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Warhammer Wiki

Hal Sesan is or was a painter. He lived around the Age of the Three Emperors, probably from 1890 IC - 1930 IC . It is said that he is a descendant of a sheikh of Araby , others claim that he is a Norse who went to the Northern School in Salzenmund and learned to paint there. Still others claim he is a Tilean . It is also known as HalS .[1]

He was also known as a philosopher and magician . It is said that he was particularly good at drawing, and he painted many pictures of the old gods , mostly of Slaanesh . It is said that one can become immortal through the pictures, and his pictures called the witch hunters onto the scene early on. It is said that he is somehow connected to his pictures.[1]

One of his pictures was called The Blessed Ones .[1]



  • 1: Liber Chaotica , Liber Slaanesh, The Arts & Artefacts of Slaanesh