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Warhammer High Nehekharan

Examples of High Nehekharan hieroglyphics

High Nehekharan is the ancient tongue of the nobles of dreaded Nehekhara. The written form of this language is based entirely in pictograms and hieroglyphics and has no traditional alphabet, making it extremely difficult for Old Worlders to comprehend. Indeed, many necromancers do not use this difficult language, as it is possible to use Lingua Praestantia in almost all necromantic castings because of how exhaustively specific that language is. This true necromantic tongue is only used by those necromancers who have need of it for specific rituals or seek to learn the forms first set out by the Great Necromancer Nagash.[1a]

The Arabyans call this language "Nehekharin", and its study is forbidden except for faithful scholars. In most cases, the tomes and scrolls that contain this damned script are burned or sealed, and just using such vile words is liable to be met with death.[2a]

During the travels of Ibn Jellaba, he was surprised by how one of the Skinks of Zlatlan was able to converse crudely with the use of this dark language, in particular by how they used a form that existed prior to the coming of Nagash.[2a]



  • Ab - The awareness of right and wrong, the ability to choose between the two, the mortal conscience.[4a]
  • Abn-i-khat - Lit. "Burning Stone," the term used for Warpstone.
  • Annu-horesh - Lit. "Mountain Lords," the term used for Dwarfs.


  • Ba - The subconscious self, emotion.[4a]


  • Enmesh-na Geheb - Lit. "Breath of Geheb."


  • Hizzar - Suffix; meaning "Glory to" or "Glory of."


  • Ka - The ego, reason, abstract thought.[4a]
  • Kha - The physical body.[4a]
  • Khaibit - The physical shadow of a being. To the Liche Priests of Nehekhara, the existence of a shadow was a byproduct of existence and showed that the being in question was mortal or at least affected by time.[4a]



  • Ren - The True Name. The Ren is the "notion" or "idea" of a being, the signifier of self and identity generated through interaction with the mortal world, and also how a person is remembered in history.[4a]


  • Sahu - The temporary, physical forms Daemons and djinn create when they interact with the physical world.[4b]
  • Sekhem - Soulfire, aethyric energy, magic.[4a]



  • Ushabti - Lit. "Chosen of the Gods."

High Nehekharan Words of Power[]

Nehekharan words of power are powerful commands that act like a prayer, unleashing divine magic. These sacred words of power were originally pronounced by the gods of the Nehekharan Pantheon to curse the first Vampires, and were later subverted by the Great Necromancer Nagash to command them against their wills.[5a]

For centuries, the Nehekharan gods have lain dormant, but now as the Vampire Prophecies unfold, the Old Gods stir. The magical potency of these words of power is much greater when used with the Ring of Vashanesh, but even used alone they can produce minor effects.[5a]


  • Luna - Perhaps the most potent of the known words of power, Luna reverses the Blood Kiss if uttered within one minute of infection. Nagash used this word to revert newly created Vampires of whom he disapproved. Asaph, goddess of the asp, pronounced the curse of Luna.[5a]


  • Odet - This word of power inflicts damage against Vampires who fail to resist it. Using the power of the Ring of Vashanesh, Nagash once crippled disobedient Vampires with a single phrase. Odet was the curse of Djaf, the Jackal-headed God.[5a]


  • Taru - This word of power allows the speaker to briefly perceive an unholy radiance surrounding all nearby Vampires. The Ring of Vashanesh once allowed Nagash to read the mind of its wearer using this powerful word. Taru was the curse of Phakth, the Hawk God.[5a]


  • Yxus - This word of power slows a Vampire's movement for some seconds. Nagash could repel an entire army of Vampires using this word in the proximity of the Ring of Vashanesh. Khsar, God of the Desert Wind, first pronounced the curse of Yxus.[5a]


  • 1: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Night's Dark Masters (RPG)
    • 1a: pg. 121
  • 2 Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (5th Edition)
    • 2a: pp. 5-6
  • 3: Warhammer Armies: Tomb Kings (7th Edition)
  • 4: Liber Necris (Background Book)
    • 4a: pg. 24
    • 4b: pg. 25
  • 5: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: The Thousand Thrones (RPG)
    • 5a: pg. 185
  • 6: Warhammer Armies: Tomb Kings (8th Edition)