Wiki La Biblioteca del Viejo Mundo
Wiki La Biblioteca del Viejo Mundo
Terror of the lichemaster

Terror of The Lichemaster es un Citadel Scenario Pack para la segunda edición de Warhammer, subtitulado Village Pack Two, el escenario fue diseñado por Rick Priestley y Dave Andrews creo los edificios, siendo publicado a principios del año 1986.


La trama se desarrolla en tres escenarios vinculados, El asalto a la mina, Ataque a la granja de Bogel y La defensa de Frugelhofen. Además hay un cuarto escenario Vengeance of the Lichemaster que fue publicado en la Citadel Journal Spring 86. En esta campaña es donde el infame Heinrich Kemler fue presentado al mundo de Warhammer.


Mapa Frugelhorn valley

El pueblo alpino de Frugelhorn se encuentra en lo alto de las Montañas Negras en el Viejo Mundo. Esta es una tierra salvaje y sin ley, el refugio de innumerables bandidos, el lugar de descanso de los ejércitos mercenarios y el escondite de forajidos de todo el Viejo Mundo. Pero Frugelhorn está aislado de las incursiones de forasteros gracias a su posición en un valle cerrado de la montaña Frugelhorn.

Such a place attracts few visitors, and it was of some surprise to all when an aged traveller appeared at the general store. More surprising still was his appearance, for he was garbed entirely in the darkest black. Amongst his luggage could be discerned of a strange white flower. Odder still was the insanely carved staff he carried in his hand and the great black rune-sword he ware at his belt. A more curious and dour individual one could but imagine. The villagers were disturbed, but, with the passage of time, soon forgot the stranger that had appeared and vanished so suddenly.

And then the killings began. Cattle were found with their throats torn and their life-blood choked out upon the ground. Two Dwarfs from the gem-mine at the valley head met inexplicable deaths, plunging from a mountain path onto the glacier below. An innocent milk-maid came to the worst end of all, attacked and brutally sloughtered as she walked the meadow to her morning duties. The villagers were justifiably panicked. They became increasingly so as the night grew restless with strange howling, roaring and bellowing from the valley head.

Some wanted to leave right away, others wanted to ho yo the nearest town for help. But the winter snow-falls had begun, and the valley would be cut off for several days at least. One or two brave souls said that they would go up to the valley head, and see for themselves what was happening. But they did not dare: for at the valley head, at the very edge of the glacier, lay the long, dark, grave mound; an ancient thing that inspired dread and foreboding. So no one went up the valley, up to the glacier and the mound that hid in the great black shadow of Frugelhorn Mountain.

Señor de Nigromantes[]

Your name is Heinrich Kemler, otherwise known as The Lichemaster. You are a necromancer and a man of power! Despite your skills of deception and magic, your life has not been an easy one. Concourse with the power of darkness has taken its tall on your body and on your soul. Your powers, once great beyond imagining, are waning. As your powers began to dwindle the carpers and the opportunists, your enemies and foes, saw to it that you were hounded from city to city, town to town, and, at last, from village to village. You approach death, with little hope of - peace or revenge.

And then you found it! The legendary mound of Krell, nestling undisturbed at the foot of a glacier within a tiny enclosed valley in the Black Mountains. It had fired your mind and dreams in youth, and now in old age you had uncovered its whereabouts. Soon you would uncover its secrets also. For this was the last resting place of the dread hero Krell, Champion of the Gods of Chaos, once the scourge of the world.

It took many dark nights conjuration at the grave mound to raise the fell spirits that dwelt there. At last it was done - and it would be better not to recall the blood and the sacrifice and the unholy pacts made before howling demons. And there he stood in corporeal glory, Krell - a bony horror that still grasped his murderous blacks sword, an evil weapon that had sent a thousand screaming souls to the chaos hells. At his back were ranked his followers and champions. There were the skeleton guards and their Captain, Ranlac the Black, more cruel in death than even in life. By them hung the stench of decay, the rotting zombie legions and their Lieutenant Mikeal Jacsen. In death Jacsen was a great dark skeleton, long and thin and with a skull that burned with an unnatural light, and from in between his huge dead teeth there issued a foul, thin shriek that few could listen too without sickening.

Krell calls upon the Chaos Gods, and you feel vitality flow through your body once more. You have been gifted with 7 days life, and your magic points have been restored to their full level. However, to maintain your vitality you must bring slaughter and death to the people of this valley, they will be your dirst victims. Your objective then is to destroy every settler in the valley. To achieve this you split your dorces into three parts.

Ronlac the Black and two companies each of ten skeletons are to take care of the dwarfs that remain at the gem-mine.

Mikeal Jacsen and half of the zombie hoard, ten in total, are to go to the small settlement of Bogel's Farm and slay the inhabitants.

You yourself will lead the remaining twenty skeletons and ten zombies against the village of Frugelhofen. Renlac and Mikael will meet you there in time for rhe assoult, assuming of course that all foes according to plan at the mine and farm.

Batalla 1 - El Asalto a la Mina[]

Gimbrin Buenyelmo y su banda de aventureros enanos han vuelto a ocupar la antigua mina enana. Esperan hacer fortuna, pero hasta ahora no han encontrado nada de valor real. Es al amanecer cuando llega la advertencia del cuerno de guardia, y los enanos rápidamente se ponen las armaduras y armas para hacer frente a esta amenaza inesperada. ¡Ranlac el Negro y sus temibles guardias esqueleto, están avanzado hacia la mina!

Enfrentase a la hordas de Krell lideradas por Ranlac, la mera supervivencia parece casi imposible. los enanos son pocos en número, pero con suerte aún pueden ganar, de esta forma poder apresurase en Frugelhofen y a advertir a la gente y participar en la defensa del pueblo. En el peor de los casos Gimbrin piensa aguantar el mayor tiempo posible, ya que puede significar la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte para la gente del pueblo de Frugelhofen.

Batalla 2 - Ataque a la Granja Bogels[]

Batalla 3 - La Defensa de Frugelhofen[]


La caja contiene un libro de escenarios de 24 páginas, dieciséis páginas de edificios de cartón, personajes de cartón, contadores de cartas, un mapa de carteles en color y un pin.

Además se incluía una oferta de miniaturas en la que puedes comprar miniaturas para usar en lugar de las figuras de cartón; esto se muestra en un folleto que viene dentro de la caja. El paquete también contiene la única mención de un paquete de escenarios próximamente llamado "Isla Treacher" que se ubicara en Lustria.


