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The bulk of most Dark Elf armies are composed of civilian volunteers and conscripts, these are the Dark Elf warriors. The Dark Elves are a warrior race descended from the noble people of Nagarythe, thus all Dark Elves possess a certain degree of martial skill. When needed Druchii muster into regiments united by clan, dwelling or kinship. A regiment is composed of a number of legions, each legion is categorised by their choice in primary weapon.


The Dreadspears are spearmen, each is armed with a Drannach or Sky-Piercer. They are more disciplined than the Bleakswords whom they consider arrogant. They best serve a defensive function through the use of their shield and spear walls.


The Darkshards are crossbowmen, theirs is the mastery of the Uraithen, the Deathrain. Many were stationed at the northern watchtowers of Naggaroth as lightly armoured Chaos marauders were vulnerable to their bolts.


The Bleakswords are swordsmen renowned for their arrogance. To them the Dreadspears are peasants and the Darkshards craven, they alone are the greatest.


The dreadspear, darkshard and bleaksword labels were created for Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves 8th edition. Hitherto they were all simply known as warriors. Past information about spearmen and crossbowmen have been integrated into the new profiles. Bleackswords are an entirely new creation although past warrior Lordlings (regimental champions) were armed with swords.


  • Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves (8th) -- p. 39
  • Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves (7th) -- p. 44
  • Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves (6th) -- p. 6
  • Warhammer: Khaine, Book 1 (The End Times: Book III) -- 39, 60, 61, 88, 89, 105, 122, 123