A deathwalker is a deadly giant scorpion created by the Skaven of Clan Verms.[1a]
During the time of the Black Death in 1111 IC, the Skavenblight arena known as the Abbatoir represented the most prosperous of Clan Verms' ventures. The bug-breeders produced a loathsome menagerie of horrifying abominations for the Abattoir. None were so popular with the crowd of watching Skaven as the giant deathwalkers. Deadly scorpion-like creatures that were considered unbeatable before the Clan Moulder's new addition to their catalog of death, the Rat Ogre.[1a]
The Deathwalker is as big as a bear, its ghastly body covered in shiny black plates of chitin. Eight clawed legs sprout from the sides of a squat, elongated body. Immense arms tipped with hideous pincers protrude from the front of the monster.[1a]
The beast's face stretches across the front of its body without even the semblance of a head. Two clusters of lustrous eyes gleam with a ruby glow above a gaping maw ringed with chitinous mandibles. Rearing from the monster's back, arching above its body, is a long muscular tail, its tip swollen with a dagger-like barb. Poison glistens from the tip of the barb, dripping down onto the creature's armored back.[1a]