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"Yinlinsson Gorug Skuf ('Clan Yinlinsson has been drinking and is ready to fight!')"

—Traditional Yinlinsson war cry


Clan Yinlinsson

Clan Yinlinsson is a Dwarf Clan descended from Yinlin, a master brewer who, it is said, made lagers and ales so thirst quenching that Valaya herself blessed his good work when she settled at Karaz-a-Karak. Since those days, the clan has remained brewers to that fabled Dwarfhold. In order to deliver their wares to the many outposts surrounding the Everpeak, it takes a well-armed throng - the mountain roads are full of enemies that covet their cargo. Thus, the stylised keg or tankard with the Yinlinsson mark and the rune of Valaya is oft seen on the shields and banners marching to and from the greatest city of the Dwarfs.[1a]


  • 1: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs (8th Edition)
    • 1a: pg. 29