"Wh... What are you doing? You promised you would keep me safe until Wolfenburg -- I did, Cassari. Look behind you."
- —Cassari arguing with his bodyguard, the famous mercenary Hellbrandt Grimm[1a]
Enrico Cassari was a paymaster at the pay of the Prince of Luccini.[1a]
He was hire to carry the paychest of an invading army sent to attack the Republic of Remas. The forces of the Princes of Luccini marched to siege the walls of the city-state, but they were betrayed by their own paymaster. He made a parley with the enemy and in exchange for the paychest he was supposed to guard, he handed them over the route-to-advance of the Luccinian forces, sentencing them to death. Remas' forces awaited them in ambush from an advantage point, leaving no way out for the forces of the invaders.[1a]
Just recently the Prince's spies discovered the betrayal, as Cassari was believed to have been slaughtered with the rest of the army. Determined to take revenge, the Prince placed the astronomical bounty of a thousand Ducats on Cassari's head. The reward was later collected by the assassin, Liliana Falcone, once his elimination was completed.[1a]