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Dark speech

The runes of the Dark Tongue

The Dark Tongue, sometimes called the Black Speech, is the language of Chaos, spoken by its mortal and daemonic servants and followers. It is the only language that can adequately express the mysteries of Chaos, capturing the mystical and the arcane in ways that no other language can. While similar in some ways to Daemonic -- the magical language used for casting Chaos spells and rituals -- Black Speech lacks the magical weight found in the other, more blasphemous tongue. Speaking the Dark Tongue does not (always) attract the attention of the Dark Gods, nor can it be used to speak the incantations needed to cast a spell or recite a ritual. The Dark Tongue is also a root language for others spoken in the Old World and beyond.[1a]

Queekish, the language of the Skaven, is ultimately a bastardisation of the Black Speech, polluted by mispronunciations and injected with squeaks, trills, and other sounds, since the ratmen lack the anatomical structure within their mouths to enunciate the words properly. The Dark Elves of Naggaroth also speak a related language called "Black Elven" or Druhir, which blends the lexicons of Eltharin (the original tongue of the Elves still used by the High Elves) and Black Speech, though they use pure Dark Tongue when discussing matters related to sorcery. Beastmen speak a mix of the Dark Tongue and crude grunts, roars and gestures, as their bestial faces, in a myriad of different forms, often have a difficult time conjugating pure Dark Tongue.[1a]

As mentioned, the Dark Tongue is rich in phrases and words that express the complex nature of Chaos. Many make the mistake of attributing basic meanings to the words, but each holds far greater meaning and significance than a translation can supply. Each word encompasses a broad range of concepts, each with a different connotation depending on their arrangement with other words in the language and the addition of prefixes and suffixes, revealing different and deeper meanings held within the root. And, of course, mutating the root yields even more meanings.[1a]

Though the individual words have incredible depth, there are far fewer words in the Black Speech than in many other languages, though the root mutations as well as the addition of prefixes and suffixes allow innumerable variations. Thus, few speakers of the Dark Tongue know the language fluently or learn the many secrets it hides. As a result, this tongue is an effective means of expression for occult lore.[1a]

Language of Chaos[]

The secrets of Chaos cannot be expressed in the simple tongues of mortals. Reikspiel is insufficient to express the wonder and experiences of transformation. Tilean lacks the words to encapsulate the nature of Chaos. Even Eltharin cannot fully define the nature of Chaos using its words alone. No, Chaos is elusive, incomprehensible, and maddening. To lift the lid, to peer into its secrets and understand what you see, you must have a mind that can accept and describe the experience.[1a]

The Dark Tongue does just this. It is a robust language loosely derived from the arcane language of Daemons. When written, it uses blasphemous Chaos runes that, even when drawn with ordinary materials, seem to crawl and writhe on the page. Used by Chaos's servants and its creatures, only those depraved of mind and wholly given over to the Ruinous Powers can appreciate its nuances.[1a]

Chaos Runes[]

When written, the Dark Tongue uses Chaos Runes. These inscriptions can be found in everything related to Chaos, from banners and the Chaos Monoliths that demarcate the boundaries of the Chaos Wastes, to the hasty scratches on Beastmen Herdstones, etching on weapons, and marks on shrines and temples, daubed in blood or dung. Chaos Runes are distinctive, readily identifiable for their character; there is no mistaking a Chaos Rune for anything other than what it is.[1a]

Chaos Runes as Markers[]

Chaos Runes represent ideas and experiences. In a sense, these runes are shorthand for more complex phrases. A single rune could represent a mutation or even mark a place of significant pools of Dhar, Dark Magic. It is believed that there is a single rune for every mutation, every change that has ever existed and will come to be. Many creatures blessed by the Dark Gods also discover these odd runes pressing against their flesh from within. Hidden mutants may cut these symbols out of their skin to preserve their cover. Hence, extensive scar tissue on an individual often makes Witch Hunters suspicious.[1a]

Phonetic Runes[]

Chaos Runes are represented by phonetic runes. These are used just like letters, forming words and phrases based on their arrangements. The runes evolved from the Daemonic phonetic runes used in scribing spells and rituals. Such writings are highly sought in the Empire and beyond. Witch Hunters and other agents of the Cult of Sigmar seek to destroy these writings, while Chaos Cultists covet them for the secrets they contain.[1a]

Beast Tongue[]

Beast Runes

The runes of the Beast Tongue[1a]

Like the Skaven, Beastmen have a difficult time forming the words of the Dark Tongue with their malformed bestial maws. As a result, they use a crude mixture of Dark Tongue, body movements, grunts, clicks, and pops, collectively called the "Beast Tongue." This language sounds more like noise than a sophisticated tongue, being not much more than an indescribable muttering and grumbling. Add to this the shrieks, howls, and bleats that Beastmen use to punctuate and emphasise their phrases and there's considerable debate whether Beastmen speak a language at all.[1a]

But regardless of prevailing opinions, Beastmen are an intelligent race, and despite their brutish aspect, and the fact that some of their kind cannot speak at all, they use their tongue effectively, conveying a wide range of subjects and concepts.[1a]

The Beast Tongue is beyond Men's ability to speak. In the rare instances when Beastmen deign to talk with Humans, they use a mix of basic Dark Tongue, body language, and gestures, only descending to Beast Tongue when frustrated, and killing the Human when really frustrated.[1a]

Runes of the Beast Tongue[]

The Beastmen use a simplified form of the phonetic runes used in Dark Tongue to mark Herdstones or to leave messages for other members of their herd. These are always crude, for Beastmen lack the precision needed to write clearly. Most Beastmen use their bodily wastes instead, finding that experience far more rewarding than taking the time to scribble something on a rock.[1a]

Root Words[]

The following root words demonstrate how the Dark Tongue works in its crudest form including the principle elements of the names of the four great Chaos Gods. In the most ancient and purest texts of the Dark Tongue, used in Chaos rituals, they are named as "Kharneth" (Khorne), "Slaaneth" (Slaanesh), "Nurgleth" (Nurgle) and "Tzeeneth" (Tzeentch). From these are derived the names by which they have become commonly known: Khorne, Slaanesh, Nurgle and Tzeentch.[2i]

Root Word Simplified Basic Meaning
Khaos Chaos, the Sea of Souls, magic power
Phaos Psychic essence, soul, will
Dhaos Psychic entity, spirit, Daemon, power
Tzeen Change - the will to change
Nurgh Decay - the will to live/defy decay
Slaa Ecstasy - the will to feel and sense
Khar Rage - the will to dominate
Leth, neth Lord of, Master of, Ruler of


  • Nurgleth - Nurgle - Lord of Decay
  • Kharneth - Khorne - Lord of Rage

Like all root words in the Dark Tongue, the magical names for the Winds of Magic can be mutated to draw out deeper and more diverse meanings. For example, the root word Aqshy, which refers to the red or bright shade of colour Chaos can produce (but is not limited to) the following range of meanings: Aqsh for red, Akhash for blood, Aksha for battleaxe, Akhshami for secret, and Ksy for key or solution.[2i]



  • Akami - Guardians[2j]
  • Akh - Battle, bloodshed, to slay in battle[2j]
  • Akhamshy'y - Slayers or warriors[2j]
  • Akhshami - Secret[2j]
  • Aksha - Battleaxe[2j]
  • Aqsh - The colour red[2j]
  • Aqshy'y - Bronze or brass[2j]





  • Fuib - To see




  • Iakash - Lock or obstacle[2j]


  • Ksy - Key or solution[2j]


  • Nuis-Ghurleth - A title for leaders


  • Q'qha'thashi'i - Mounts of Slaanesh[3h]


  • Rhan'k'adanra -- The legendary final battle and twilight of the gods.[6a]


  • Slaa - Ecstasy, Slaanesh


  • Tduigu-Uis - a greeting




  • 1: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Tome of Corruption (RPG)
    • 1a: pp. 109-110
  • 2: Warhammer: Realms of Chaos - The Lost and the Damned
    • 2a: pg. 13
    • 2b: pg. 18
    • 2c: pg. 19
    • 2d: pg. 20
    • 2e: pg. 31
    • 2f: pg. 34
    • 2g: pg. 36
    • 2h: pg. 37
    • 2i: pg. 80
    • 2j: pg. 81
  • 3: Warhammer: Realms of Chaos - Slaves to Darkness
    • 3a: pg. 25
    • 3b: pg. 26
    • 3c: pg. 27
    • 3d: pg. 28
    • 3e: pg. 30
    • 3f: pg. 31
    • 3g: pg. 33
    • 3h: pg. 34
  • 4: Warhammer Armies: Beastmen (7th Edition)
    • 4a: pg. 28
  • 5: Warhammer: Vermintide II (PC Game)
  • 6: Warhammer Armies: Daemons of Chaos (8th Edition)
    • 6a: pg. 55