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Engine of the Gods

The Arcanadon is an enigmatic and endangered species that dwells deep within the jungles of Lustria and was the creature originally used to carry the Engine of the Gods into battle.

With the rise of Tehenhauin, the Prophet of Sotek, the Skaven of Clan Pestilens were driven all the way back to their Stronghold at Quetza and encircled by the Prophet and his Skink hordes. At the height of the Siege of Quetza, the Prophet Tehenahuin led a select group of his disciples deep into the steaming jungles that the Temple-City. As the sun rose on the third day following his departure, the prophet of Sotek returned, riding a mighty Arcanadon and upon the beasts back he and his disciples had mounted an artefact of incalculable age and power; one crafted according to the mysterious ways of the Old Ones themselves. This Engine of the Gods brought hellfire down upon the Skaven invaders and became the first of many such devices that the Lizardmen would wield against their enemies.[3a][3b]

The jungle floor of Lustria ceaselessly trembles with the tred of the many behemoths that reside within it. Mighty Stegadon Herds tear their way through the dense foliage, uprooting trees as they go; Enormous Sauropods stretch their necks to pluck creatures out of even the uppermost branches. Other creatures are said to haunt the deepest parts of the jungle, where even the Lizardmen rarely tred, such as the colossal Thunder Lizard and the endangered Archanadon. Yet all of these ferocious beasts know true fear when they hear the roar of a Carnosaur; for none are safe from the relentless ferocity of the king of savage killers.[1a][2a]

Notes on Cannon

  • The Arcanadon was the original creature that carried the Engine of the Gods when it first appeared in the Lustria Campaign Supplement in 6th edition. This supplement, along with everything in 6th edition was ret-conned, however, the creature is still mentioned in subsequent editions, so while it no longer officially bears the Engine of the Gods, it still exists.



  • 1: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (7th Edition)
    • 1a: pg. 26
  • 2: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (8th Edition)
    • 2a: pg. 21
  • 3: Lustria Campaign Supplement 2005
    • 3a: pg. 50
    • 3b: pg. 60
    • 3c: pg. 72
    • 3c: pg. 80
  • 4: White Dwarf #307
    • 4a: pg. 24