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Night of the Restless Dead

The Night of the Restless Dead

The Night of the Restless Dead,[1a] also known as the Night of the Living Dead in Tilea,[2a] was a horrific event that occurred in 1681 IC all around the Known World.[39b] Nagash, the Great Necromancer, had returned to life once again,[1a][2a][3a] as a ravening spirit,[14a] 1,666 years after he was slain by Sigmar. For one night, throughout the known world, the restless dead stirred and walked the land, sowing terror and confusion amongst the living. Many Vampires came out of hiding and waged war to increase their domains, with countless villages and towns being overrun before the night of terror finally ended.[1a][2a][3a]

The Empire[]

Many Imperial folk leave during the Remembrance Day (13th Nachgeheim) out off erings of meat for Morr’s crows in memory of the Night of the Restless Dead, when thousands of graves across the Empire erupted with the walking dead who terrorised the living. It is believed that Morr saved the Empire from utter destruction, for by sunrise the horror was inexplicably over.[7a]

A group of Morrites called the Dreamwalkers have tried to prevent the events of the Night of the Restless Dead, yet their vision proved to be of little help against this catastrophic night of madness.[6a]


The dead rise from the Gardens of Morr of Bögenhafen, slaughtering thousands. Duke Heideklippe Stürmdunkel commands the Cult of Morr to remove all Morrian holy sites beyond the walls of any settlement in the duchy of Bögenhafen, a law that stands to this day.[13a]


In Middenheim the graves of Morrspark give forth their dead and panic spreads throughout the city as animated corpses shamble through the streets. Priests of Morr and Knights of the White Wolf restore order, contain, and then destroy the Undead.[12a]


On the Night of the Restless Dead, Dieter Helsnicht, a dreaded necromancer, appeared in Salzenmund, swollen with necromantic power, to wreak revenge on the Moltke line.[5a]

Corpses of myriad townsfolk were reanimated in the catacombs and crashed through the seals keeping them below ground. The bones of ancient sacrifices floated to the surface of the Ormsdeep and assembled into multi-limbed monstrosities that clambered dripping into the streets and dragged countless citizens screaming into the lake. Dieter Helsnicht was seen simultaneously in many locations throughout the city, infused with power from the wind of Shyish. By morning the broken cadavers had collapsed once again, with many fresh dead to accompany them back to their catacombs. In Castle Salzenmund, the last of the Moltkes, Einrich Moltke III, was found dead, surrounded by the bodies of his ancestors.[5b][5c]


Sylvania gained its independence from Stirland in the chaotic aftermath of the Night of the Restless Dead.[9a]

During the Night of the Restless Dead the Sylvanians were uniquely placed to battle the Undead, being more accustomed to them than most. Some even fought necromancy with necromancy, and corpses battled through the streets. Whilst Stirland was ravaged by the Undead, much of Sylvania escaped unharmed and used this to its advantage, buying its independence with the aid it offered during the recovery.[11a]


As darkness falls, Ubersreik’s population halves in a single night as the dead rise. In response, Duke Lambert of House Bruner commands the Cult of Morr to never site its Gardens within the boundary of Ubersreik again. ‘Morr’s Field’ is then established outside the town walls.[8a]


In Tilea this event was known as the Night of the Living Dead. The Cult of Morr was well established there, and their priests helped to ensure that the skeletal hordes did not overrun their cities.[2a]


In Lustria, the Great Warding prevents undead creatures overrunning the Lizardmen, but settlements on the coast are haunted by ghosts and revenants.[4b]

South of the Norscan colony of Skeggi, the Vampire Lord Luthor Harkon's Undead kingdom of the Vampire Coast and his Zombie Pirates are reinforced and conquered the sea, Skeggi found a new enemy. A makeshift navy was developed to guard from seaborne attacks. To this day, this collection of marauders call themselves the Dodvakt -- the "Deathkeepers".[4a]


Dwarf strongholds are attacked by the rising dead, but the Dawi engineers put the flame cannons to good use against their enemies.[10a]


No source delves in detail about what happened to Nagash during the Night of the Restless Dead, only the novel, The Return of Nagash by Josh Reynolds hints at a possible lack of power of his spirit.[14a]

The Tilean name of the phenomenon is a tribute to the movie, Night of the Living Dead directed by George A. Romero.


  • 1: Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts (8th Edition)
    • 1a: pg. 23
  • 2: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Up in Arms (RPG)
    • 2a: pp. 57-60 (Tilean Timeline)
  • 3: Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia (6th Edition)
    • 3a: pg. 39
  • 4: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Lustria (RPG)
    • 4a: pg. 39
    • 4b: pg. 22
  • 5: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Salzenmund - City of Salt (RPG)
    • 5a: pg. 110
    • 5b: pg. 13
    • 5c: pg. 71
  • 6a: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Shades of Empire (RPG)
    • 6a: pg. 36
  • 7a: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Shades of Empire (RPG)
    • 7a: pg. 36
  • 8: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: A Guide to Ubersreik (RPG)
  • 9a: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Sigmar's Heirs (RPG)
    • 9a: pg. 17
    • 9b: pg. 21
  • 10a: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition: Stone and Steel (RPG)
  • 11a: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Night's Dark Masters (RPG)
  • 12: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf (RPG)
  • 13: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Enemy Within Campaign Vol. 1 (RPG)
  • 14: The End Times: The Return of Nagash (Novel) by Josh Reynolds