Chrace, formally named the Kingdom of Chrace, was once a relatively empty and peaceful region of the High Elves' island-continent of Ulthuan, occupied only by those Elves who sought to escape the civilised realms and return to nature. Now, Chrace exists in a state of permanent war, for it is the main route through which the Dark Elves seek access to the Inner Lands of Ulthuan.
Chrace's settlements are fortified, its glades ring to the sound of sword upon steel, and its populace lives ever under the shadow of battle. The once-wondrous forests have become perilous, for Dark Magic has scoured the land, corrupting ancient groves and giving birth to monstrous creatures.[1a]
The hunters and scouts of Chrace maintain a constant watch on the passes through their lands. When the Dark Elves are spied, Great Eagles are immediately dispatched to summon reinforcements, while the Chracian regiments are mustered to hold back the enemy. The archer and spear regiments formed by the High Elves of the mountains are among the best in Ulthuan, and they employ every trick of ambush and forestcraft to hinder and destroy the trespassers. Thus has many an invading army of Dark Elves simply been swallowed up whilst campaigning in Chrace, with no tale of its fate ever reaching their twisted homeland.[1a][7a][8a]
The mountains of Chrace are the home of the fearsome white lions. To be counted as a real hunter, an Elf of Chrace must kill one of these regal creatures single-handed, or else tame it to his service. Neither task is an easy one, for the lions are intelligent and canny beasts, making the contest one of wits, as well as strength. The white lion also gives its name to the legendary regiments in the service of the Phoenix Throne: the White Lions, carefully selected warriors who guard the Phoenix King in battle.[1a]
Before the Elven civil war called the Sundering, the lands of Chrace were sparcely inhabited by those who sought peace in nature or time away from civilisation.[4a]
Caledor I was hunting in the forest and was ambushed as he set forth to Avelorn to become the new Phoenix King - he would have been killed if it had not been for a party of hunters. They led him past other Dark Elf patrols and safely to the Inner Sea. Since that day, the Phoenix King has been guarded by cadre of these warriors, cloaked in Lion skin and bearing their signature double handed war axes.[4a]
In 2402 IC, Shades torment the realm for a full year before they are mostly slain by the White Lions.[5a]
Notable Locations[]
- Blighted Woods[1b]
- The Amaranth Isles[1b]
- The Burned Glades
- Elyran Tarn
- Lion March[1b]
- Lion Fang Hills[1b]
- Shrine of Kurnous[1b]
- Tor Achare - Capital City[1b]
The citizens of Chrace are superb archers -- few Chracians survive to adulthood without the ability to fell a ravening beast from a safe distance.[3c]
Uniforms & Heraldry[]
In Chrace, there is no greater symbol of nobility and battle-prowess than the white lion. Those regiments that guard the Phoenix King of Ulthuan carry banners depicting a white lion on the prowl, for it represents their restless watchfulness.[3a]
While red is the dominant colour of Chracian heraldry, signifying the blood its people spill, not only in the defence of their own land, but for all Ulthuan.[3b] The red is also the colour of the ribbons borne aloft by Chracian High Elf Spearmen that are earned by deeds of valour -- warriors who slay a mighty opponent single-handed bear the white, whilst those who have selflessly gone to a comrade's aid -- and suffered wounds in the course of their deeds - bear the red.[3c]
Chrace is a mountainous and forested region. The inhabitants are all renowned as skilled hunters. All Characian warriors, not just the White Lions, often wear furs and animal pelts over their armour as cloaks or decorative collars.[2a]
Since Ulthuan shares many references to both Classical Greek and Roman mythology and history, the Kingdom of Chrace may be a reference to Thrace, a land which is located in a mountainous region north of Greece.
The use of the battle-axe by soldiers of Chrace, especially the White Lions, may be a nod to the Sindar Elves of Middle-earth who were known for using battle-axes in combat.
- 1: Warhammer Armies: High Elves (8th Edition)
- 2: Warhammer Armies: High Elves (5th Edition)
- 2a: pg. 39
- 3: Uniforms & Heraldry of the High Elves
- 4: Warhammer Armies: High Elves (4th Edition)
- 4a: pg. 13
- 5: Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves (7th Edition)
- 5a: pg. 33
- 6: Deathmasque (Short Story) by Graham McNeill
- 7: Warhammer Armies: High Elves (5th Edition)
- 7a: pg. 12
- 8: Total War: Warhammer (PC Game)
- 8a: Campaign map