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May or may not be the same as Haagen.

Headed by Leo van Haagen, 67, House van Haagen is the second wealthiest of the Ten. Its mansion is in Goudberg on the edge of Zijdemarkt, and its symbol is a shield of blue and white chevrons, unadorned. Leo's heir is his son, Crispijn, 35.[1a]

Like the van Onderzoekers, the family concentrates its trade in the northern Old World, consequently finding itself often at odds with them. The van Haagens' trading interests are eclectic, ranging from luxuries to basic everyday items.[1a]

Perceptive watchers have noticed that the van Haagens' wealth seems greater than their business would warrant. Conspicuous consumption seems to be the motto of the family, even their retainers. Speculation has it that the van Haagens are deeper into smuggling than most of the Directors, even arranging bans on goods so that they can make more money by smuggling them into the city.[1a]

There are even furtive rumours, passed in whispers late at night in Suiddock taverns, that young Crispijn van Haagen, nicknamed "the strutting cock" for his expensive and decadent tastes, has a hand in the illegal but very profitable "body trade", the traffic in living beings for sale as slaves or even sacrifices. This may or may not be true: certainly, nothing has ever been proved, but the rumours persist.[1a]


  • 1: Warhammer Fantasy RPG 1st ED -- Marienburg: Sold Down the River
    • 1a: pg. 31