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"By my honour, I will not yield!"

—Anonymous Champion[20]

A martial champion of the Empire

A Champion is a warrior of many cultures and factions who dedicates their lives to martial combat, excelling as no others on the field of battle.

Imperial Champions[]

Champions found in Imperial armies are not necessarily commanders of troops, but as individual combatants they are peerless. They live for the moments when their skills are tested to the utmost, for only then do they truly know just how good they are. Many Champions serve in armies, warbands, and martial orders, though others wander the Empire, selling their formidable skills to the highest bidder. Their weapons are inevitably among the finest to be had in the Old World.[1a]

In the long months of winter when armies must be barracked, or during the rare times when the Empire's borders enjoy peace, it is common for the Champion of an Imperial regiment to request leave to wander the lands in search of opportunities to test their mettle. Each day spent enduring the monotony of camp or meaningless drills is a day where their prowess is wasted.[20]

The Champion's commanding officer usually grants this request, knowing that the Champion will return to duty when needed. A wise leader knows it is better for a Champion to put their fighting abilities to the test elsewhere than turn them against their fellow soldiers in frustration.[20]

A wandering Champion will seize any chance to increase their renown, whether it is dispatching a marauding Goblin warband or slaying a terrorising Minotaur in its forest lair. Accruing money is secondary to attaining glory, and a Champion will often lend their sword-arm to a worthy cause for no reward.[20]

For them, it is enough that their deeds will be immortalised in story and song. The dream of the Champion is to not die old and rich, but fall with their bloodied sword in hand, dead enemies at their feet, and their deeds crowned with honour.[20]

Regimental Champions[]

Amongst the armies of the Known World, regiments of many races or factions are often accompanied by a single, battle-hardened Champion. They are elite fighters, invariably skilled and tough, as their comrades look up to them and take great pride in their prowess. Each possesses a different title depending on the army and unit they fight for, as noted below.


  • Foe-Renders fight alongside regiments of Gors.[17]


  • Grail Monks often act as secondary Champions within regiments of Men-at-Arms.[27]

Chaos Dwarfs[]

Daemons of Chaos[]

  • Bloodreapers, also known as Bloodhowlers, fight alongside regiments of Bloodletters.[23]

Dark Elves[]

  • Bloodshades fight alongside regiments of Shades.[13]


  • Old Guard, also known as Greatbeards, fight alongside regiments of Longbeards.[10]
  • Keepers of the Gate, also known as Gate Keepers, fight alongside regiments of Hammerers.[10]

The Empire[]

  • Wolf Brothers fight alongside regiments of Wolf-Kin.[5]


  • Goblin Bosses fight alonside regiments of Goblins.[9]

High Elves[]


  • Kossar Champions fight alongside regiments of Kossars.[4]


  • Skink Braves fight alongside regiments of Skinks.[16]

Ogre Kingdoms[]


  • Rat Leaders fight alongside regiments of Rat Riders.
  • Master-Bred Rat Ogres fight alongside regiments of Rat Ogres.[8]

Tomb Kings[]

  • Ushabti Ancients fight alongside regiments of Ushabti.[14]

Vampire Counts[]

  • Hellwraiths may fight alongside squadrons of Hexwraith spectral cavalry.[7]

Warriors of Chaos[]

  • Chosen Champions may fight alongside regiments of Chosen.[19]

Wood Elves[]

  • Eternal Wardens, also known as Guardians, fight alongside regiments of Eternal Guard.[12]
  • Glade Knights, also known as Horsemasters, fight alongside regiments of Glade Riders.[12]
  • Waywatcher Sentinels, also known as Shadow Sentinels, fight alongside regiments of Waywatchers.[12]
  • Branch Nymphs fight alongside regiments of Dryads.[12]

Notable Champions[]

  • Estrebert - A zealous Battle Pilgrim and unquestioned leader of the Grail Pilgrims of Sir Letour.


In the Warhammer Fantasy Battle tabletop game, Regimental Champions served as elite units that could be fielded within a regiment, often at the cost of extra points.

With the advent of the PC game Total War: Warhammer, several Champion units have been introduced as either full, elite regiments known as "Regiments of Renown" or as individual heroes and lords, likely for the purpose of expanding faction rosters. These units include the Kroxigor Ancient, Marauder Chieftain, Giant Slayer, Shadow-Walker and more.



  • 1: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Core Rulebook (RPG)
    • 1a: pg. 64
  • 2: Warhammer Armies: The Empire (7th Edition)
  • 3: Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia (6th Edition)
  • 4: Warhammer Armies: Kislev (6th Edition)
  • 5: Warhammer: Storm of Chaos (8th Edition)
  • 6: Warhammer Armies: Warriors of Chaos (7th Edition)
  • 7: Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts (7th Edition)
  • 8: Warhammer Armies: Skaven (7th Edition)
  • 9: Warhammer Armies: Orcs & Goblins (8th Edition)
  • 10: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs (8th Edition)
  • 11: Warhammer Armies: High Elves (8th Edition)
  • 12: Warhammer Armies: Wood Elves (8th Edition)
  • 13: Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves (8th Edition)
  • 14: Warhammer Armies: Tomb Kings (8th Edition)
  • 15: Warhammer Armies: Ogre Kingdoms (8th Edition)
  • 16: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (8th Edition)
  • 17: Warhammer Armies: Beastmen (7th Edition)
  • 18: Tamurkhan: The Throne of Chaos - Chaos Dwarf Bestiary
  • 19: Warhammer Armies: Warriors of Chaos (8th Edition)
  • 20: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Career Compendium (RPG)
  • 21: Warhammer Armies: The Empire (8th Edition)
  • 22: Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts (8th Edition)
  • 23: Warhammer Armies: Daemons of Chaos (8th Edition)
  • 24: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Knights of the Grail (RPG)
  • 25: White Dwarf 309 (UK), "Rhinox Cavalry"
  • 26: Warhammer: Battle March (Video Game)
  • 27: Warhammer: The Old World - Arcane Journal - Kingdom of Bretonnia

