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- L'Anguille
- La Maisontaal Abbey
- Labourer
- Ladrielle
- Lady of the Lake
- Lady Zmada's Portrait
- Lahmia
- Lahmian Guard
- Lahmian Sisterhood
- Lahmians
- Lakemen
- Lambard of Carcassonne
- Lambert de Lillaz
- Lammasu
- Lamplighter
- Lance
- Lance Formation
- Land of the Plaguelord
- Land Ship
- Landuin of Mousillon
- Lanfranco
- Larhgoz
- Laroche of Mousillon
- Larret
- Lashiek
- Last Pride
- Last Remnants of Tribe Unberogen
- Laudethaire of Parravon
- Laurelorn Forest
- Laurels of Victory
- Laurena Starchaser
- Lawyer
- Lay Priest
- Layla of Copher
- Lazarghs
- Lea-Jan Cobbius
- Leadbelcher Cannon
- Leadbelchers
- Leaning Towers
- Leech Wyrm
- Legion of Azgorh
- Legion of Corprust
- Legion of Phakth
- Legion of Soulblight
- Legion with No Name
- Legions of the Asp
- Legions of the Crested Serpent
- Leicheberg
- Lektrik Coven
- Leo Haan
- Leodegar of the Golden Hart
- Leofric Carrard
- Leonardo Catrazza
- Leonardo da Miragliano
- Leopard of Luccini
- Leopold Unfähiger
- Leopold von Raukov
- Leopold's Leopard Company
- Leopoldheim
- Leos von Liebwitz
- Lesser Spells
- Leviathan
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- Liandra Athinol
- Liber Bubonicus
- Liber Chaotica
- Liber Malefic
- Liber Mortis
- Liber Mutandis
- Liche
- Liche Priest
- Liche Priest Magic
- Liepmund Holzkrug
- Lieske
- Lietpold the Black
- Light Cavalry
- Light Order
- Lilaeth
- Lileath
- Liliana Falcone