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The Gods of Law came into existence at the same time as the Chaos Gods, and are dedicated to their own ideals of permanence and stability. If they were to succeed in overthrowing the Chaos Gods and establishing their rule over the Known World, all change and development would cease, and nothing would ever change. The Gods of Law are worshipped by a few individuals in the Old World; though their worship is not proscribed, it is not popular either. Most Old Worlders prefer their own, mostly Neutral, deities.[1a]

The Powers of Law are regarded with a degree of uncomfortable mistrust by most Old Worlders, and the Old World's priesthood is no exception. While there is nothing illegal–and indeed, much to be praised–about the precepts of the various cults of Law, their extreme philosophy and disdain for others does not often sit well among the essentially neutral people of the Old World.[2a]


Arianka, one of the Gods of Law

Gods of Law


  • The Gods of Law were originally introduced during the 1st Edition of the RPG and thus referenced in early novels like the Brunner the Bounty Hunter series, but were later abandoned. Individual mentions, particularly of Solkan, remained in the Liber Chaotica, the novel Archaon: Everchosen and the Black Plague Trilogy. Concepts related to the Gods of Law have been reintroduced in the 4th Edition of the RPG.


  • 1: Warhammer Fantasy RPG 1st ED -- Core Rulebook
    • 1a: pg. 210
  • 2: Warhammer Fantasy RPG 1st ED -- Apocrypha Now
    • 2a: pg. 26
  • 3: Brunner the Bounty Hunter - Omnibus C. L. Werner (Novel)