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Karak Izor, known as the "Copper Hold" in Khazalid or "Copper Mountain" as Humans call it, is the first and largest Dwarfhold outside the Worlds Edge Mountains. Its age and prestige is such that Dwarf settlements across the Vaults and as far afield as the eastern Irrana and northern Apuccini Mountains, look to Karak Izor for protection and guidance.[2a]

The mountain the hold is built on is part of a chain of mountains known as the Vaults and contains vast quantities of copper and other assorted minerals. The Vaults consist of deep, ice-cut valleys, frozen glaciers and towering heights and form the junction between the Black Mountains and the Grey Mountains. The valleys and chasms are so difficult to reach that few evil creatures bother the Dwarfs of these highland areas, and Karak Izor has been generally left alone over the years, allowing the Dwarfs to spread out and colonize the surrounding mountains and valleys.

Rich lodes of iron, copper, tin and other metals can be found here and consequently some of the biggest and deepest mine workings outside the Worlds Edge Mountains. Some particularly adventurous Dwarf kings have even colonized the mountainside glaciers of the surrounding mountains, carving stout cities out of ice. These mountains were a haven to the many Dwarf Clans that came after the fall of their strongholds in the east, including many from the Dragonback Clan and Clan Angrund.[2a][6] The clans mostly settled in the valleys and founded kingdoms-in-exile that were largely independent from Karak Izor. These "valley kingdoms" offered them seclusion from the outside world where they could rebuild, settle, work, remember the past and plan their ultimate return. Likewise a few small and remote Human villages are allowed to farm the more sheltered valleys, but these are closely monitored, and have no doubt about who truly rules these mountains.[2a]

Karak Izors formidable defences are augmented by the difficulty of reaching the hold. A few particularly able Orc warlords have managed to bring their forces across the treacherous mountains and precipitous ravines without mutiny, but their exhausted troops fell easy prey to the hold's artillery and gyrocopters. Only once have Greenskins come close enough to engage the holds infantry.[2a]

Currently the engineers and miners of Karak Izor are working to construct a system of tunnels like the Underway of the Karaz Ankor, connecting the hold with a number of outlying settlements and mines. This underground network will allow trade to flow between the Dwarf settlements of the Vaults, unhindered by terrain and bandits.[2a]


End Times[]

During the End Times Karak Izor was struck by one of the chaotic Storms of Magic, and the dwarfs were attacked by hordes of daemons. At that moment, when the dwarfs prepared for the last stand, realising that they could not survive and wanting to sell their lives dearly, the storm completely and unexpectedly ended and the hordes of daemons vanished back into the Realm of Chaos. For a long time, not believing that the danger had disappeared, the dwarfs stood, not daring to remove the shieldwalls and unsure if they could bury their dead.[5]

Troll Hunting[]

Dwarfs of Karak Izor have a particular way to hunt trolls. They take a big old boar into the tunnels. The boar gets a sniff of the troll and takes off after it thinking it's going to find some nice tasty mushrooms. When it discovers a troll at the end of the trail, it starts squealing, which gets the troll riled enough that its one thought is to smash the boar. That usually gives the troll hunters time to bring the thick-witted brute down before it can shift its attention over to them.[3]

Subsidiary Settlements[]

  • Hochstadt - A small Human farming village with about 180 adult Human residents.[2b]

Notable Persons[]

  • Astrid the Wise - Queen of the hold, a member of the Izorgrung clan.[2a]
  • Kazran Grimbrow - King of the hold.[2b]


In the alternative universe of Blood Bowl Karak Izor has his own team, the Karak Izor Prospectors, composed entirely of Dwarf players. This team is one of four participants of the Tilean League.


  • 1: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs (7th Edition) pg. 26
  • 2: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition: Dwarfs - Stone and Steel (RPG)
    • 2a: pp. 36-37
    • 2b: pp. 112
  • 3: Brunner the Bounty Hunter - Omnibus C. L. Werner (Novel)
  • 4: Warhammer Chronicles: Thanquol and Boneripper (anthology)]]: Thanquol's Doom (Novel)
    • 4a: Chapter Ten, pg. 587-597
  • 5: Warhammer: Nagash, Introduction, pg. 11
  • 6: Total War: Warhammer II (Videogame)

