for his devoted service, the king grants the jarl hunting grounds, warriors, treasure, and thralls. The jarl is the absolute lord of his granted lands but is expected to be subservient to his master, and when the winds of war blow, the jarl is expected to come to the aid of their king, and lend their warriors for the cause. Should the tribal king or queen die without an heir, the jarls fight a bloody contest to take the tribal throne.[1a]
Whilst it is expected that jarls be utterly loyal to their king, it is not unheard of for a jarl to slay their royal master and usurptheir position. Such a coup is always dangerous since it invites reprisals and further treachery. But in times of weak leaders, it is expected for a jarl to step up and seize power.[1a]
The jarl of a particularly wealthy or powerful region in Norsca is known as a "high jarl."