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For over two thousand years, the city of Luccini has been ruled by descendants of one of the two founders, King Lucan and Queen Luccina. These two clans have fought each other for the throne constantly, such that the throne has passed back and forth between them innumerable occasions, and the hatred that each feels for the other is in no way lessened by the fact that both are massively inbred between and amongst each other.

The Princes of Luccini have a strong hold over their population, and were the least troubled by the great uprisings of 2321 IC, restoring control in that same year. However, their control is dependent on a truly unusual characteristic for a ruler - their sense of humour. The people of Luccini long ago decided that it is better to be ruled by a pleasant prince if one must be ruled at all, and any prince who fails to display the traditional jollity of the city's rulers is promptly assassinated to popular acclaim. This has something to do with inclination to laughter being a family trait of the ruling houses - something no doubt associated with their inbreeding - such that a dour prince is deemed a fake.

This being the case, the Prince of Luccini makes it a point to be a patron of la commedia dell'arte, often participating by having his rivals publicly assassinated in some humorous fashion - slipping on a banana peel being a favourite method.

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