Erik the Lost, originally known as Erik the Restless, is a legendary figure amongst the Norscans, almost as celebrated as his son, Losteriksson. On his famous voyage, the reaver Erik of the Bjornling tribe set sail from Oseberg to seek the known and unknown corners of the Known World.[1a]
His crew ventured south around Bretonnia and Estalia before heading east into the Middle Sea to explore Araby and the Badlands. After sailing out into the Great Ocean towards Ulthuan and Naggaroth, Erik the Lost finally found his way home to his wife and child, Losteriksson.[1a]
Erik the Lost is based on Erik Thorvaldsson (ca. 950–ca. 1003), known as "Erik the Red," who was a Norse explorer, described in medieval and Icelandic saga sources as having founded the first European settlement in Greenland. He most likely earned the epithet "the Red" due to the colour of his hair and beard. According to the Icelandic sagas, he was born in the Jæren district of Rogaland, Norway, as the son of Thorvald Asvaldsson. One of Erik's sons was the well-known Icelandic explorer Leif Erikson, whose life is the basis for the Warhammer Fantasy Battle character of Losteriksson.