So does Necromancy add mass to skeletons? The average adult male skeleton in total weighs 6.6 lbs. SIX POINT SIX POUNDS!! 1 Average peasant could take down a regiment of skeletons by running through them and tossing them aside like they are nothing.
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I visit this wiki from time to time and I saw a big change. Earlier in the "Races" menu in the top of the page there was "Forces of Death" for both the Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts. Now its gone (its been like that for some time) and both of races/factions are now listed in the Forces of Order. While Tomb Kings are kinda neutral and its easy accept, Vampire Counts are different and more debatable. What was the point of this decision and can someone explain to me why is it right (if it is)? Even if Forces of Death gone, isn't it more logical to put Vampire Counts to Forces of Destruction?
Just curious, sorry if the topic was disscussed, I could't find it. (and sorry for my english).
Just Updated
For Fantasy
For 40k
80 Votes in Poll
Would you like to see some Eastern Fantasy Factions to 40k
Because for me Tau
Are just 40k counterpart to Grand Cathay
Hi folks,
There's some invented lore on the Knights Panther page which isn't supported by either source currently provided for it. Can we get some admin attention to either remove the unsourced content or to add a source that correctly supports this line?
How would you add Hobgoblins to 40k
86 Votes in Poll
Hello all,
Im trying to find something i had read ages ago maybe here on something like Reddit. It was an illustrative piece as usual in WHFB, supposed to be the work of the only survivor of an Orc attack on some inn. In his testimony he wrote very gruesome details about how the greenskins had killed almost everyone, outraged the women, had put babies on a roast pit and made a guy dance on burning embers. It was very gory, especially the anthropophagous details. Don’t know if it was canon. Has anybody heard of that text?
Made a start on this guy yesterday
Mod list :
Mod List : Dawi Gunpowder Units BETA ( Vanilla 5.1 MCT/TTC Support ) ( - REQUIRES ASSET PACK - )
King Land Ship
Better Camera Mod
Lost & Found Dwarfs: Complete Collection Dwarf
Dwarf Mechanized Forces
万世天朝模型包 Great Harmony Sentinel Asset
Skaven Esoterica:
75 Votes in Poll
Whenever I trying to speak like a Skaven, I couldn't get it right due to lack of information on the subject.
Can anyone give me a list of Skaven speech so it would be more believable?
Hello everyone. Been contemplating getting into old world/AOS. I know I want to play dwarves. But I'm not sure which group/faction is for me. I prefer the most original/"dwarfy" of them with a sprinkle of technology. Maybe a mix of LOTR and WOW style. Not sure lol. Any recommendations for research would be great!
How much do you think norscans mix with the rest of the human races? There are a few places like port reaver, port mangrove(i think that's what it's called) and maybe pigbarter where there are folks from all over the place living next to each other. Maybe not the best of places but there will be some sort of order to things that everyone will abide by. I'm sure there's some empire characters that are actually norscan or have norscan blood so there must be a bit of common ground between the people. How much do you think they get on compared to how much they fight and how do you think they see past the atrocities their people have unleashed on each other?